PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..
That's a state by state issue

And, regardless of the state, a background check MUST be completed by the FBI. You sell a gun without a background check (Chicago for example) and BOTH the seller and the buyer are federal felons.

Not true. That's a State law.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Calling it 'gun show' is imprecise because the gaping loophole in the federal law is much bigger than gun show...

Call it the gun-show-flea-market-parking-lot-craigs-list-garage-sale-internet-trailer-park loophole.

Professors at Northeastern and Harvard universities conducted a gun survey in 2015 that isn’t yet published. The national survey of 4,000 non-institutionalized adults found that 22 percent of the people who purchased guns -- at gun shows, stores or elsewhere -- underwent no background check, said Matthew Miller, professor of Health Sciences and Epidemiology at Northeastern University and co-director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center.

When researchers excluded purchases between family and friends, that number dropped to 15 percent, which equates to approximately 5 million gun owners whose most recent purchase did not involve a background check.

5 Million gun purchases/trades/sales - with no background check.

How many where domestic abusers, dishonorable discharges, mentally ill, no fly lists?

Hell, how many are just suicidal. That ugly secret of gun deaths, the majority are suicides. And the pro-life party is okay with suicidal people owning guns.

Not in Illinois thankfully. You don't even need to adjudicated at mentally ill. If you are admitted to hospital program voluntarily, you lose your state gun permit for 5 years.

That's what I call sensible.

The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

Background checks are are an abomination for two reasons.

First of all they do nothing to stop crime. If a crook wants to get a firearm for illegal reasons a stupid background check will not stop him. Besides, as we saw in Orlando passing a background check is no guarantee that a legally owned weapon will not be used for a crime.

The second reason is by far the most important reason that we should not have any background checks. It is the fact that the Bill of Rights says very clearly that because it is necessary for the security of a free state the right and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Background checks becomes an infringement for the filthy ass oppressive government to deny a citizen a right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and that is simply wrong.

If a citizen has to get permission from the filthy ass government to be able to enjoy a right that is clearly established in the Bill of Rights then the BORs isn't worth the parchment it is written on.

The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to establish a boundary that the government cannot infringe. Background becomes a very convenient way for the filthy ass government to infringe upon our rights and that is despicable.

The crime should never be the possession of a firearm. The crime should be what the firearm is used for if it is illegal.

Dumbass Libtards never seem to understand the basic concept of liberty.
Here's the problem - your side isn't with you.

My side is rational thought and common sense.

So that's why YOUR side has passed laws that allow women to murder their babies - to the tune of 50 million since 1973. Yeah, all "peace and "love" aren't you....

There is no law that allows anyone to murder babies.

Well of course not skippy!! That's where you "educated" liberals come into play....women have murdered babies legally in this country since Roe V Wade in 1973. The difference? You "educated" tyrants call it a "woman's right" and the rest of the world calls it murder. 50 million - an entire generation of babies. And you assholes call yourselves "compassionate". You are no better than ISIS.

It's funny that you think a fetus and a baby are interchangeable terms.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser, both are stages of human development.
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..
That's a state by state issue

And, regardless of the state, a background check MUST be completed by the FBI. You sell a gun without a background check (Chicago for example) and BOTH the seller and the buyer are federal felons.


Only 18 states and DC require paperwork for private sales.

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Read it and weep....

It only applies to FFL dealers and interstate sales, private in state sales are exempted.
Open the quote box dope.

So it says gun stores (licensed shops) are required to do background checks and straw purchases are illegal.

Nowhere did he say private sales require background checks, only when they are straw purchases are they illegal.

How does that support your point?

Read the parts in bold dope.

My god why do you fools like to play dumb so much? Do you think it's funny or trolly?
It only makes you look like a dope.

There is no universal check for PRIVATE gun sales, what part of that don't you understand?

Randal correctly said that, you keep arguing there are universal checks for LICENSED dealers. You aren't contradicting him

It's there for everyone to see dope. He asserted it more than once from the beginning.

Can you clarify what you think you're arguing? I thought you said that he said private gun sales are subject to background checks. Clearly he did not say that. He said they are not subject to background checks. What is it you think he said you think is wrong? Maybe I'm misunderstanding you
You're wrong.
I gave you a quote.
I said there is no federal law requiring background checks for private sales.
He responded with "bullshit".

That's pretty clear.
More violent fantasies I see. Probably the exact person who shouldn't have guns.

Lol tell that to my former military instructors

Funny, my military instructors never mentioned or trained me in civil war. That comes from your frail, damaged brain.



I smell squid.

View attachment 78978

And I am a Star Ship Captain in the Federation of Planets......

View attachment 78987
No, you're just a run of the mill dope. You certainly aren't a veteran as that would require balls. A whiny puke like you never did anything difficult.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .

Background checks don't stop criminals...they just don't. Criminals use people with clean records to buy their guns at licensed gun dealers....so if those people went to a private seller, they could pass that background check too...making the call for universal background checks pointless for the reason of stopping criminals..

Mass shooters can pass background checks too...the few who can't steal their guns or buy them illegally.

registering guns does not do anything for straw purchases.....they report the guns stolen.....they are then clean.

Felons do not have to register illegal guns..as per the Haynes v. United States supreme court decision...

Most crime guns found in Illinois...are 11 years on the street before they are found....this factoid was from a recent article by Kevin D. Williamson...

And gun registration is only needed in order to confiscate guns in the future. Besides being a waste of time, money and manpower....
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

No one ever claimed that background checks would stop all prohibited persons from obtaining firearms.

You keep posting this same fallacy and look stupid every time you do.

No one looks more stupid than one that uses "fallacy" in virtually every post.
The anti-gun mob runs on emotion, not logic. Arguing with emotional people is a waste of time. Better to spend your time buying ammo and supporting the NRA.

I'm signed up with the NRA through 2021 strictly due to the actions of the anti-gun mob. Yes, the NRA is a PITA with their calls for money, but I'm just a member and enjoy the American Rifleman magazine.

Nonetheless, I see the attack on the Second Amendment as an attack on the entire Constitution. I've asked several anti-gunners "If we passed the Obama/Clinton Gun control bill, would you be satisfied and never ask for additional gun control laws?" NONE OF THEM SAID YES. It's a step toward their ultimate goal of gun bans and confiscation.

How about the right to life liberty and the pursuit if happiness ? Aka , not getting gunned down by some freak with an AR .

And spare me this bullshit "attack on the constitution" . You on,y care about the 2nd and you wipe your ass with the rest .
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
Barry deserves all of the mass shootings happening on "his watch"...
He has great crocodile tears. Lol

Yeah, if your sport is hunting people.

Spot on. These weapons were created for one purpose, to kill people.
No hunter needs a 30 round magazine.
It's a toy for the tactical minded, dopey adults who like to play badass.

Nope...they are a great weapon for civilian self defense. and if cops and soldiers have them...we get them...since we are the employers not the slaves......just ask the Mexican Autodefensas.....fighting against the police, military and their drug cartel allies in Mexico...as those police and government soldiers murder Mexican citizens in their thousands every year.....ask the autodefensas if they would like to have AR-15s instead of the antique hunting rifles they have...because their government disarmed them.....

More civil war - government overthrow fantasies from the unhappy, unsatisfied underachiever.
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

We have large gun shows in my area, 99% of the vendors are gun dealers so you have to undergo a background check to buy anything. Its not some swap meet full of private party sellers like they make them out to be. Of the very view tables that are not dealers they sell old Uncle Bob hunting rifles and antique guns. Then there's the OP mentioning craigslist, you can't sell guns on craigslist.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

Just because it's that way in your area doesn't mean it's that way everywhere or a lie. Only 18 states and DC require checks for private sales. A federal law would make that the rule everywhere.

I don't need your permission to take a shit lib or sell my guns so buzz off.
What's so bad about background checks and gun "titles" so you can follow the ownership and wipe out straw purchases .
We already have background checks and straw purchases are illegal. Enforce the present laws. We don't need any new ones.

You can't enforce a law that doesn't exist. I can legally sell a gun to a felon because I can legally sell it without having him go through a background check..

That's an absolute lie, knowingly selling a gun to a prohibited person is a felony under current law.

How do you know who you or the next three guys are selling that gun to without a check?
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Another post without substance. Shocker.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho liberal chants.

Still no substance? Seems all you offer is chants.

Let me tell you how it is lib, tomorrow I'll still be wealthy earning major coin at a huge corporation and living the good life and you will still be a bitter liberal who doesn't matter. :laugh:
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Wonderful. That may be the law in your state but it's not federal law.
Just because your experience doesn't reflect what is said in the OP, that neither makes it impossible or a lie.

We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.

Fair enough. We'll empty the prisons of drug offenders and fill them with gun dopes.

We'll empty our magazines, bring it.
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Wonderful. That may be the law in your state but it's not federal law.
Just because your experience doesn't reflect what is said in the OP, that neither makes it impossible or a lie.

We will never compromise with gun control advocates, on anything, not one inch, eat it.

Fair enough. We'll empty the prisons of drug offenders and fill them with gun dopes.

Not without a civil war you wont and the decidedly unarmed libtards should be more careful when picking fights and bringing nothing more than their emotive tiny violins to a gunfight.

Liberals are like those little 2 lb yipper dogs who run up to you high pitch barking and you just laugh because their bravado is so cute. :laugh:
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

We have large gun shows in my area, 99% of the vendors are gun dealers so you have to undergo a background check to buy anything. Its not some swap meet full of private party sellers like they make them out to be. Of the very view tables that are not dealers they sell old Uncle Bob hunting rifles and antique guns. Then there's the OP mentioning craigslist, you can't sell guns on craigslist.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

Just because it's that way in your area doesn't mean it's that way everywhere or a lie. Only 18 states and DC require checks for private sales. A federal law would make that the rule everywhere.

I don't need your permission to take a shit lib or sell my guns so buzz off.

And what of the private sellers who share your view but may not have the scruples to mind whom they're selling to?

You no doubt make a nice revenue from shady gun sales off the books.
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Another post without substance. Shocker.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho liberal chants.

Still no substance? Seems all you offer is chants.

Let me tell you how it is lib, tomorrow I'll still be wealthy earning major coin at a huge corporation and living the good life and you will still be a bitter liberal who doesn't matter. :laugh:

You aren't wealthy. That much is immediately apparent. You are no doubt a young fool who one day hopes to make
" major coin".
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Indeed. I have bought both guns and ammo at gun shows, as well as cabelas, bass pro, and I have had guns shipped to a local FFL dealer from online sales.

In every single case, before I could take delivery, I underwent a background check by the FBI.

In some cases, at gun shows, I had to wait hours or even had to come back the next day to pick the firearm up due to the backlog of background checks.

When I purchased a firearm from online, the FFL dealer notified me when it arrived and I went to his place of business and the background check was ran at that time.

The propaganda the left throws out there is the most dishonest crap I have seen in some time.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

We have large gun shows in my area, 99% of the vendors are gun dealers so you have to undergo a background check to buy anything. Its not some swap meet full of private party sellers like they make them out to be. Of the very view tables that are not dealers they sell old Uncle Bob hunting rifles and antique guns. Then there's the OP mentioning craigslist, you can't sell guns on craigslist.

Gun control advocates are LIARS!

Just because it's that way in your area doesn't mean it's that way everywhere or a lie. Only 18 states and DC require checks for private sales. A federal law would make that the rule everywhere.

I don't need your permission to take a shit lib or sell my guns so buzz off.

And what of the private sellers who share your view but may not have the scruples to mind whom they're selling to?

You no doubt make a nice revenue from shady gun sales off the books.

Law abiding gun owners like myself already refuse to sell our guns to the American hating refuges you people allow into the country. We already require purchasers to undergo a background check voluntarily, without the need of 100 new gun control laws. Lowlife scum criminals on the other hand already don't obey your gun control laws and will not obey new gun control laws no matter how many you pass. Hence you people are either dumb as a brick or you intentionally and dishonestly wish to restrict law abiding citizens rights I don't know just because you are assholes? Please explain your traitorous actions.
Another OP full of lies, shocker.

Another post without substance. Shocker.

Shouldn't you be working on your hey hey ho ho liberal chants.

Still no substance? Seems all you offer is chants.

Let me tell you how it is lib, tomorrow I'll still be wealthy earning major coin at a huge corporation and living the good life and you will still be a bitter liberal who doesn't matter. :laugh:

You aren't wealthy. That much is immediately apparent. You are no doubt a young fool who one day hopes to make
" major coin".

LOL my annual bonus is probably more than you earn in a year. But there's hope for you lib, when you grow up you may become a conservative and after you stop relying on government hand outs and stop waiting for the government to save you from being poor all your life you'll have a chance at a better life.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

"Loophole" (n): A remaining bit of freedom the government hasn't taken away yet.

PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'

Calling it 'gun show' is imprecise because the gaping loophole in the federal law is much bigger than gun show...

Call it the gun-show-flea-market-parking-lot-craigs-list-garage-sale-internet-trailer-park loophole.

Professors at Northeastern and Harvard universities conducted a gun survey in 2015 that isn’t yet published. The national survey of 4,000 non-institutionalized adults found that 22 percent of the people who purchased guns -- at gun shows, stores or elsewhere -- underwent no background check, said Matthew Miller, professor of Health Sciences and Epidemiology at Northeastern University and co-director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center.

When researchers excluded purchases between family and friends, that number dropped to 15 percent, which equates to approximately 5 million gun owners whose most recent purchase did not involve a background check.

5 Million gun purchases/trades/sales - with no background check.

How many where domestic abusers, dishonorable discharges, mentally ill, no fly lists?

Hell, how many are just suicidal. That ugly secret of gun deaths, the majority are suicides. And the pro-life party is okay with suicidal people owning guns.

Not in Illinois thankfully. You don't even need to adjudicated at mentally ill. If you are admitted to hospital program voluntarily, you lose your state gun permit for 5 years.

That's what I call sensible

Piss Poor logic but I don't care about that. Anybody who thinks an American citizen needs a weapon capable of firing 160RPM with magazines capable of supplying that has their head up their military ass.

A lot of people have a lot of things they dont need here in the US. it's a freedom thing. We don't expect commie libturdz to comprehend it.

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