POLL: Americans 'Overwhelmingly' Believe Obama 'Improperly Surveilled' Trump...

no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research first. steele had no clue who it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags while researching & that a crime in action was occurring, which was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

I really loved that fictional account of what happened. It's utterly hilarious.
Uh, duh. A sitting Democrat US President orders mass surveillance on the opposition Republican Party Candidate? It's Watergate Ten-fold. It's treasonous. But will anyone be held accountable? Sadly, I wouldn't bet on it.

Why would anyone be 'held accountable' for your lies?

Just because there are Americans that have bought into the GOP lies doesn't mean that even the GOP will manage to corrupt the FBI and our courts enough to make your lies a criminal case.

I'm sure if it was a sitting Republican President ordering surveillance on the Democrat opposition, you would have a completely different take. Just a hunch anyway.

Hmmm can you point out when a sitting Democrat President ordered surveillance of the Republican opposition?

no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research first. steele had no clue who it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags while researching & that a crime in action was occurring, which was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

I really loved that fictional account of what happened. It's utterly hilarious.

Well you do love fiction- which is why you love both Trump's tweets and the Nunes memo.
How can the Government Spy on American Citizens INDEFINITELY and NEVER CHARGE THEM WITH ANYTHING?
It’s called the Patriot Act. Your boy GW Bush signed it into law

So another one admits Obama spied on Trump....

WTF is your malfunction?

Where did he admit any such thing?

Never play the game clue with me, you would lose.

Dude, no games - you are straight retarded.

Government can THEORETICALLY spy on a citizen indefinitely through FISA court warrants. But in practice warrants are only for three months and to renew it there had to have been some evidence collected in the last three months to justify further surveillance.

Aknowledging that this is the case has NOTHING TO DO WITH ADMITTING THAT OBAMA SPYING ON TRUMP.

Quit the bullshit Only a goof ball thinks Obama didnt, I see you right now through your camera on your phone.

(Btw You really should go to a dentist )


"Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated" Kislyak is a Trump campaign adviser? really?

Idiot the wiretapping was on Kislyak, a Russian spy (and a diplomat).

Alarms went off when Flynn called him up, inappropriately discussed sanctions and then lied to the whole world about that, including FBI.

OOOOOKKK? Do you think a year later after all this became known you can somehow manage to get the basic facts right?

"Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

When did Kislyak become a Trump campaign adviser?

What the fuck are you talking about? Flynn was not caught in any business dealings, Manafort was.

Manafort was getting paid millions by Russian puppet government in Ukraine and was under surveillance well before election as a foreign agent and then after he got fired. He WAS NOT surveiled during his time as a Trump campaign chair.

Obama ordering surveillance on Manafort or Carter is nonsense as there was no way to know that they would have anything to do with Trump.

Not my fault you can't read what the Times reported, "Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

Did that help? Is Kisylak a "Campaign Adviser"?

....moron, here is your original claim:

Even the NYTimes reported that Obama wiretapped Flynn

Where the fuck does NYT say anything like that?

Started with Manafort, later revealed that they tapped Flynn
Idiot the wiretapping was on Kislyak, a Russian spy (and a diplomat).

Alarms went off when Flynn called him up, inappropriately discussed sanctions and then lied to the whole world about that, including FBI.

OOOOOKKK? Do you think a year later after all this became known you can somehow manage to get the basic facts right?

"Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

When did Kislyak become a Trump campaign adviser?

What the fuck are you talking about? Flynn was not caught in any business dealings, Manafort was.

Manafort was getting paid millions by Russian puppet government in Ukraine and was under surveillance well before election as a foreign agent and then after he got fired. He WAS NOT surveiled during his time as a Trump campaign chair.

Obama ordering surveillance on Manafort or Carter is nonsense as there was no way to know that they would have anything to do with Trump.

Not my fault you can't read what the Times reported, "Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

Did that help? Is Kisylak a "Campaign Adviser"?

....moron, here is your original claim:

Even the NYTimes reported that Obama wiretapped Flynn

Where the fuck does NYT say anything like that?

Started with Manafort, later revealed that they tapped Flynn

Some very dark Un-American stuff. Watergate Ten-fold. Heads should roll.
You, I, and all others on the right here know it. He would be screaming bloody murder over it.
...its obvious now that Obama was spying on Trump with the help of the FBI

Obvious???? Based on what?

If the roles were reversed, and it was a sitting Republican President ordering such surveillance, i'm sure you would have a completely different take on it.

Oh, for sure.
"Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

When did Kislyak become a Trump campaign adviser?

What the fuck are you talking about? Flynn was not caught in any business dealings, Manafort was.

Manafort was getting paid millions by Russian puppet government in Ukraine and was under surveillance well before election as a foreign agent and then after he got fired. He WAS NOT surveiled during his time as a Trump campaign chair.

Obama ordering surveillance on Manafort or Carter is nonsense as there was no way to know that they would have anything to do with Trump.

Not my fault you can't read what the Times reported, "Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

Did that help? Is Kisylak a "Campaign Adviser"?

....moron, here is your original claim:

Even the NYTimes reported that Obama wiretapped Flynn

Where the fuck does NYT say anything like that?

Started with Manafort, later revealed that they tapped Flynn

Some very dark Un-American stuff. Watergate Ten-fold. Heads should roll.

LOL poor deluded little Trumpsters.

Equating the Republicans sending in a team of bungling burglars to the FBI actually following the law and requesting legal surveillance under a law proposed by Republicans- and renewed by Republicans just last month.
The real and disturbing story is emerging. Democrats can continue pushing their 'Trump-Russia Collusion' farce, but decent common sense-thinking folks understand what happened. The sitting Democrat President used Government mechanisms of law enforcement to surveill and harm the Republican opposition. It was an incredibly egregious abuse of power. It was Watergate Ten-fold. It was an attack on the very foundations of our Democratic Republic. Those involved should be punished. Period, end of story.

Everything in your post has been proven false. The parts of the Dossier which have been investigated have been proven true.

Members of the Trump campaign and the Administration have repeatedly lied about their connections to Russia and Russia absolutely interfered with the US election in opposition to Hillary Clinton and promoting Donald Trump.

What people believe to be true is less important than what is true. Trump took the measure of the American people with his Birther Campaign. Republicans believed it. Many continue to believe it.

The rest of the world was appalled. We continue to be appalled that the American people continue to accept the word of the Lying President and his prevaricating staff and supporters.

I absolutely agree. Trump and the members of his campaign who colluded with the Russians must go.

I'm sure if a sitting Republican President ordered such surveillance on the Democrat opposition, you would have a completely different take. It is Watergate Ten-fold. Heads should roll.

You reveal your total ignorance of what Watergate was. If you were an American, you’d know that, troll bot.

Watergate was a third rate burglary of no consequence whatsoever. On its own, it was a big nothing burger. What made Watergate the first name in political corruption wasn’t the crime, it was the cover up.

Nixon lied, obstructed the investigation at every turn, refused to turn over evidence, and when he couldn’t convince the FBI to drop the investigation, he fired the special prosecutor.

The Russia Investigation is similar. Trump is bullying and threatening to fire everyone involved. While it’s become clear that Trumps minions were doing the contact work on their boss’ behalf, it’s unlikely they were doing this without Trump’s knowledge or involvement.

Like Nixon, the coverup, the lies and the pay offs will be Trump’s downfall.

Junior’s Russian lawyer friend? Jeff Sessions settled her client’s $270 million money laundering suit for 2 cents on the dollar and no admission of wrong doing.

If you swapped the name Clinton for Trump in this post, you’d be screaming “Lock her up”.

You have to be willfully blind to dismiss the Russia investigation as having no basis in fact.

But you being a Russian bot, you’re paid to get Americans to swallow your codswallop.
Idiot the wiretapping was on Kislyak, a Russian spy (and a diplomat).

Alarms went off when Flynn called him up, inappropriately discussed sanctions and then lied to the whole world about that, including FBI.

OOOOOKKK? Do you think a year later after all this became known you can somehow manage to get the basic facts right?

"Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

When did Kislyak become a Trump campaign adviser?

What the fuck are you talking about? Flynn was not caught in any business dealings, Manafort was.

Manafort was getting paid millions by Russian puppet government in Ukraine and was under surveillance well before election as a foreign agent and then after he got fired. He WAS NOT surveiled during his time as a Trump campaign chair.

Obama ordering surveillance on Manafort or Carter is nonsense as there was no way to know that they would have anything to do with Trump.

Not my fault you can't read what the Times reported, "Business dealings of Campaign advisers are investigated"

Did that help? Is Kisylak a "Campaign Adviser"?

....moron, here is your original claim:

Even the NYTimes reported that Obama wiretapped Flynn

Where the fuck does NYT say anything like that?

Started with Manafort, later revealed that they tapped Flynn

Flynn was never wiretapped. They got him on the wiretap on the Russian Ambassador’s phone.

As the head of the NSA, Flynn had to have known that the RA’s phone was tapped. He was an idiot to discuss sanctions on that call and then lie about it.
...its obvious now that Obama was spying on Trump with the help of the FBI

Obvious???? Based on what?

If the roles were reversed, and it was a sitting Republican President ordering such surveillance, i'm sure you would have a completely different take on it.

What surveillance- specifically?

They were listening to Flynn and Page ..

End Story ///

Would that be the same Flynn who just cut a plea deal? Cause he’s a criminal and was rightfully targeted . He and his creepy kid .
no it's not 'treasonous'. it's not even illegal. it happens all the time. so much so, that it was a (R) who was paying for that research. steele had no clue it was & when the (R) dropped fusion GPS, a (D) picked them up to continue on. it was then steele saw red flags & that a crime in action was occurring, was when he alerted the FBI. & pretty much all but the pee pee tapes had been collaborated by a human contact within the trump campaign.

learn the truth. learn the facts.

It goes much deeper than Hillary Clinton paying for a phony Russian dossier on Trump. It's about using Government mechanisms of law enforcement as a weapon to attack the opposition. That's only supposed to happen in un-democratic Totalitarian nations. It's an attack on they very foundation of our Democratic Republic.

the dossier had been collaborated by a HUMAN CONTACT in the campaign do you know what that means? it means there's a informant. a mole. tee hee.

& don't forget about flynn. oh how he must be spilling his guts to mueller.

Their mass surveilling of the opposition, amounts to Watergate Ten-fold. It goes against everything our nation is about. Heads should roll.

Lying Russian bots are currently pushing this story which isn’t true. Obama was NOT spying on the Trump campaign, the FBI is not in the pocket of the Democratic Party, and anyone pushing this story is likely a Russian bot.

Not according to America's two favorite lovers...its obvious now that Obama was spying on Trump with the help of the FBI

View attachment 176437

That is not Hicks and Porter!
Would that be the same Flynn who just cut a plea deal? Cause he’s a criminal and was rightfully targeted . He and his creepy kid .

Yep, and what an asshole Mikey Junior is ... Amiright?

Flynn was never wiretapped. They got him on the wiretap on the Russian Ambassador’s phone.

As the head of the NSA, Flynn had to have known that the RA’s phone was tapped. He was an idiot to discuss sanctions on that call and then lie about it.

Yeppers - Talk to Russian Spies?
Get your ass listened to ..
This isn't all that hard

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