Poll: 86% of Americans want Dreamers to stay in U.S.

And the polls also said Hillary was going to win the election with a 98% landslide. .... :cuckoo:
No they said she would win the popular vote by the amount that she did
So many Liberals in all the wrong places!
Yeah broken electoral system.
Because uneducated, poor people should be running things so we can all be poor.
Oh the other hand, no one will want to come here anymore.

You mean uneducated poor people like the ones who like Donald?
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars
I'm divided on the Dreamers personally. I mean I get what Trump's saying, that they were born here and don't know anywhere else, and I can understand the sympathy he has for their futures seeing as they were raised American. However, we played this game before, we gave amnesty and quite bluntly we got jack shit out of it but more fucking welfare (both costs and political plans to give away the farm.)

I'd like to let the Dreamers stay, but then put a stop on anchor babies somehow... like at least one parent has to be legal or something IDK
I'm divided on the Dreamers personally. I mean I get what Trump's saying, that they were born here and don't know anywhere else, and I can understand the sympathy he has for their futures seeing as they were raised American. However, we played this game before, we gave amnesty and quite bluntly we got jack shit out of it but more fucking welfare (both costs and political plans to give away the farm.)

I'd like to let the Dreamers stay, but then put a stop on anchor babies somehow... like at least one parent has to be legal or something IDK

Dreamers by definition were NOT born here. Some of them came as teen agers. Some, in their 30s, came here in their 20s.

Send them back. The ONLY exceptions would be those who came as children illegally and have already filed for adjustment of status. Some of these people filed as soon as they turned 18 and could. Those who are in their 30s have no excuse.
I'm divided on the Dreamers personally. I mean I get what Trump's saying, that they were born here and don't know anywhere else, and I can understand the sympathy he has for their futures seeing as they were raised American. However, we played this game before, we gave amnesty and quite bluntly we got jack shit out of it but more fucking welfare (both costs and political plans to give away the farm.)

I'd like to let the Dreamers stay, but then put a stop on anchor babies somehow... like at least one parent has to be legal or something IDK

Dreamers by definition were NOT born here. Some of them came as teen agers. Some, in their 30s, came here in their 20s.

Send them back. The ONLY exceptions would be those who came as children illegally and have already filed for adjustment of status. Some of these people filed as soon as they turned 18 and could. Those who are in their 30s have no excuse.

Well, yes and no... The second rule of DACA is that you had to have been under 16 when brought here. Which is under the age of 31 in 2015, because DACA is just "the latest" in a string of deferred actions (aka kicking the can down the road) that's been going on since the Dream Act in 2001, which was that you'd been brought here before the age of 16.

"Dreamers," those brought here at < 16 in 1999 (which was the "cut off" year for Dream Act) would/could be up to age 34 today, and lets be honest, you know some of the teens lied so they are some that are probably more like 36-40...

This is why I say, we did this shit before and look what we got out of it - now we have folks in their mid to upper thirties who are still fucking illegal. Clearly the "Dream Act" and all it's bullshit reiterations like DACA didn't, and won't, solve the damned problem.

Trump really just wants this shit resolved once and for all, and I'm in complete agreement with him on that. They're either legal citizens or they can get the fuck out, no more bullshit games.

EDIT... Okay I have to take a bit of that back. I looked it up again, Dream ACT was had to be under 16 when brought here and have /resided/ in the US for 5 years, so a Dreamer could potentially be 21 in 1999, which means you could be 39. Yay for spending your entire fucking life as an illegal GG ~rolls eyes~
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