Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

There ar major distinctions between the Trump Classified documents scenario, and the Biden one, Here they are >>>

First here are the Facts on President Trumps Documents.

  1. The National Archives were aware of every document Trump had in his possession.
  2. The National Archive were negotiating with Trump lawyers over the status of these documents.
  3. The Documents were secured per National Archive instructions and under Secret Service security.
  4. President Donald Trump had the Legal Right granted by Law to declassify and retain any document’s or materials he chose to declassify and retain.
Now President Biden’s List of facts on his Documents.

  1. The National Archives were unaware of any Classified Documents being in the possession of Vice President Biden
  2. The National Archives were unaware Classified Documents that had been in Vice President Biden’s possession had gone missing.
  3. The Documents were in a closet, in an office with a standard door lock, in an unsecure building with no security at all.
  4. The Vice President, and any government official, or American Citizen, can not legally posses classified documents or materials outside of an Official Supervised Secure Federal Location. That is the Law, it is enforced under the Espionage Act.
  5. The Vice President of the United State does not posses the legal authority to declassify a single thing.
  6. The only classification these documents can have under these facts is that of Stolen Classified Documents.
By law, presidents and vice presidents must turn over government records to the National Archives and Records Administration when they leave office.
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Win for me, but I do know your ignorance is Bliss. Where do you vote? In what state. I care about anti-American ignorant people voting in ignorance. So if you don’t vote you Dont matter. Or if you vote in some white Christian grievance enclave like Alabama the most damage you can do with your missing teeth is in the Senate, but we can deal with that one hillbilly state at a time.
I'm not a "futurist", I'm simply conveying what is obvious to those of us who are informed about technology and how it's advancing. You can pretend production automation and artificial intelligence aren't going to progress if it makes you feel better.
Like the man said, a rose by any other name…
Did anybody expect a Biden/Garland appointee (Robert Hur) to present any other than a total WHITEWASH of Biden's mishandling of classified documents ?

So now the precedent is tha despite multiple illegal actions, in reckless fashion, we are all expected to stomach Joe Biden being able to violate the law (in what limit ?), because of his age and inability to remember things ? Where does this stop ? Can Biden now kill somebody because he might have "forgotten" that it is a crime ?

Could he now give classified documents to agents of Russia, Iran, North Korea or China ? And we'll all say ? > > Oh well, he is "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory".
Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: First here are the Facts on President Trumps Documents.
prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00701

Jack Smith has a whole set of facts and evidence that were presented to a grand jury. Your facts are meaningless unless you present them as a rebuttal to the indictment that the grand jury agreed upon.

What am I supposed to do with your set of facts Saint protectionist ?

nfbw 240210 Vpmaez00705
to Spmaez00701
Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: First here are the Facts on President Trumps Documents.
prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00701

Jack Smith has a whole set of facts and evidence that were presented to a grand jury. Your facts are meaningless unless you present them as a rebuttal to the indictment that the grand jury agreed upon.

What am I supposed to do with your set of facts Saint protectionist ?

nfbw 240210 Vpmaez00705
to Spmaez00701
You can present them to the US Supreme Court who will cancel all charges gainst Trump based on immunity,
You can present them to the US Supreme Court who will cancel all charges gainst Trump based on immunity,
That's never going to happen. And you clearly know less than nothing about the documents Case And should probably just stop talking.

That case is a slam dunk , and the crimes were committed after he left office.
protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: > > Oh well, he {Biden} is "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory". prtctnst 241002 Spmaez00704

The special prosecutor in that sentence was speculating about what Biden’s defense was going to be, and that the jury could sympathize with it. So that has nothing to do with evidence or the legal facts of the case. If you read the full report, the special prosecutor found no evidence worthy of issuing an indictment.
Are you cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt based on the evidence, and the lack there of that Biden was willfully, violating the law or even knew that he had certain specific documents in question.

The special prosecutor said there was no paper or email trail that he could present to the jury that would convince them that Biden had committed a crime intentionally

So speculating what Biden’s defense would have been in a trial is moot.

nfbw Feb’24 Vpmaez00708 to Spmaez00704
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So every time you vote Republican you vote to deny liberty to women who work and cause inexcusable hardships, specifically at the lower income and asset accumulation scale.
You do realize 1/2 of the GOP are women.......?

Win for me, but I do know your ignorance is Bliss. Where do you vote? In what state. I care about anti-American ignorant people voting in ignorance. So if you don’t vote you Dont matter. Or if you vote in some white Christian grievance enclave like Alabama the most damage you can do with your missing teeth is in the Senate, but we can deal with that one hillbilly state at a time.

Hollow win for you. Nobody cares. You're not going to change my mind or anyone else's.

You're just trying to look intellectual
That's never going to happen. And you clearly know less than nothing about the documents Case And should probably just stop talking.

That case is a slam dunk , and the crimes were committed after he left office.
HA HA. It looks like YOU are who is ignorant on the "case".

The fact is there IS NO CASE.

  • no one can show that Trump knew that any document had left the White House or had been put in Mar a Lago.
  • It's still possible th thr FBI planted the documents. There never has been any proof that they didn't.
  • The whole thing is a stupid, scam, clown act, designed to distract Trump from campaigning in 2024, and nothing more. No substance whatsoever.
  • Trump has immunity, which th US Supreme Court will proclaim.
US Supreme Court will say Trump has immunity.

protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: > > Oh well, he {Biden} is "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory". prtctnst 241002 Spmaez00704

The special prosecutor in that sentence was speculating about what Biden’s defense was going to be, and that the jury could sympathize with it. So that has nothing to do with evidence or the legal facts of the case. If you read the full report, the special prosecutor found no evidence worthy of issuing an indictment.
Are you cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt based on the evidence, and the lack there of that Biden was willfully, violating the law or even knew that he had certain specific documents in question.

The special prosecutor said there was no paper or email trail that he could present to the jury that would convince them that Biden had committed a crime intentionally

So speculating what Biden’s defense would have been in a trial is moot.

nfbw Feb’24 Vpmaez00708 to Spmaez00704
Who the hell cares what the BIDEN/GARLAND APPOINTED special prosecutor says ? That was already dismissed from this thread in Post # 704. 😐
Win for me, but I do know your ignorance is Bliss. Where do you vote? In what state. I care about anti-American ignorant people voting in ignorance. So if you don’t vote you Dont matter. Or if you vote in some white Christian grievance enclave like Alabama the most damage you can do with your missing teeth is in the Senate, but we can deal with that one hillbilly state at a time.

Former President Donald Trump used a rally in South Carolina on Saturday to attack rival Nikki Haley in her home state — and to mock the absence of her husband, who is deployed overseas.

“Where’s her husband? Oh, he’s away. … What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone,” Trump said at his rally in Conway, his first visit to the state this year.
Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: First here are the Facts on President Trumps Documents. prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00701

NotfooledbyW Feb’24 Vpmaez: Jack Smith has a whole set of facts and evidence that were presented to a grand jury. •¥• Your facts are meaningless unless you present them as a rebuttal to the indictment that the grand jury agreed upon. •¥¥ • What am I supposed to do with your set of facts Saint protectionist? •¥¥¥• nfbw 240210 Vpmaez00705 to Spmaez00701

protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: You can present them to the US Supreme Court who will cancel all charges gainst Trump based on immunity, prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00706 to •¥¥¥•

It is interesting to see in POST Spmaez00701 the way Saint Protectionist summed up an entire anticipated six week trial that will go something like taking four and a half minutes:

Prosecution: Trump is a really bad man. We have no evidence or a case but Joe Biden wants to stesk the election by locking him up.

Defense: Here are the Facts on President Trump’s Documents.
  1. The National Archives were aware of every document Trump had in his possession.
  2. The National Archive were negotiating with Trump lawyers over the status of these documents.
  3. The Documents were secured per National Archive instructions and under Secret Service security.
  4. President Donald Trump had the Legal Right granted by Law to declassify and retain any document’s or materials he chose to declassify and retain.
These are all the facts in the entire case. Trump is a perfect human being - you must acquit.

nfbw 240210 Vpmaez00716 to Spmaez00701
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Trump inherited an economy that was close to full recovery, after eight years of Obama raising the economy from near collapse. On illegal immigration, Obama was known as the "Deporter & Chief" because he deported more illegal immigrants than any other president in the last 100 years. These mindless MAGA hats believe whatever their cult leader feeds them
Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240210
NotfooledbyW Feb’24 Vpmaez: Jack Smith has a whole set of facts and evidence that were presented to a grand jury. •¥• Your facts are meaningless unless you present them as a rebuttal to the indictment that the grand jury agreed upon. •¥¥ • What am I supposed to do with your set of facts Saint protectionist? •¥¥¥• nfbw 240210 Vpmaez00705 to Spmaez00701

protectionist Feb’24 Spmaez: You can present them to the US Supreme Court who will cancel all charges gainst Trump based on immunity, prtctnst 240210 Spmaez00706 to •¥¥¥• Vpmaez00705

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240211
The USSC will not decide that a one term president who loses a run for a second term has immunity to disregard the Constitution in order to attempt to prevent the incoming administration from being inaugurated so the loser of the presidential election can “win” a second term by fraud.

nfbw 240211 Vpmaez00720 to Spmaez00706
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