Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Your denial of reality is a weakness on your part.
Your reality of tear soaked hand wringing whining is a weakness. No wonder your women feel you guys lack testosterone.

Your spin is noted and dismissed.
So what are whites going to do about it?
They join the klan

The Klan is long dead. It's primary purpose today, is to provide the thinnest of justifications for the vile attacks of the vile liberals in our society.
The Klan is dead in the head like you. Just because they are stupid, inbred, lumps of waste doesnt mean they dont exist.

In numbers too small to be relevant.
Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.

Yes, that’s great! With a routine like that you’ll likely make the podium.

DO you realize that the type of pompous dismissal of white people's issues, is one of the reasons, that Trump was able to swing the Rust Belt and win the Presidency?

I live in the Rust Belt. We were deep, deep, deeply blue collar union dems.

It took generations of smug libs like yourself to end that.

Think on that, lib.

Trump son the rust
So what are whites going to do about it?
They join the klan

The Klan is long dead. It's primary purpose today, is to provide the thinnest of justifications for the vile attacks of the vile liberals in our society.
The Klan is dead in the head like you. Just because they are stupid, inbred, lumps of waste doesnt mean they dont exist.

The Klan still exists. They have just taken off the hoods, burn less crosses, modified their message to "sound" differently, and rebranded themselves as the "alt right".

Your support of their attempt to co-opt the alt right, shows you are their ally.

And they barely exist, in numbers too small to take notice.
Still whining that same tired ass song huh? Get yourself some education and a new skill set and stop crying. You low hanging fruit white boys want pity because you are the dregs of humanity.

Feel Free to move.

View attachment 234135
I'm always free to move. However I wont move until you do.

Why? You have to follow me everywhere? Parasite.
I dont want to follow you. I want you to leave before I consider leaving.

Why would it matter what I did? Can you not think for yourself?
It would matter because if I saw you leave then I could get rid of the wet dog smell while I fumigate.
So what are whites going to do about it?
They join the klan

The Klan is long dead. It's primary purpose today, is to provide the thinnest of justifications for the vile attacks of the vile liberals in our society.
The Klan is dead in the head like you. Just because they are stupid, inbred, lumps of waste doesnt mean they dont exist.

In numbers too small to be relevant.
Millions of them voted for Drumpf. Thats relevant.
I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Your denial of reality is a weakness on your part.
Your reality of tear soaked hand wringing whining is a weakness. No wonder your women feel you guys lack testosterone.

Your spin is noted and dismissed.
Your whining and sobbing like a baby are also dismissed.
Poll: 6-in-7 GOP Voters Say Minorities Favored over White Americans

They are 100% correct! White Americans especially White males are discriminated against and its damn near legal its certainly allowed!
Another thread with white boys whining about how its all so unfair. :rolleyes:

Hmm, and yet media & Hollywood largely target Whites, like Italians, Poles, Rednecks, the French, Russians, etc. etc.

There's certainly an argument to be made for reverse discrimination.
White people own Hollywood and the media ya wimp. Stop your whining about them portraying some semblance of reality.

Hollywood & media are dominately Jewish, they're half breed Semites who tend to deeply resent White Christians.

With that said, Jews like Blacks & other minorities tend to be babied, While White Christians villified.
You are funny. There is such thing as looking like a Polish JEW as opposed to a Polish Catholic. What's even funnier is that you are trying to draw your dingbat racial "conclusions" off of a photo of a long-gone comedian whose name I can't remember.

The only "White group" which gets special protection as a sort of minority, are "Jews"
I'm not sure, apparently because of the Holocaust, well what about Whites who suffered enormously??????
Like Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, the Irish, etc. etc.???????????

I guess "White Goy lives don't matter"??????

Polish Jews aren't Polish Catholics, Polish Catholics are far different.

Differences include.

A.) Ashkenazi Jews have much more hooked noses. (Armenoid noses)

B.) Ashkenazi Jews have much curlier hair.

C.) Ashkenazi Jews have far less Blonde hair.

D.) Poles have much rounder faces than Ashkenazi Jews.

E.) Poles have much higher & bigger cheek bones than Ashkenazi Jews.

F.) Ashkenazi Jews spoke overwhelmingly Yiddish, not Polish.

G.) Ashkenazi Jews are genetically half Near-Eastern, Poles are not.

H.) Poles tend to believe in Jesus, Jews don't.

I.) Poles tend to be very Conservative & Jews tend to be very Liberal.

And who the hell cares what somebody looks like? What religion a person practices? What language they speak at home, what political viewpoints they adopt? There is nothing important about anything you mention.

What are you trying to pull? Stop trying to embarrass those of Polish background. You should be ashamed of yourself.

BTW: one of the most gorgeous guys I've ever seen is a tall Ashkenazi Jew of Russian/Polish background, with straight reddish-brown hair. Eye-candy all the way. Giggle.

So differences don't matter?
Of course they do, you're just not intelligent enough to grasp it.

The point stands Jews are the only White group awarded special minority like status.

Otherwise it's okay to attack Whites.

You never said who is "attack[ing] Whites," and how this is being done. Our anti-discrimination laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, ethnicity, and occasionally sexual orientation. I will assume that you have all of these characteristics. If you feel that you have been discriminated against on the basis of one of these characteristics, file a complaint with your state's human-rights agency.

There is no such thing as "special minority like status."
He wont say because the people he claims are attacking whites are whites themselves. Somebody get that clown a years supply of Puffs tissue with lotion and a shot of testosterone and hope for the best.

As if you aren't a Black Supremacist who constantly mocks Whites?

Then how is it "ONLY" Whites attacking Whites?
So what are whites going to do about it?
They join the klan

The Klan is long dead. It's primary purpose today, is to provide the thinnest of justifications for the vile attacks of the vile liberals in our society.
The Klan is dead in the head like you. Just because they are stupid, inbred, lumps of waste doesnt mean they dont exist.

In numbers too small to be relevant.
Millions of them voted for Drumpf. Thats relevant.

There are not millions of them. YOu are a fool.
Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Your denial of reality is a weakness on your part.
Your reality of tear soaked hand wringing whining is a weakness. No wonder your women feel you guys lack testosterone.

Your spin is noted and dismissed.
Your whining and sobbing like a baby are also dismissed.

Your delusions are between you and the voices in your head.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Your denial of reality is a weakness on your part.
Your reality of tear soaked hand wringing whining is a weakness. No wonder your women feel you guys lack testosterone.

Your spin is noted and dismissed.
Your whining and sobbing like a baby are also dismissed.

Your delusions are between you and the voices in your head.
Says the guy whining and crying about whites discriminating against whites. :rolleyes:
They join the klan

The Klan is long dead. It's primary purpose today, is to provide the thinnest of justifications for the vile attacks of the vile liberals in our society.
The Klan is dead in the head like you. Just because they are stupid, inbred, lumps of waste doesnt mean they dont exist.

In numbers too small to be relevant.
Millions of them voted for Drumpf. Thats relevant.

There are not millions of them. YOu are a fool.
Of course there are millions of them fool.

Study: 24 Million White Americans Have Alt-Right Beliefs. What’s That Mean?
What are you?
You look like a Polish JEW, in your photo.

Do you consider yourself White, or a special "Minority", exactly???????

Anyways, there's certainly a case to be made for anti-White discrimination AKA Reverse Discrimination, it's merely more Politically Correct, than other forms of discrimination, at least on the whole.

You are funny. There is such thing as looking like a Polish JEW as opposed to a Polish Catholic. What's even funnier is that you are trying to draw your dingbat racial "conclusions" off of a photo of a long-gone comedian whose name I can't remember.

The only "White group" which gets special protection as a sort of minority, are "Jews"
I'm not sure, apparently because of the Holocaust, well what about Whites who suffered enormously??????
Like Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, the Irish, etc. etc.???????????

I guess "White Goy lives don't matter"??????

Polish Jews aren't Polish Catholics, Polish Catholics are far different.

Differences include.

A.) Ashkenazi Jews have much more hooked noses. (Armenoid noses)

B.) Ashkenazi Jews have much curlier hair.

C.) Ashkenazi Jews have far less Blonde hair.

D.) Poles have much rounder faces than Ashkenazi Jews.

E.) Poles have much higher & bigger cheek bones than Ashkenazi Jews.

F.) Ashkenazi Jews spoke overwhelmingly Yiddish, not Polish.

G.) Ashkenazi Jews are genetically half Near-Eastern, Poles are not.

H.) Poles tend to believe in Jesus, Jews don't.

I.) Poles tend to be very Conservative & Jews tend to be very Liberal.

And who the hell cares what somebody looks like? What religion a person practices? What language they speak at home, what political viewpoints they adopt? There is nothing important about anything you mention.

What are you trying to pull? Stop trying to embarrass those of Polish background. You should be ashamed of yourself.

BTW: one of the most gorgeous guys I've ever seen is a tall Ashkenazi Jew of Russian/Polish background, with straight reddish-brown hair. Eye-candy all the way. Giggle.

So differences don't matter?
Of course they do, you're just not intelligent enough to grasp it.

The point stands Jews are the only White group awarded special minority like status.

Otherwise it's okay to attack Whites.

You never said who is "attack[ing] Whites," and how this is being done. Our anti-discrimination laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, ethnicity, and occasionally sexual orientation. I will assume that you have all of these characteristics. If you feel that you have been discriminated against on the basis of one of these characteristics, file a complaint with your state's human-rights agency.

There is no such thing as "special minority like status."

A mix of different groups attack different White groups.
Whites included, but others not excluded including Blacks.

The main group attacking Polish people are actually Jews, they pushed the dumb Polak joke into the mainstream & promote that Poland did the Holocaust bit.

If Blacks were so maliciously attacked it wouldn't be taken well in our society.
Because Poles are White it's okay to bash them.
Your denial of reality is a weakness on your part.
Your reality of tear soaked hand wringing whining is a weakness. No wonder your women feel you guys lack testosterone.

Your spin is noted and dismissed.
Your whining and sobbing like a baby are also dismissed.

Your delusions are between you and the voices in your head.
Says the guy whining and crying about whites discriminating against whites. :rolleyes:

Correct, (in that I rightfully complain about the discrimination against whites, by "whites" ie, institutions that you consider "White".)

I say that your delusions about me are between you and the voices in your head.

Because they are. I don't give a damn about your crazy talk.
Your dismissal of our reasonable grievances is not going to make us go away.

I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Hmm, Why should we assume that the Black, Hispanic & Islamic condition of decay, sloth, ignorance & despair is the result of unfair prejudices & oppression??

On the contrary, Estonia colonialized since the Medieval era almost always until 1992, is now the #1 European state in educational PISA scores.

How can this be????????

According to your kind of logic, Whites who have been oppressed & conquered like Estonia, should be doing worse than Black countries who haven't been oppressed & conquered like Liberia & Ethiopia.
that's not the case.

Whites are smarter, more productive, harder worker etc. vs many darker minorities.

The only people who compare to Whites, are White mixed, like Ashkenazi Jews, or Armenians, or high caste heavily Aryan Indian Brahmins, as well as East Asians.

It seems the White vs Black condition is a result of culture, race & genetics, and not oppression & conquest.
Why do you think it matters to me what you assume? Youre just some asinine whiny ass white boy that feels persecuted.

I've seen people mock Poles in person to my face, how many people mock Blacks to your face_

There is a glaring hypocrisy against Whites, Christians & Americans.
The Klan is long dead. It's primary purpose today, is to provide the thinnest of justifications for the vile attacks of the vile liberals in our society.
The Klan is dead in the head like you. Just because they are stupid, inbred, lumps of waste doesnt mean they dont exist.

In numbers too small to be relevant.
Millions of them voted for Drumpf. Thats relevant.

There are not millions of them. YOu are a fool.
Of course there are millions of them fool.

Study: 24 Million White Americans Have Alt-Right Beliefs. What’s That Mean?

Your support of the white supremacists' attempt to co-opt the alt-right is noted. I'm sure they appreciate your support.
Your reality of tear soaked hand wringing whining is a weakness. No wonder your women feel you guys lack testosterone.

Your spin is noted and dismissed.
Your whining and sobbing like a baby are also dismissed.

Your delusions are between you and the voices in your head.
Says the guy whining and crying about whites discriminating against whites. :rolleyes:

Correct, (in that I rightfully complain about the discrimination against whites, by "whites" ie, institutions that you consider "White".)

I say that your delusions about me are between you and the voices in your head.

Because they are. I don't give a damn about your crazy talk.
Youre simply a whiner and complainer. Your life sucks because you suck and have no work ethic. Whites are in control of the opportunities and your claim is that you cant get a job because they are racist towards you? Stop whining boy. :rolleyes:
Your spin is noted and dismissed.
Your whining and sobbing like a baby are also dismissed.

Your delusions are between you and the voices in your head.
Says the guy whining and crying about whites discriminating against whites. :rolleyes:

Correct, (in that I rightfully complain about the discrimination against whites, by "whites" ie, institutions that you consider "White".)

I say that your delusions about me are between you and the voices in your head.

Because they are. I don't give a damn about your crazy talk.
Youre simply a whiner and complainer. Your life sucks because you suck and have no work ethic. Whites are in control of the opportunities and your claim is that you cant get a job because they are racist towards you? Stop whining boy. :rolleyes:

My life is good.

I have concerns for the discrimination and oppression that asshole lefties like you inflict on them.

You are an asshole.
I don’t want you to go away go, but I am not going to be a participant in this ‘woe is me’ Victim Olympics.

Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Hmm, Why should we assume that the Black, Hispanic & Islamic condition of decay, sloth, ignorance & despair is the result of unfair prejudices & oppression??

On the contrary, Estonia colonialized since the Medieval era almost always until 1992, is now the #1 European state in educational PISA scores.

How can this be????????

According to your kind of logic, Whites who have been oppressed & conquered like Estonia, should be doing worse than Black countries who haven't been oppressed & conquered like Liberia & Ethiopia.
that's not the case.

Whites are smarter, more productive, harder worker etc. vs many darker minorities.

The only people who compare to Whites, are White mixed, like Ashkenazi Jews, or Armenians, or high caste heavily Aryan Indian Brahmins, as well as East Asians.

It seems the White vs Black condition is a result of culture, race & genetics, and not oppression & conquest.
Why do you think it matters to me what you assume? Youre just some asinine whiny ass white boy that feels persecuted.

I've seen people mock Poles in person to my face, how many people mock Blacks to your face_

There is a glaring hypocrisy against Whites, Christians & Americans.
Thats because youre always crying. I'd mock you to your face too.

Whites discriminating against other whites has got to be lamest excuse for your life failures. Both you and Coralboy should stop before you embarrass yourself further.
Your attempt to marginalize our valid complaints and interests is rejected.
Nothing about your whine fest is legitimate or particularly interesting. Its uneducated babbling and moaning to be honest.

Hmm, Why should we assume that the Black, Hispanic & Islamic condition of decay, sloth, ignorance & despair is the result of unfair prejudices & oppression??

On the contrary, Estonia colonialized since the Medieval era almost always until 1992, is now the #1 European state in educational PISA scores.

How can this be????????

According to your kind of logic, Whites who have been oppressed & conquered like Estonia, should be doing worse than Black countries who haven't been oppressed & conquered like Liberia & Ethiopia.
that's not the case.

Whites are smarter, more productive, harder worker etc. vs many darker minorities.

The only people who compare to Whites, are White mixed, like Ashkenazi Jews, or Armenians, or high caste heavily Aryan Indian Brahmins, as well as East Asians.

It seems the White vs Black condition is a result of culture, race & genetics, and not oppression & conquest.
Why do you think it matters to me what you assume? Youre just some asinine whiny ass white boy that feels persecuted.

I've seen people mock Poles in person to my face, how many people mock Blacks to your face_

There is a glaring hypocrisy against Whites, Christians & Americans.
Thats because youre always crying. I'd mock you to your face too.

Whites discriminating against other whites has got to be lamest excuse for your life failures. Both you and Coralboy should stop before you embarrass yourself further.

I'm sure you would, if you are half the mindless hate filled thug you pretend to be.

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