Poll: do you support Trump’s move to separate children from their parents at the border?

Do you support the Trump policy of separating kids from their parents at the border?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 36.7%

  • Total voters


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.
I am indifferent.

I hear these people carrying on and on about how inhumane we are being ... but why is the U.S. obligated to take in all the world's poor and needy?

1. We can't afford it.

2. We have borders for a reason. We have rules and laws for a reason.

U.S. citizens are tired of being world police. Tired of being the world's biggest charity. We want to look out for ourselves and leave others to their own devices. What's so bad about that?
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
The poll needs to be amended to reflect the truth. As it is, it pushes a democrap lie.
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid

As usual republicans blame others for the trump administration's policies showing "personal responsibility" is something they only apply to others.
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid


So you want children in jail with their criminal parents now?

This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid


Dear Fuckhead,

We separate kids from criminals every day.

Suck on it.
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid


Dear Fuckhead,

We separate kids from criminals every day.

Suck on it.

dear cumstain

we don't throw them in cages
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid


Dear Fuckhead,

We separate kids from criminals every day.

Suck on it.
^trump's base. The "moral majority" lmao
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid

You've been shown the Federal Statute and the case-law over and over again. I am not your bitch.. Trump is enforcing the law as congress and the courts have told him too. We are a nation of laws! I cant help it if your bitch Obama picked and choose what laws he would enforce in violation of the law..

Where is my can of "Liberal Leg Off'
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid


Dear Fuckhead,

We separate kids from criminals every day.

Suck on it.

dear cumstain

we don't throw them in cages

Yeah, we do worse.

Go ahead asshat....run for office and change things.

I hear the shitface party is looking for new candidates.
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Clinton signed it into law, Obama used it... Now Trump is using it following the case-law and statute that requires him to enforce it. Now the same democrap fools that created the law are the ones refusing to fix their fuck up by obstructing Republicans who whole hardheartedly want to change it.

Democrats don't want to fix it and want to blame Trump for their fuck up... I wonder why dimwits cant figure out the populace is not as stupid as they think they are...
your entire post is bullshit- there is no law, case law or court order that requires trump to separate families.

you're right- i didn't think you were this stupid

You've been shown the Federal Statute and the case-law over and over again. I am not your bitch.. Trump is enforcing the law as congress and the courts have told him too. We are a nation of laws! I cant help it if your bitch Obama picked and choose what laws he would enforce in violation of the law..

Where is my can of "Liberal Leg Off'


you can keep repeatig lies forever, it still doesn't make them true

pull your head out of donnie's ass

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