Poll: do you support Trump’s move to separate children from their parents at the border?

Do you support the Trump policy of separating kids from their parents at the border?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 36.7%

  • Total voters
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Um no. Before it only applied to criminal court cases. That was rare. Now all illegal immigrants are tried in criminal court.
Entering the US illegally is a crime you moron..
But before Trump was tried as a civil matter you dumb piece of shit. That’s the difference. The difference in the type of court case.

We try criminals in court.

What part of that don't you fucking understand ?
God you’re so stupid. You stalk all my threads for some bizarre reason yet have nothing substantial to ever say. These cases were tried in CIVIL court. That’s a separate court from criminal.

It's because you are a fucking idiot.

And I post 1/100 th of the threads you do and none of yours are substantial. Unless, of course, you really think posting bullshit about preventing republicans from voting because you are so much smarter than they are is "substantial".

WERE tried.

Now they are being tried where they should be.

What part of that is so hard for you to understand.

Fuck all of them.
I am indifferent.

I hear these people carrying on and on about how inhumane we are being ... but why is the U.S. obligated to take in all the world's poor and needy?
A lot of these are seeking Asylum from the shitholes
1. We can't afford it.

2. We have borders for a reason. We have rules and laws for a reason.

U.S. citizens are tired of being world police. Tired of being the world's biggest charity. We want to look out for ourselves and leave others to their own devices. What's so bad about that?
There are many seeking Asylum from gang run shitholes thanks to our war on drugs and our appetite. We give less in foreign aid than anyone. The GOP is a goddamn brainwashed mess. And have ruined our middle class and infrastructure... Only the rich prosper... Every other modern country has a good ID card to stop this mess. And good Health Care daycare vacations cheap College living wage... Thanks GOP and silly dupes....
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I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.

I support President Trump absolutely. He is enforcing the law--American law--and in doing so is protecting all of our American children from very real danger arriving from outside our borders. What disgusts me personally is how righteous has suddenly become everyone on the left. You've all been duped by images, video and crying talk show hosts. The left should be ashamed at how easily pulled are their marionette strings.
I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.

I support President Trump absolutely. He is enforcing the law--American law--and in doing so is protecting all of our American children from very real danger arriving from outside our borders. What disgusts me personally is how righteous has suddenly become everyone on the left. You've all been duped by images, video and crying talk show hosts. The left should be ashamed at how easily pulled are their marionette strings.
We also stopped, for all intents and purposes, families being separated. But you are lied to about that. The incredible fear-mongering hate propaganda of the GOP...
I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.

I support President Trump absolutely. He is enforcing the law--American law--and in doing so is protecting all of our American children from very real danger arriving from outside our borders. What disgusts me personally is how righteous has suddenly become everyone on the left. You've all been duped by images, video and crying talk show hosts. The left should be ashamed at how easily pulled are their marionette strings.
We also stopped, for all intents and purposes, families being separated. But you are lied to about that. The incredible fear-mongering hate propaganda of the GOP...
There are many seeking Asylum from gang run shitholes thanks to our war on drugs and our appetite. We give less in foreign aid than anyone. The GOP is a goddamn brainwashed mess. And have ruined our middle class and infrastructure... Only the rich prosper... Every other modern country has a good ID card to stop this mess. And good Health Care daycare vacations cheap College living wage. Etc etc
I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.

I support President Trump absolutely. He is enforcing the law--American law--and in doing so is protecting all of our American children from very real danger arriving from outside our borders. What disgusts me personally is how righteous has suddenly become everyone on the left. You've all been duped by images, video and crying talk show hosts. The left should be ashamed at how easily pulled are their marionette strings.
We also stopped, for all intents and purposes, families being separated. But you are lied to about that. The incredible fear-mongering hate propaganda of the GOP...

I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.

I support President Trump absolutely. He is enforcing the law--American law--and in doing so is protecting all of our American children from very real danger arriving from outside our borders. What disgusts me personally is how righteous has suddenly become everyone on the left. You've all been duped by images, video and crying talk show hosts. The left should be ashamed at how easily pulled are their marionette strings.
We also stopped, for all intents and purposes, families being separated. But you are lied to about that. The incredible fear-mongering hate propaganda of the GOP...
I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.

I support President Trump absolutely. He is enforcing the law--American law--and in doing so is protecting all of our American children from very real danger arriving from outside our borders. What disgusts me personally is how righteous has suddenly become everyone on the left. You've all been duped by images, video and crying talk show hosts. The left should be ashamed at how easily pulled are their marionette strings.
We also stopped, for all intents and purposes, families being separated. But you are lied to about that. The incredible fear-mongering hate propaganda of the GOP...
There are many seeking Asylum from gang run shitholes thanks to our war on drugs and our appetite. We give less in foreign aid than anyone. The GOP is a goddamn brainwashed mess. And have ruined our middle class and infrastructure... Only the rich prosper... Every other modern country has a good ID card to stop this mess. And good Health Care daycare vacations cheap College living wage. Etc etc

You mistake my position. I support whatever action is necessary to protect our borders from mass, unrestricted immigration. You may want to line the streets of your hometown with cultures that radically change your way of life; I do not. If that means separating families at the border of those who have entered illegally then more power to our law enforcement agencies. The fate of refugees from Central America is not my concern as a citizen and patriot. However, the fate and health and education and safety of children in my country, my neighborhood, and my family is.
I would like to think some RWs on this board would condemn it.

This caravan of illegals were warned six weeks ago that they would not be given a free pass into the country. Some of them were interviewed about Trump's comment and they said that they didn't care and they were coming ahead anyway. Well, guess what, life isn't always fair and if a country doesn't protect its borders, can it actually be called a country? If it isn't a country with a duly elected (allegedly) governmental body setting boundaries, acts, statutes, codes and ordinances that are only selectively enforced? Then no one is obligated to adhere to any of their acts, statutes and codes that are not within the confines of natural law or more aptly named "Common Law"......leftards can't have it both ways.
As usual republicans blame others for the trump administration's policies showing "personal responsibility" is something they only apply to others.

Yep, the parent that put their kids in danger. Along with illegal entry, they should be prosecuted for child endangerment.

To clean the mess up for everyone's benefit, but most importantly for the children, then one parental gaurdian should be allowed to stay with their children (preferably the mother), but if only have the father then let it be him until all family members are deported. I agree that separating children from the parents is not good law or policy.

I don't blame Trump for this, but it's time to do the right thing on it. Opportunity knocks, and it's time to get it right.

He's doing the right thing. He's enforcing the law, if congress doesn't like the law they can change it.

This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Um no. Before it only applied to criminal court cases. That was rare. Now all illegal immigrants are tried in criminal court.
Entering the US illegally is a crime you moron..
But before Trump was tried as a civil matter you dumb piece of shit. That’s the difference. The difference in the type of court case.

We try criminals in court.

What part of that don't you fucking understand ?
God you’re so stupid. You stalk all my threads for some bizarre reason yet have nothing substantial to ever say. These cases were tried in CIVIL court. That’s a separate court from criminal.

Not really, it's all done by immigration judges.

This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Um no. Before it only applied to criminal court cases. That was rare. Now all illegal immigrants are tried in criminal court.
Entering the US illegally is a crime you moron..
But before Trump it was tried as a civil matter you dumb piece of shit. That’s the difference. The difference in the type of court case.
Enforce the border or not ??? Create a deterrent or not ? Look what has happened under bleeding heart policies or non-enforcement and/or non-compliance. We have an over run border is what happened.
This law has been on the books for quite some time.
Um no. Before it only applied to criminal court cases. That was rare. Now all illegal immigrants are tried in criminal court.
Entering the US illegally is a crime you moron..
But before Trump it was tried as a civil matter you dumb piece of shit. That’s the difference. The difference in the type of court case.

That's because Trump is serious about solving the problem, not just letting it go on. Tell you GD commiecrat congresscritters to get off their asses and cooperate on a fix.

I would like to see those who wish to immigrate to America or seek asylum here obey our laws and do so through the legal process. I would like to believe everyone would support that.
Do you know what Asylum is and our tradition of it? Or just all brainwashed?

Yep, it's intended for people persecuted by their governments. Not gangs or abusive husbands.

I am indifferent.

I hear these people carrying on and on about how inhumane we are being ... but why is the U.S. obligated to take in all the world's poor and needy?
A lot of these are seeking Asylum from the shitholes
1. We can't afford it.

2. We have borders for a reason. We have rules and laws for a reason.

U.S. citizens are tired of being world police. Tired of being the world's biggest charity. We want to look out for ourselves and leave others to their own devices. What's so bad about that?
There are many seeking Asylum from gang run shitholes thanks to our war on drugs and our appetite. We give less in foreign aid than anyone. The GOP is a goddamn brainwashed mess. And have ruined our middle class and infrastructure... Only the rich prosper... Every other modern country has a good ID card to stop this mess. And good Health Care daycare vacations cheap College living wage... Thanks GOP and silly dupes....
What about the crap holes the Demon-crats have successfully created here, and you can't have any of the other stuff because of the crap holes the Demon-crats are steady creating here... You must be under the impression that this nation has no crap holes in it, and worse you can't admit to who has created the crap holes over time. They tried to hide it with the millions upon millions of abortions, but even that can't keep up with the out of control birth rates inside the holes. What's the welfare state's costing this country now ?? Who fights against abortion, and who doesn't ? Who fights against crime, and who makes excuses for the perpetrators of it ? On and on it all goes.

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