Poll: 61% of Americans think Trump has tried to obstruct Russia investigation

The orange clown asked Coates and Comey to shut down a federal investigation and the Trumpies think the American people wouldn't notice.
This is the same excuse you people used in 2012. Lol
Same polls you people touted in 2016 LMAO. Next time try reading the whole article and doing basic math or don't I always enjoy making partisan wackos look like a fool with their own link.
I read the whole article. You want to play ostrich.
If that is true then you are either very stupid blindly partisan or both I'm voting for both.
Facts confuse you.
Here's another one. After only 5 months your orange clown is under a federal investigation for obstruction of justice.
Nice judgement on your part.
I cited facts the facts from your link the ones you choose to ignore because they don't support your bullshit and now that you can't dispute the facts I cited again from your link you try and change the topic from your OP to something else. Game, set, match. To quote Sean Connery from the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
There is nothing the AP wrote that is suspect in any way.
You can't handle the truth. Remember who said that?
This is the same excuse you people used in 2012. Lol
Same polls you people touted in 2016 LMAO. Next time try reading the whole article and doing basic math or don't I always enjoy making partisan wackos look like a fool with their own link.
I read the whole article. You want to play ostrich.
If that is true then you are either very stupid blindly partisan or both I'm voting for both.
Facts confuse you.
Here's another one. After only 5 months your orange clown is under a federal investigation for obstruction of justice.
Nice judgement on your part.
I cited facts the facts from your link the ones you choose to ignore because they don't support your bullshit and now that you can't dispute the facts I cited again from your link you try and change the topic from your OP to something else. Game, set, match. To quote Sean Connery from the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
Didn't change a goddamn thing. 61% of the American people think Trump obstructed justice.
If you choose to believe a pathological liar instead... that's on you..
Uh oh.
The American people speak !

A majority of Americans believe that President Trump has tried to obstruct the ongoing Russia investigation, according to a new poll out Thursday.

A poll conducted by the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Researchfound that 61% of Americans surveyed believe the president has tried to obstruct or impede the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election cycle.

According to the poll, another 37% said they don't think Trump has done this. Only 2% said they didn't know, and 1% skipped or refused to answer the question.

The release of the poll comes on the heels of a report from the Washington Post that special counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating the president for obstruction of justice. The investigation into the president's conduct began shortly after Trump fired FBI director James Comey in May, according to the Post.

Poll: 61% of Americans think Trump has tried to obstruct Russia investigation

LOL... 65% democrats were polled.. What a worthless piece of crap for a poll... Dig into the numbers and you find out that it is total horse manure..
Mueller is now looking into if DT broke the law with his obstruction of justice.
Same polls you people touted in 2016 LMAO. Next time try reading the whole article and doing basic math or don't I always enjoy making partisan wackos look like a fool with their own link.
I read the whole article. You want to play ostrich.
If that is true then you are either very stupid blindly partisan or both I'm voting for both.
Facts confuse you.
Here's another one. After only 5 months your orange clown is under a federal investigation for obstruction of justice.
Nice judgement on your part.
I cited facts the facts from your link the ones you choose to ignore because they don't support your bullshit and now that you can't dispute the facts I cited again from your link you try and change the topic from your OP to something else. Game, set, match. To quote Sean Connery from the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
Didn't change a goddamn thing. 61% of the American people think Trump obstructed justice.
If you choose to believe a pathological liar instead... that's on you..
Your poll is total horse shit... LOL LAMFAOAYDA..
Uh oh.
The American people speak !

A majority of Americans believe that President Trump has tried to obstruct the ongoing Russia investigation, according to a new poll out Thursday.

A poll conducted by the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Researchfound that 61% of Americans surveyed believe the president has tried to obstruct or impede the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election cycle.

According to the poll, another 37% said they don't think Trump has done this. Only 2% said they didn't know, and 1% skipped or refused to answer the question.

The release of the poll comes on the heels of a report from the Washington Post that special counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating the president for obstruction of justice. The investigation into the president's conduct began shortly after Trump fired FBI director James Comey in May, according to the Post.

Poll: 61% of Americans think Trump has tried to obstruct Russia investigation

LOL... 65% democrats were polled.. What a worthless piece of crap for a poll... Dig into the numbers and you find out that it is total horse manure..
Another non reader.
According to the poll, 46% of those surveyed identified as Democrats or leaning Democratic, 33% identified as Republicans or leaning Republican and 21% identified as independents or none.
I read the whole article. You want to play ostrich.
If that is true then you are either very stupid blindly partisan or both I'm voting for both.
Facts confuse you.
Here's another one. After only 5 months your orange clown is under a federal investigation for obstruction of justice.
Nice judgement on your part.
I cited facts the facts from your link the ones you choose to ignore because they don't support your bullshit and now that you can't dispute the facts I cited again from your link you try and change the topic from your OP to something else. Game, set, match. To quote Sean Connery from the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
Didn't change a goddamn thing. 61% of the American people think Trump obstructed justice.
If you choose to believe a pathological liar instead... that's on you..
Your poll is total horse shit... LOL LAMFAOAYDA..
You wish it was. You lied about how many dems were polled. Of course you lied. You have nothing else.,
LOL... 65% democrats were polled.. What a worthless piece of crap for a poll... Dig into the numbers and you find out that it is total horse manure..
You lie just like your corrupt president.

Dig into this:
According to the poll, 46% of those surveyed identified as Democrats or leaning Democratic, 33% identified as Republicans or leaning Republican and 21% identified as independents or none.
The orange clown asked Coates and Comey to shut down a federal investigation and the Trumpies think the American people wouldn't notice.

BURR: Director Comey, did the president at any time ask you to stop the FBI investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 U.S. Elections?

COMEY: Not to my understanding, no.

Here Is The Full Transcript Of James Comey's Senate Testimony

Director of National Intel Coats states he was never pressured to politicize intel

Uh oh.
The American people speak !

A majority of Americans believe that President Trump has tried to obstruct the ongoing Russia investigation, according to a new poll out Thursday.

A poll conducted by the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Researchfound that 61% of Americans surveyed believe the president has tried to obstruct or impede the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election cycle.

According to the poll, another 37% said they don't think Trump has done this. Only 2% said they didn't know, and 1% skipped or refused to answer the question.

The release of the poll comes on the heels of a report from the Washington Post that special counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating the president for obstruction of justice. The investigation into the president's conduct began shortly after Trump fired FBI director James Comey in May, according to the Post.

Poll: 61% of Americans think Trump has tried to obstruct Russia investigation

So what's with all the NaziCon "nothing burger" shit?
Uh oh.
The American people speak !

A majority of Americans believe that President Trump has tried to obstruct the ongoing Russia investigation, according to a new poll out Thursday.

A poll conducted by the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Researchfound that 61% of Americans surveyed believe the president has tried to obstruct or impede the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election cycle.

According to the poll, another 37% said they don't think Trump has done this. Only 2% said they didn't know, and 1% skipped or refused to answer the question.

The release of the poll comes on the heels of a report from the Washington Post that special counsel Robert Mueller is now investigating the president for obstruction of justice. The investigation into the president's conduct began shortly after Trump fired FBI director James Comey in May, according to the Post.

Poll: 61% of Americans think Trump has tried to obstruct Russia investigation
Conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research With funding from The Associated Press and NORC at the University of Chicago

ROFLMAO! Yes The University of Chicago is such a LEGITIMATE neutral source for polls....ROFLMAO!
The University funded the poll, didn't conduct it. You DEPLORABLES get dumber by the day.
Oh dear god......yes they gave them MONEY to conduct a poll and didn't expect ANYTHING back....head in the sand 100%....
Yes you think everyone is dirty like Trump. Afraid not. The AP has a long history of being fair.
Snowflake. Its not the AP. Its the University of Chicago. Which is a WELL KNOWN liberal haven.
LOL... 65% democrats were polled.. What a worthless piece of crap for a poll... Dig into the numbers and you find out that it is total horse manure..
You lie just like your corrupt president.

Dig into this:
According to the poll, 46% of those surveyed identified as Democrats or leaning Democratic, 33% identified as Republicans or leaning Republican and 21% identified as independents or none.

Still waiting on those 4 names and quotes. I hope Comey and Coats weren't part of the 4, they were too easy to debunk.


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