Poll: 86% of Americans want Dreamers to stay in U.S.

With a little Russian treason sprinkled here and there and the will of the people being set aside.
I thought the looney left had finally given up on the Russian collusion/hacking idiocy.

Apparently, I was mistaken...... :cool: .... :lol:
And this is why else it is pure bs and lies :

A leaked memo from the left-wing organization, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, admits that passing an amnesty for the nearly 800,000 illegal aliens shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is “a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

Leaked Memo: DACA Amnesty Is 'Critical Component of Democratic Party's Future Electoral Success'

They want the dumb asses who can't think for themselves to read what they see believe it and push it so other fools who are incapable of thinking for themselves think the same dam bs.

And by the way clueless Obama made it so a CHILD is considered to be a child up to the age of 31 dumbasses.
I thought the looney left had finally given up on the Russian collusion/hacking idiocy.

Really? Even Faux keeps reporting about it. Have you rejected reality and gone to strictly far right blogs and youtube channels for your news?
I'm going off of Trump's diarrhea tweets. He live-tweets about Faux and his Russia treason all the time.
Good for you..... :thup:

I sure your full time job of tracking Trump's tweets gives your otherwise boring life a bright spot to hang on to. .... :cool:
...most people would like to beat the crap out of someone---I guess we should just let everyone give 1 free beating to someone they hate
...so you are not arguing if it's good for the US or not--which it isn't--
it's like the argument ''o your ancestors were immigrants''---great argument :rolleyes-41:

1.we are in HUGE debt---immigration services/consulates cost $$$
2.terrorists want to come here and KILL us !!!!!!!!!!!
....they set up safe cells with '''good family immigrants'''
....muslim/islamic 'immigrants' murder us --I've linked this before
3.this is not 1850, or 1950 anymore--
more workers = wages down .. prices UP
4. gee--why even have undocumented people---just let everyone and anyone come over
no border rules...no immigration rules.....UNLIKE other countries
And the polls also said Hillary was going to win the election with a 98% landslide. .... :cuckoo:
No they said she would win the popular vote by the amount that she did
So many Liberals in all the wrong places!
Yeah broken electoral system.
Because uneducated, poor people should be running things so we can all be poor.
Oh the other hand, no one will want to come here anymore.

You mean uneducated poor people like the ones who like Donald?
I'll compare my knowledge of government and public service to anyone here.
I had discussions with many Liberals face to face and all they spout is the same old out of context bullshit time and again.
Liberal brains can't tolerate facts.
Some Conservatives may be selfish but they admit it and explain why.
Why can't cons listen to the people they represent?

Poll: 86% of Americans want Dreamers to stay in U.S.

86% of American voters, including 76% of Republicans, say they want Dreamers to remain in the country, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac.

  • Why it matters: Jeff Flake announced today that a bipartisan group of senators had reached a deal on immigration that would protect the 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children. But the White House and other immigration hardliners in Congress are not sold.
  • This latest poll confirms others from CNN, Marist, and CBS Newsshowing that the vast majority of Americans back legal status for Dreamers.
Undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, so-called "Dreamers," should be allowed to remain in the U.S. and apply for citizenship, 79 percent of American voters say in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Another 7 percent say Dreamers should be allowed to stay but not apply for citizenship, and 11 percent say Dreamers should be required to leave the U.S.

Title is a lie....that says 79% not 86%
Um, I'm pretty sure they didn't.
Most polls gave Hillary a victory with a margin of error encompassing what she won the popular vote by.
And that you imagine was a '98% landslide'?

Um...pretty sure it's not the polls themselves that's the issue, since all of the leftist created fake polls are bullshit, but rather the brain-dead leftist lemming retards all gleefully parroting them proclaiming Hillary's victory in the MONTHS leading up to Nov 9th.

Those same plantation loving ignoramuses haven't learned their lesson and are now parroting equally moronic fake polls saying garbage like 86% of Americans want Dreamers to stay.

PARTY IDENTIFICATION QUESTION WORDING - Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what? REGISTERED VOTERS PARTY IDENTIFICATION
Republican 23%
Democrat 34 %
Independent 38 %
Other/DK/NA 5%

LOL! 23% republicans and they expect a REAL outcome from that....ROFLMAO.

When will the left ever learn. Lying seems to be second nature with them.
College kids are no dummies and neither are their left wing professors. It's no secret that polls can be manipulated on the basis of demographics and the questions can be geared to glean the answers. The question should be why is a poll from a discredited source still a favorite among left leaning dreamers?
Relax progs, the dacans will stay. In exchange you will see the wall and the end of the lottery/chain immigration.
Why can't cons listen to the people they represent?

Poll: 86% of Americans want Dreamers to stay in U.S.

86% of American voters, including 76% of Republicans, say they want Dreamers to remain in the country, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac.

  • Why it matters: Jeff Flake announced today that a bipartisan group of senators had reached a deal on immigration that would protect the 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children. But the White House and other immigration hardliners in Congress are not sold.
  • This latest poll confirms others from CNN, Marist, and CBS Newsshowing that the vast majority of Americans back legal status for Dreamers.

Don't forget about Fox News. They have it at 80% to allow DACA recipients to become citizens and 86% for work permits.
College kids are no dummies and neither are their left wing professors. It's no secret that polls can be manipulated on the basis of demographics and the questions can be geared to glean the answers. The question should be why is a poll from a discredited source still a favorite among left leaning dreamers?

You are the one dreaming. The polls that predicted Clinton winning the popular vote were on the money. The final ABC/Washington Post poll had it at Clinton +4. She won the popular vote by 3.
College kids are no dummies and neither are their left wing professors. It's no secret that polls can be manipulated on the basis of demographics and the questions can be geared to glean the answers. The question should be why is a poll from a discredited source still a favorite among left leaning dreamers?

You are the one dreaming. The polls that predicted Clinton winning the popular vote were on the money. The final ABC/Washington Post poll had it at Clinton +4. She won the popular vote by 3.
Show me where winning the "popular" vote wins the presidncy. It is a bogus, unconstitutional count.a. STop repeating it. Only 535 votes really matter.

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