Poll: Bush most unpopular President on Record

What is particularly scary about Bush is that he was elected the second time. After he got selected in 2000 he floundered like the spoiled elitist child he was, 911 gave him the fear factor and the lemmings followed as he stood looking defiant. A draft dodger whose missions were never accomplished, today he is doing minor acts of kindness? Has anyone else noticed that? What a bizarre man America elected. Once a child still a child.
What is particularly scary about Bush is that he was elected the second time. After he got selected in 2000 he floundered like the spoiled elitist child he was, 911 gave him the fear factor and the lemmings followed as he stood looking defiant. A draft dodger whose missions were never accomplished, today he is doing minor acts of kindness? Has anyone else noticed that? What a bizarre man America elected. Once a child still a child.

Provide evidence he was not elected in 2000, then provide evidence he dodged the draft. Both straight up lies, and you know it. And in case you were not aware I will call you on them every time you make them.

As for getting elected a second time? That is because you boobs picked the one guy that would ensure American moderates would vote for Bush. He did not win in 2004, you dumb shits lost.
What is particularly scary about Bush is that he was elected the second time. After he got selected in 2000 he floundered like the spoiled elitist child he was, 911 gave him the fear factor and the lemmings followed as he stood looking defiant. A draft dodger whose missions were never accomplished, today he is doing minor acts of kindness? Has anyone else noticed that? What a bizarre man America elected. Once a child still a child.

Anyone else here notice that this statement also describes Clinton as well?
And, not you, of course, but anyone talking about Lincoln in the samebreath as baby bush really needsto get a sense of reality. :cuckoo:

If you look back in time, Lincoln was considered the worst president of his time in the polls conducted while he was in office. I also remember some libs proclaiming Reagan worst president ever as well. Some food for thought (if libs do any thinking)
If you look back in time, Lincoln was considered the worst president of his time in the polls conducted while he was in office. I also remember some libs proclaiming Reagan worst president ever as well. Some food for thought (if libs do any thinking)

Read Team of Rivals and tell me that you can compare the subliterate who's run the country for the last 7 years with Abraham Lincoln. I can promise you Baby Bush will never been considered one of the greatest presidents of all time.

As for the "libs" thing... I find it's the bush apologists (you know, that 24% of the country that still thinks he's not a total and complete screw up) are the ones who don't think.
Provide evidence he was not elected in 2000,

Provide evidence that he was. Saying the Supremes stopped the whole mess isn't proof.

then provide evidence he dodged the draft

He got into the Guard by special intevention of the then LtGov of Texas. The guy admitted he did this for many of the well connected. That means he did dodge being drafted.

Both straight up lies, and you know it.

In the valley of the blind the Bush supporters are king.:razz:

And all polls that one disagrees with are crap:eusa_liar:
I've come to distrust polls, in general, as I've seen how slanted they can be and it all falls into the adage that "figures don't lie but liers figure". If they were conducted by someone other than those with obvious agenda's it would be better but I'd still be sceptical. Statistics is a legitimate field (just look at what it's done for physics) but can be so much hocus-pocus in certain hands.
It all comes down to a simple premise really. A poll such as this is crap if it puts your guy in bad light. bush has reached the lowest of lows. In the coming months he will begin to throw flowers on the water to try to appease the political Gods but it won't work.

His administration has been the greatest disaster of any that has held the WH in modern times. The "Poll" only solidifies that.
i might add lets watch and see if McCain tries to

a) associate himself with the ah successes of G.W. (lol)


b) tries to distance himself from shrub anyway he can.

even faux reports the answer to that one...
McCain has become a bush lapdog since he began courting the neocons. It may be his undoing. The Iraq war is becoming more unpopular each day.
I would have to say Jimmy Carter was the very worst. He made the Middle East hate the hell out of us with the Shaw of Iran mis-handling! But I bet none of you know about that by any means?

Bush pales in comparison to presidents like Harding and Hoover and certainly is nowhere near as incompetent as Carter. That entire pack of losers between Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt was about as useless a lot as we've ever had.
why, you not like hearing how most people think of him?

I figure it's fair commentary and like any other poll, it's a snapshot.

And right now, people know he sucks.

So, the bushfolk can spin like a dreidels, and they can try to change the way history reflects things by staging stupid "we love baby bush" docos on Fox, but in the here and now, people know he's the worst we've had. And I thikn you'll find that it has nothing to do with party affiliatin, because i'm wagering that someone like Nixon or Reagan would be pretty high up on the totem pole. ;)

And, not you, of course, but anyone talking about Lincoln in the samebreath as baby bush really needsto get a sense of reality. :cuckoo:

Lincoln came VERY close to having a 2nd rebellion in early days of the Civil War when he instituted a draft. There were riots in Boston, New York and Philadelphia calling for his impeachment or an outright armed overthrow, both for the draft and that the North was getting its butt kicked in the war with the Southerners. Counting the rebellion in the South a modern day equivalent approval rating was likely under 10% in early 1862...
" Originally Posted by Detmurds View Post
I would have to say Jimmy Carter was the very worst."

really if only he'd given the terrorists weapons in return for the hostages he could have been a great president.

Bush pales in comparison to presidents like Harding and Hoover and certainly is nowhere near as incompetent as Carter. That entire pack of losers between Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt was about as useless a lot as we've ever had.

Thats nice you can still hold the idiot in such high reguard but statistics say he is "the most unpopular ever." Several polls have shown similar results. But. hey that is only a "fact." That means nothing next to your opinion...:eusa_wall:
i think adolf hitler, joseph stalin were quite popular....also, saddam had a 99% landslide, both times...

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

as if "unpopular" makes a "bad" president

Kinda puts things in perspective.....very good...

but lost on the asshole lib Dims.....they would rather be popular than right....
they are the 'feel good numbskulls'.....and proud of it...

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