Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Wow, deaf, dumb, and blind all at once. Quite the feat!

More of your delusional fantasies!

Losers like you are always so sure that other people in power are corrupt because if you were in power, you'd be corrupt. You just can't imagine that there are honest people - unlike yourself.
More of your delusional fantasies!

Losers like you are always so sure that other people in power are corrupt because if you were in power, you'd be corrupt. You just can't imagine that there are honest people - unlike yourself.

You're a complete waste of O2, a complete fool.

I believe God is punishing the US​

1miseryindex Dec2023 Sibgip00001: We have become a very materialistic society, & have lost the Christian charity we once more or less had. It's all about ME these days. There are good people in the US still, but I speak generally. Sibgip00001

Saint 1Miseryindex in Sibgip00001 is flummoxed by one supernatural white Christian nationalist myth after another. The foundational myth for all WCNs is the one where the Mayflower Compact seeded what would become a covenant between the 1776 Revolutionaries of the founding generation and the God of Judeo-Christian traditions. There is no trace of the Mayflower Covenant in the US Constitution

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

NotfooledbyW Jan2024 Vpmaez00250: I am a rational theist as so many revolutionary leaders were in the British Colonies in the 1770s. So I don’t speak for any particular Supernatural Being because that is not particularly a correct American thing to do,

Conservative American Evangelicals are taking this country to task​

NotfooledbyW Aug2024 Vcaeat00181: “James Madison shares history on the same highly educated and European Enlightenment level with Jefferson and Adam’s and Washington and Franklin and Paine and Ethan Allen, none of whom expressed their belief that the Hebrew/Christian Bible was Holy or that it was the actual and only Word of God speaking directly to humankind. •¥• All those highly educated peers of Madison held religious liberty in higher regard than religiosity if we read what they thought about the subject.” .•¥¥• nfbw 220826 Vcaeat00181

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

NotfooledbyW Jan2024 Vpmaez00250: This is in response to Saint 1miseryindex‘s POST Sibgip00001 •¥• America was materialistic from day one. If God were to punish any people it will be to punish his chosen white evangelical nationalists for choosing the antiChrist heathen named Trump because he promised them “power” in Iowa 2015 and they sold him their souls just to taste it, DJT is destroying the Republic before our very eyes and the white evangelicals, with some assists from Vladimir Putin, want more. nfbw 240114 Vpmaez00250 to Sibgip00001

OldFlame Jan2024 Spmaez00372: Why are you obsessed with Christians supporting Trump? Only answer is that you're a bigot. •¥• Name one perfect Christian. •¥¥• vldflvmv 240125 Spmaez00372

My immediate response to Saint OldFlame ’s request to name one perfect Christian from POST Spmaez00372 ; I say I don’t give a damn if a Christian is perfect or not.

What we need is perfect voters who live in a facts based universe instead of some supernatural faith based fear that homosexuality by one or more law abiding citizens will bring the wrath of God upon our entire nation because of some Covenant between white European immigrants to the New World in the 17th Century, and their God, is broken,

The same with abortion rights in every state.

America was founded as an enlightened multicultural Nation​

nfbw 200216 inserted Washington letter to Hebrew Congregation a awfaa00009

“........the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.,,,,,”From George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, 18 August 1790

#nfbw 240125 Vpmaez00404 to vldflvmv 240125 Spmaez00372
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That is very interesting.

Reminds me of the Jihad rules the Muslims use.
Exactly right.

MAGA says they're at war with us. MAGA says those who disagree with them are evil. The similarities are clear.

Look at the apocalyptic language used by MAGA'S leader: "The Final Battle", "I am your retribution". They think he was freaking sent by God save America from Satan.

This is a pseudo-religious-based cult. Christianity's version of jihadism.
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In 2010 the political party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán won two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly, allowing the party to pass a new constitution in 2011. That constitution included recognition of “the role of Christianity in preserving nationhood” and a need for “spiritual and intellectualrenewal.” During the Syrian refugee crisis, Orbán’s government opposed the resettlement of asylum seekers in Europe, in part on the basis of religion, writing in a 2015 op-ed in Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, “Most [refugees] are not Christian, but Muslim.” In December 2020 an anti-LGBTQ+ amendment to the Hungarian constitution was passed that restricted adoptions to heterosexual couples and mandated that children be raised with “values based on our Christian culture.”
I bet lots of people in his country approved of this. And you say it like it's a bad thing.
Numbnuts your video was about obstruction
No, it wasn't, idiot.

Fucking moron Mueller found insuffient evidence of trump Russian collusion damn you conspriscy theorist are stupid.

Holy fuck, you're stupid.
First you claim the video wasn't about collusion, but obstruction.
Then you claim it was.

Collusion Definition & Meaning​

https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › collu...

Jan 15, 2024 — noun. col·lu·sion kə-ˈlü-zhən. Synonyms of collusion. : secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose. ...

Mueller couldn't prove it.


Trump and associates had over 100 contacts with ...​

The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › campaign › 427082-...

Jan 26, 2019 — President Trump and at least 17 of his campaign officials and advisers had contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks or their ...

Then lied about it.
No, it wasn't, idiot.
Numbnuts the video you used was about obstruction you dumb son of a bitch. I suggest you watch it.

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I bet lots of people in his country approved of this. And you say it like it's a bad thing.

Hard to say Saint lennypartiv Very hard to say! I’m sure you would believe an American Victor Orban’s shit does not stink and you’d join his cult it if happened here.

The same with Father Charles Coughlin from the 1930s .if he were to be living in our time saving baby fetus and shucking the Constitution of its separation of church and state. I’m sure from your writings you would contribute to his popularity?

'Indoctrination' {“Victor Orban”} Coming from a Calvinist background and claiming to be non-religious before forging closer ties with the Catholic Church in recent years, Orban has spearheaded the so-called re-Christianisation of Hungary's schools.
Before the communist era, about 20 percent of schools were Catholic. But that figure dropped to just five percent by the early 2000s. It has since rebounded, claiming 17 percent of primary and 25 percent of secondary schools.
Such actions, including the renovation of places of worship, "may have been viewed favourably by the Holy See", Perintfalvi said.
But "this is precisely where the contradictions come in", she added.
"The state expects unconditional support" from local churches, she explained, in return for all the money and resources being poured into religious institutions and education.
In a sign of the political influence, most Hungarian clerics did not heed the pope's call to welcome refugees during the 2015 migration crisis, with which Orban was at odds.
Hungarian clerics have also refrained from addressing Orban's anti-LGBTQ policies, which the European Commission and international organisations have denounced.

After the US election was Constitutionally certified by all fifty states in mid-December 2020 this was going on on behalf of the loser.

MAGA Catholics - read Saint Mashmont ‘s posts for Orbanism in America

The Jericho March


MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reported on Monday about Pope Francis' decision to fire Joseph Strickland, a far-right Texas bishop who spent months attacking him as illegitimate — and suggested that there might be another reason, beyond his public insubordination, that the Vatican might want to be rid of him.

"You might remember that just before the January 6th attack on Congress, like three weeks before that, in mid-Dec. 2020, there was another day of crazy right-wing pro-Trump violence in the streets of Washington, D.C.," said Maddow. "Dec. 12, 2020. A number of people were stabbed. There were brawls in the streets of Washington, running, fistfights and battles. This was the day when a Black Lives Matter banner was stolen and burned from a D.C. church ... The largest event pro-Trump forces had organized was something called the Jericho March. This was a Mike Flynn thing, where Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the pro-Trump right-wing paramilitary group the Oath Keepers, who is now in jail on sedition charges — this is where Stewart Rhodes, at this event, called for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act to use the military in American streets to keep Trump in power."

It was violence and radicalism were the warm-up for the Jan. 6 attack, she explained.

"And that event, the Jericho March, the headline event of that day, included an address, a speech from a sitting Catholic bishop, from Bishop Joseph Strickland from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas," Maddow continued. "A serving bishop speaking at an event that was calling for the overthrow of the U.S. government, calling for the overthrow of the U.S. election results, including by the use of the Army, the U.S. military against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil."
MAGA Catholics “one ultra-right priest in the state of Wisconsin calling for Pope Francis to be assassinated
This extremism is not even unique within certain factions of the Catholic Church, Maddow noted. "Among ultra-right Catholic priests right now, things have been kind of bananas," she continued. "We have got, for example, one ultra-right priest in the state of Wisconsin calling for Pope Francis to be assassinated. Calling for the Pope to be murdered."

MAGA Catholics Father Charles Coughlin,

Moreover, there are historical analogs, she continued, including the infamous "Radio Priest" Father Charles Coughlin, who built up a nationwide following in the 1930s and grew more radical.

"By 1936, he was telling listeners when the ballot became useless in the United States, he would urge them to use bullets instead," said Maddow, recalling a Catholic leader she brings up in her podcast "Ultra," recently published as a book. "He openly endorsed what he called 'the road of fascism.' By 1938, Coughlin was defending pogroms and Nazi mass violence against Jewish people in Germany. By 1939, he was depicting Jews as a life-sucking octopus strangling the United States. By 1941, he was cheering on Nazi military victories in Europe, saying the end result would be that Hitler would create, 'a United States of Europe,' which he said would 'appeal to Americans despite all the propaganda aimed at disparaging it.' So, therefore, Americans should root for Hitler to win."

more to come Saint Lennypartiv / giving you a few days to read and comprehend the dose of reality that Rachel Maddie can bring to your soul if you renounce white Christian nationalism as all true American patriots should.

You too Saint bigrebnc1775 with your big gun n shit.


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