PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Wonderful. That may be the law in your state but it's not federal law.
Just because your experience doesn't reflect what is said in the OP, that neither makes it impossible or a lie.

We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.

Fair enough. We'll empty the prisons of drug offenders and fill them with gun dopes.

Not without a civil war you wont and the decidedly unarmed libtards should be more careful when picking fights and bringing nothing more than their emotive tiny violins to a gunfight.

Liberals are like those little 2 lb yipper dogs who run up to you high pitch barking and you just laugh because their bravado is so cute. :laugh:

The biggest mistake you fools will make is believing we're inept or won't shoot back. You'll be on the run within a month.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Calling it 'gun show' is imprecise because the gaping loophole in the federal law is much bigger than gun show...

Call it the gun-show-flea-market-parking-lot-craigs-list-garage-sale-internet-trailer-park loophole.

Professors at Northeastern and Harvard universities conducted a gun survey in 2015 that isn’t yet published. The national survey of 4,000 non-institutionalized adults found that 22 percent of the people who purchased guns -- at gun shows, stores or elsewhere -- underwent no background check, said Matthew Miller, professor of Health Sciences and Epidemiology at Northeastern University and co-director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center.

When researchers excluded purchases between family and friends, that number dropped to 15 percent, which equates to approximately 5 million gun owners whose most recent purchase did not involve a background check.

5 Million gun purchases/trades/sales - with no background check.

How many where domestic abusers, dishonorable discharges, mentally ill, no fly lists?

Hell, how many are just suicidal. That ugly secret of gun deaths, the majority are suicides. And the pro-life party is okay with suicidal people owning guns.

Not in Illinois thankfully. You don't even need to adjudicated at mentally ill. If you are admitted to hospital program voluntarily, you lose your state gun permit for 5 years.

That's what I call sensible

Piss Poor logic but I don't care about that. Anybody who thinks an American citizen needs a weapon capable of firing 160RPM with magazines capable of supplying that has their head up their military ass.

Americans need the same weapons as the police and military....otherwise you set up a power differential that never helps the people...just ask the Mexicans who are murdered by their own police and military......who have aligned themselves with the drug cartels...they sure do need AR-15s.....a lot of them...and they can't get them...and they are dying in the 10s of thousands every year....
Wonderful. That may be the law in your state but it's not federal law.
Just because your experience doesn't reflect what is said in the OP, that neither makes it impossible or a lie.

We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.

Fair enough. We'll empty the prisons of drug offenders and fill them with gun dopes.

Not without a civil war you wont and the decidedly unarmed libtards should be more careful when picking fights and bringing nothing more than their emotive tiny violins to a gunfight.

Liberals are like those little 2 lb yipper dogs who run up to you high pitch barking and you just laugh because their bravado is so cute. :laugh:

The biggest mistake you fools will make is believing we're inept or won't shoot back. You'll be on the run within a month.

Which side is leaving Iraq, and Afghanistan again?
Another post without substance. Shocker.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho liberal chants.

Still no substance? Seems all you offer is chants.

Let me tell you how it is lib, tomorrow I'll still be wealthy earning major coin at a huge corporation and living the good life and you will still be a bitter liberal who doesn't matter. :laugh:

You aren't wealthy. That much is immediately apparent. You are no doubt a young fool who one day hopes to make
" major coin".

LOL my annual bonus is probably more than you earn in a year. But there's hope for you lib, when you grow up you may become a conservative and after you stop relying on government hand outs and stop waiting for the government to save you from being poor all your life you'll have a chance at a better life.

That must be some major coin. :laugh:
How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

Yeah, if your sport is hunting people.

Spot on. These weapons were created for one purpose, to kill people.
No hunter needs a 30 round magazine.
It's a toy for the tactical minded, dopey adults who like to play badass.

Nope...they are a great weapon for civilian self defense. and if cops and soldiers have them...we get them...since we are the employers not the slaves......just ask the Mexican Autodefensas.....fighting against the police, military and their drug cartel allies in Mexico...as those police and government soldiers murder Mexican citizens in their thousands every year.....ask the autodefensas if they would like to have AR-15s instead of the antique hunting rifles they have...because their government disarmed them.....

More civil war - government overthrow fantasies from the unhappy, unsatisfied underachiever.

Yes........you got me....ouch, that really hurt...twit.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..

That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?

Because if they commit a crime with that gun, they can be arrested...if they are a felon caught with that gun, they can be arrested.......no extra paperwork needed to do that......and the average street age of a crime gun in Chicago....11 years......and you can bet every time that gun changed hands in Chicago it didn't have a background check to do it....
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..

That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?

Honestly, I don't give a shit, I addressed a specific statement made by NYC, he said he could legally sell to a felon and that is a pure unadulterated lie under current law. And why don't I give a shit? Because the vast majority of private sales occur between friends and family and quite frankly I'm damned tried of you regressives inventing problems to exert more control on law abiding citizens.
We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.

Fair enough. We'll empty the prisons of drug offenders and fill them with gun dopes.

Not without a civil war you wont and the decidedly unarmed libtards should be more careful when picking fights and bringing nothing more than their emotive tiny violins to a gunfight.

Liberals are like those little 2 lb yipper dogs who run up to you high pitch barking and you just laugh because their bravado is so cute. :laugh:

The biggest mistake you fools will make is believing we're inept or won't shoot back. You'll be on the run within a month.

Which side is leaving Iraq, and Afghanistan again?

Why is that relevant?
You dopes can never keep to the conversation at hand.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..

That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?

Because if they commit a crime with that gun, they can be arrested...if they are a felon caught with that gun, they can be arrested.......no extra paperwork needed to do that......and the average street age of a crime gun in Chicago....11 years......and you can bet every time that gun changed hands in Chicago it didn't have a background check to do it....

Except they wouldn't have that gun if your shady ass hadn't sold it to him. The fact that no background check happens is the problem.

Thanks for showing us all the dopey mentality you all employ that puts guns in the hands of criminals.
Wonderful. That may be the law in your state but it's not federal law.
Just because your experience doesn't reflect what is said in the OP, that neither makes it impossible or a lie.

We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.

Fair enough. We'll empty the prisons of drug offenders and fill them with gun dopes.

Not without a civil war you wont and the decidedly unarmed libtards should be more careful when picking fights and bringing nothing more than their emotive tiny violins to a gunfight.

Liberals are like those little 2 lb yipper dogs who run up to you high pitch barking and you just laugh because their bravado is so cute. :laugh:

The biggest mistake you fools will make is believing we're inept or won't shoot back. You'll be on the run within a month.

What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..

That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?

Honestly, I don't give a shit, I addressed a specific statement made by NYC, he said he could legally sell to a felon and that is a pure unadulterated lie under current law. And why don't I give a shit? Because the vast majority of private sales occur between friends and family and quite frankly I'm damned tried of you regressives inventing problems to exert more control on law abiding citizens.
Honestly, I don't give a shit,

There in lies the problem. Take you position times a million or more private sellers and the country is awash in shady gun sales. Some guns no doubt being sold over and over passing to increasingly shadier hands.

You could inadvertently sell to a felon who may not have the best intentions without the benefit of a background check. In which case it is not a crime. It's only a crime if you knowingly do it. Who does your cousin Joe sell it to and so on and so on?
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..

That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?

Honestly, I don't give a shit, I addressed a specific statement made by NYC, he said he could legally sell to a felon and that is a pure unadulterated lie under current law. And why don't I give a shit? Because the vast majority of private sales occur between friends and family and quite frankly I'm damned tried of you regressives inventing problems to exert more control on law abiding citizens.
Honestly, I don't give a shit,

There in lies the problem. Take you position times a million or more private sellers and the country is awash in shady gun sales. Some guns no doubt being sold over and over passing to increasingly shadier hands.

You could inadvertently sell to a felon who may not have the best intentions without the benefit of a background check. In which case it is not a crime. It's only a crime if you knowingly do it. Who does your cousin Joe sell it to and so on and so on?

Fuck off an die asshole! Your quoting me out of context proves exactly how intellectually dishonest you regressives are. How about you prove your claim that there are millions of stranger hand to hand private sales, done by legal gun owners.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

Yeah, if your sport is hunting people.

Spot on. These weapons were created for one purpose, to kill people.
No hunter needs a 30 round magazine.
It's a toy for the tactical minded, dopey adults who like to play badass.

Nope...they are a great weapon for civilian self defense. and if cops and soldiers have them...we get them...since we are the employers not the slaves......just ask the Mexican Autodefensas.....fighting against the police, military and their drug cartel allies in Mexico...as those police and government soldiers murder Mexican citizens in their thousands every year.....ask the autodefensas if they would like to have AR-15s instead of the antique hunting rifles they have...because their government disarmed them.....

More civil war - government overthrow fantasies from the unhappy, unsatisfied underachiever.

Yes........you got me....ouch, that really hurt...twit.

I wasn't trying to hurt you. I was merely pointing to your idiocy so the other readers could have a good laugh. No comment from you was necessary.
You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..

That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?

Honestly, I don't give a shit, I addressed a specific statement made by NYC, he said he could legally sell to a felon and that is a pure unadulterated lie under current law. And why don't I give a shit? Because the vast majority of private sales occur between friends and family and quite frankly I'm damned tried of you regressives inventing problems to exert more control on law abiding citizens.
Honestly, I don't give a shit,

There in lies the problem. Take you position times a million or more private sellers and the country is awash in shady gun sales. Some guns no doubt being sold over and over passing to increasingly shadier hands.

You could inadvertently sell to a felon who may not have the best intentions without the benefit of a background check. In which case it is not a crime. It's only a crime if you knowingly do it. Who does your cousin Joe sell it to and so on and so on?

Fuck off an die asshole! Your quoting me out of context proves exactly how intellectually dishonest you regressives are. How about you prove your claim that there are millions of stranger hand to hand private sales, done by legal gun owners.

It was in context. You just don't like the sting.
I didn't say millions. I said times a million.
You don't believe there are at least 1 million private gun sales a year in a country of 300+ million guns? Who says a private gun sale has to be between legal owners? There's no way to know who is buying and who is selling without background checks.
That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?

Honestly, I don't give a shit, I addressed a specific statement made by NYC, he said he could legally sell to a felon and that is a pure unadulterated lie under current law. And why don't I give a shit? Because the vast majority of private sales occur between friends and family and quite frankly I'm damned tried of you regressives inventing problems to exert more control on law abiding citizens.
Honestly, I don't give a shit,

There in lies the problem. Take you position times a million or more private sellers and the country is awash in shady gun sales. Some guns no doubt being sold over and over passing to increasingly shadier hands.

You could inadvertently sell to a felon who may not have the best intentions without the benefit of a background check. In which case it is not a crime. It's only a crime if you knowingly do it. Who does your cousin Joe sell it to and so on and so on?

Fuck off an die asshole! Your quoting me out of context proves exactly how intellectually dishonest you regressives are. How about you prove your claim that there are millions of stranger hand to hand private sales, done by legal gun owners.

It was in context. You just don't like the sting.
I didn't say millions. I said times a million.
You don't believe there are at least 1 million private gun sales a year in a country of 300+ million guns? Who says a private gun sale has to be between legal owners? There's no way to know who is buying and who is selling without background checks.

Liar, it was out of context, I explained that statement later in the paragraph, you didn't include that explanation. Keep talking dude, you just proved exactly how big a fool you are. Illegal gun owners don't give a shit about current laws, are you so stupid to think they would suddenly comply with a new one? And once again you lied, you said times a million or more, not times a million. And no I don't think legal gun owners are making a million private sales to strangers, as I said earlier, most private sales are done between friends and family members and you have yet to prove me wrong.
So it says gun stores (licensed shops) are required to do background checks and straw purchases are illegal.

Nowhere did he say private sales require background checks, only when they are straw purchases are they illegal.

How does that support your point?

Read the parts in bold dope.

My god why do you fools like to play dumb so much? Do you think it's funny or trolly?
It only makes you look like a dope.

There is no universal check for PRIVATE gun sales, what part of that don't you understand?

Randal correctly said that, you keep arguing there are universal checks for LICENSED dealers. You aren't contradicting him

It's there for everyone to see dope. He asserted it more than once from the beginning.

Can you clarify what you think you're arguing? I thought you said that he said private gun sales are subject to background checks. Clearly he did not say that. He said they are not subject to background checks. What is it you think he said you think is wrong? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you
You're wrong.
I gave you a quote.
I said there is no federal law requiring background checks for private sales.
He responded with "bullshit".

That's pretty clear.

He keeps saying there is no Federal law requiring background checks for private sales as well, how does that make you think he's saying there is a Federal law requiring sales for background checks?

And he explained what he said "bullshit" to. You made it sound like there are mostly private sales going on at those events. He said his experience is they are mostly licensed dealers who do have to do background checks. Did you read his whole post or just the "bullshit?"
Not without a civil war you wont and the decidedly unarmed libtards should be more careful when picking fights and bringing nothing more than their emotive tiny violins to a gunfight.

Don't you understand? The Armed Forces will use F-16's and Apaches to fight for the leftists in their war to end the Constitution.

The armed forces will do this because, um, well JUST CUZ. I mean ThinkDictatorship said they would so they will...
The biggest mistake you fools will make is believing we're inept or won't shoot back. You'll be on the run within a month.

The biggest mistake we could make is believing anything you post - ever.

Besides, I thought the army was going to fight for you in your quest to crush the Bill of Rights? That's what Murderem.Org and ThinkDictatorship claim.

George Soros would never lie, he loves you and has your best interests at heart. Not since Pol Pot has a man cared as much about the people as Soros does...
I wasn't trying to hurt you. I was merely pointing to your idiocy so the other readers could have a good laugh. No comment from you was necessary.

You were merely trying to mangle his words to fit your anti-liberty agenda.

You only lie because freedom is too precious to allow just anyone to have it. You of the Khmer Rouge will ensure that only the elite have the better things in life - or even life itself, should the party decide.

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