POLL: Americans 'Overwhelmingly' Believe Obama 'Improperly Surveilled' Trump...

When all else fails, accuse patriotic Americans that care about our country, of espionage. Geeesh. That’s gonna go over worse than deplorables and crumbs. Are you that blind?
no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research. steele had no clue it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags & that a crime in action was occurring, was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

It goes much deeper than Hillary Clinton paying for a phony Russian dossier on Trump. It's about using Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon to attack the opposition. That's only supposed to happen in un-democratic Totalitarian nations. It's an attack on they very foundation of our Democratic Republic.

the dossier had been collaborated by a HUMAN CONTACT in the campaign do you know what that means? it means there's a informant. a mole. tee hee.

& don't forget about flynn. oh how he must be spilling his guts to mueller.

Their mass surveilling of the opposition, amounts to Watergate Ten-fold. It goes against everything our nation is about. Heads should roll.

Lying Russian bots are currently pushing this story which isn’t true. Obama was NOT spying on the Trump campaign, the FBI is not in the pocket of the Democratic Party, and anyone pushing this story is likely a Russian bot.
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no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research. steele had no clue it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags & that a crime in action was occurring, was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

It goes much deeper than Hillary Clinton paying for a phony Russian dossier on Trump. It's about using Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon to attack the opposition. That's only supposed to happen in un-democratic Totalitarian nations. It's an attack on they very foundation of our Democratic Republic.

the dossier had been collaborated by a HUMAN CONTACT in the campaign do you know what that means? it means there's a informant. a mole. tee hee.

& don't forget about flynn. oh how he must be spilling his guts to mueller.

Their mass surveilling of the opposition, amounts to Watergate Ten-fold. It goes against everything our nation is about. Heads should roll.

Lying Russian bots are currently pushing this story which isn’t true. Obama was NOT spying on the Trump campaign, the FBI is not in the pocket of the Democratic Party, and anyone pushing this story is likely a Russian bot.

Not according to America's two favorite lovers...its obvious now that Obama was spying on Trump with the help of the FBI

no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research. steele had no clue it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags & that a crime in action was occurring, was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

It goes much deeper than Hillary Clinton paying for a phony Russian dossier on Trump. It's about using Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon to attack the opposition. That's only supposed to happen in un-democratic Totalitarian nations. It's an attack on they very foundation of our Democratic Republic.

the dossier had been collaborated by a HUMAN CONTACT in the campaign do you know what that means? it means there's a informant. a mole. tee hee.

& don't forget about flynn. oh how he must be spilling his guts to mueller.

Their mass surveilling of the opposition, amounts to Watergate Ten-fold. It goes against everything our nation is about. Heads should roll.

Lying Russian bots are currently pushing this story which isn’t true. Obama was NOT spying on the Trump campaign, the FBI is not in the pocket of the Democratic Party, and anyone pushing this story is likely a Russian bot.

Not according to America's two favorite lovers...its obvious now that Obama was spying on Trump with the help of the FBI

View attachment 176437

In what way? They didn’t have Carter Paige under surveillance under AFTER he left the campaign.

They had Manaforte under surveillance before he went to work on the campaign, dropped surveillance while he worked for Trump and reapplied for a wiretap after Manaforte left the campaign.

There truly is no cure for stupid.
The real and disturbing story is emerging. Democrats can continue pushing their 'Trump-Russia Collusion' farce, but decent common sense-thinking folks understand what happened. The sitting Democrat President used Government mechanisms of law enforcement to surveill and harm the Republican opposition. It was an incredibly egregious abuse of power. It was Watergate Ten-fold. It was an attack on the very foundations of our Democratic Republic. Those involved should be punished. Period, end of story.
Uh, duh. A sitting Democrat US President orders mass surveillance on the opposition Republican Party Candidate? It's Watergate Ten-fold. It's treasonous. But will anyone be held accountable? Sadly, I wouldn't bet on it.

An IBD/TIPP poll shows that “Americans overwhelmingly believe the Obama administration ‘improperly surveilled’ Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.”

Despite the disgraced American media’s best and most cynical efforts to bury the truth, and to even stop the truth from ever seeing the light of day, this poll (and another addressed below) demonstrate that the American people are almost entirely tuning the partisan, mostly-hysterical news media out and looking to alternative media for the truth.

There is simply no other way to explain these poll results, which unambiguously prove that a majority of the public believe the exact opposite of what an unceasing, coordinated media campaign wants them to believe...

Poll: American’s ‘Overwhelmingly’ Believe Obama ‘Improperly Surveilled’ Trump Campaign
Most Think Obama White House Spied On Trump Campaign, Want Special Counsel: IBD/TIPP Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

well its pretty common knowledge.LOL

Well, some haven't caught on yet. They're still hung up on the 'Trump-Russia Collusion' scam. They're being distracted.
No, they started it again while working for the campaign, according to this article-
The FBI Has Been Watching Paul Manafort Since 2014

And why did they never charge him from their surveillance prior and dropped it, yet the charges stem from his work before his campaign work.
If you will also note Page has never been charged with anything.
It goes much deeper than Hillary Clinton paying for a phony Russian dossier on Trump. It's about using Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon to attack the opposition. That's only supposed to happen in un-democratic Totalitarian nations. It's an attack on they very foundation of our Democratic Republic.

the dossier had been collaborated by a HUMAN CONTACT in the campaign do you know what that means? it means there's a informant. a mole. tee hee.

& don't forget about flynn. oh how he must be spilling his guts to mueller.

Their mass surveilling of the opposition, amounts to Watergate Ten-fold. It goes against everything our nation is about. Heads should roll.

Lying Russian bots are currently pushing this story which isn’t true. Obama was NOT spying on the Trump campaign, the FBI is not in the pocket of the Democratic Party, and anyone pushing this story is likely a Russian bot.

Not according to America's two favorite lovers...its obvious now that Obama was spying on Trump with the help of the FBI

View attachment 176437

In what way? They didn’t have Carter Paige under surveillance under AFTER he left the campaign.

They had Manaforte under surveillance before he went to work on the campaign, dropped surveillance while he worked for Trump and reapplied for a wiretap after Manaforte left the campaign.

There truly is no cure for stupid.
no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research. steele had no clue it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags & that a crime in action was occurring, was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

It goes much deeper than Hillary Clinton paying for a phony Russian dossier on Trump. It's about using Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon to attack the opposition. That's only supposed to happen in un-democratic Totalitarian nations. It's an attack on they very foundation of our Democratic Republic.

the dossier had been collaborated by a HUMAN CONTACT in the campaign do you know what that means? it means there's a informant. a mole. tee hee.

& don't forget about flynn. oh how he must be spilling his guts to mueller.

Their mass surveilling of the opposition, amounts to Watergate Ten-fold. It goes against everything our nation is about. Heads should roll.

Lying Russian bots are currently pushing this story which isn’t true. Obama was NOT spying on the Trump campaign, the FBI is not in the pocket of the Democratic Party, and anyone pushing this story is likely a Russian bot.

Not according to America's two favorite lovers...its obvious now that Obama was spying on Trump with the help of the FBI

View attachment 176437

The real and very disturbing story is emerging. The Democrat-manufactured 'Trump-Russia Collusion' smokescreen is dissipating. More Americans are becoming aware of what actually happened.
Their goose is cooked and they know it. I wrote a post the other day on how I thought Russia Russia Russia was over.
Why, because the media none of these outlets have any stories about Trump-Russia Collusion on their front pages any more.

Not even Whackjob CNN....

So the worm has turned.

Now, Justice will slowly and methodically prevail.
:lol: no
no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research. steele had no clue it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags & that a crime in action was occurring, was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

It goes much deeper than Hillary Clinton paying for a phony Russian dossier on Trump. It's about using Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon to attack the opposition. That's only supposed to happen in un-democratic Totalitarian nations. It's an attack on they very foundation of our Democratic Republic.

the dossier had been collaborated by a HUMAN CONTACT in the campaign do you know what that means? it means there's a informant. a mole. tee hee.

& don't forget about flynn. oh how he must be spilling his guts to mueller.

Collaborated is correct, but I think you meant to say "corroborated" and there, you are flat wrong.
How can the Government Spy on American Citizens INDEFINITELY and NEVER CHARGE THEM WITH ANYTHING?

After 9/11, Big Brother seized full control. Obama just used the 'legal' Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon against the opposition. It all may have been 'legal', but it was an egregious attack on the very foundations of our Democratic Republic. Hopefully, more Americans will recognize that and decide on change. Our nation is in crisis. Which direction will we choose?
POLL: Americans 'Overwhelmingly' Believe Obama 'Improperly Surveilled' Trump...

Only the dumb ones. BTW, Investor's Business Daily is a joke.

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