POLL: Do you support White Nationalism?

Do you support White Nationalism?

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I gotta believe that many have a different interpretation of what / who a White Nationalist really is...NO, a White Nationalist is not a torch wielding skinhead in Charlottesville...forget your CNN programming.
There was a time when all good Americans were expected to be Nationalists and most happened to be...yep, you guessed it....WHITE!
This was before nutless Americans were programmed to be paranoid of the R word....they were told to believe that being White, prideful and patriotic meant one had to be a racist. Poor pussies.
Fast forward to the wetback invasion era...the pussies are terrified more now than ever before...they don’t dare want to make the cockroaches feel uncomfortable with too much of that American pride shit you know. Real Americans need to rediscover their nuts...and they are a little more everyday.

  1. patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
    synonyms: patriotism, patriotic sentiment, flag-waving, xenophobia, chauvinism, jingoism
    "their extreme nationalism was frightening"
    • an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.
      plural noun: nationalisms
    • advocacy of political independence for a particular country.

I gotta believe that many have a different interpretation of what / who a White Nationalist really is...NO, a White Nationalist is not a torch wielding skinhead in Charlottesville...forget your CNN programming.
There was a time when all good Americans were expected to be Nationalists and most happened to be...yep, you guessed it....WHITE!
This was before nutless Americans were programmed to be paranoid of the R word....they were told to believe that being White, prideful and patriotic meant one had to be a racist. Poor pussies.
Fast forward to the wetback invasion era...the pussies are terrified more now than ever before...they don’t dare want to make the cockroaches feel uncomfortable with too much of that American pride shit you know. Real Americans need to rediscover their nuts...and they are a little more everyday.

  1. patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
    synonyms: patriotism, patriotic sentiment, flag-waving, xenophobia, chauvinism, jingoism
    "their extreme nationalism was frightening"
    • an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries.
      plural noun: nationalisms
    • advocacy of political independence for a particular country.
''white'' [ hahahahahah ] Nationalism probably is more anti-::
criminal/illegals/senseless immigration/ while being pro-police-law-order/etc
how horrible
..considering the blacks commit murder/rape/crime/hate crimes/etc at much higher rates, can you blame anyone for not wanting to live near them?? !!!
If Mac means a white only country, this thread is stupid.

If Mac means it is ok to be white and love your country, this thread is stupid.

He just has an Ax to grind.
If Mac means a white only country, this thread is stupid.
If Mac means it is ok to be white and love your country, this thread is stupid.
He just has an Ax to grind.
You keep posting about me without tagging me. I can see that you're triggered.

Are you going to make an actual point, are you going to actually ask a direct question, or are you just going to keep whining?
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.
I gotta believe that many have a different interpretation of what / who a White Nationalist really is...NO, a White Nationalist is not a torch wielding skinhead in Charlottesville...forget your CNN programming.
There was a time when all good Americans were expected to be Nationalists and most happened to be...yep, you guessed it....WHITE!
This was before nutless Americans were programmed to be paranoid of the R word....they were told to believe that being White, prideful and patriotic meant one had to be a racist. Poor pussies.
Fast forward to the wetback invasion era...the pussies are terrified more now than ever before...they don’t dare want to make the cockroaches feel uncomfortable with too much of that American pride shit you know. Real Americans need to rediscover their nuts...and they are a little more everyday.

I'll be proud of my country when it does things I should be proud of.

And I'll criticize it when it does things that embarrass me.


We really have little to be proud of since 2016.

And a lot to be embarrassed about.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.
what the fk does this even mean? can you explain in english and without the fking chip on shoulder? are you white? do you want our country to be outstanding?
People sure do get upset over clear, direct questions.
clear as mud. but you knew that. it was your intention. you're that guy.
BTW, you're still avoiding my question. why won't you answer the question you're asked? chicken shit maybe?
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.

MOST of “our families” were invited here.
Is this you shown in the image?
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.

MOST of “our families” were invited here.
Is this you shown in the image?
People sure do get upset over clear, direct questions.
clear as mud. but you knew that. it was your intention. you're that guy.
BTW, you're still avoiding my question. why won't you answer the question you're asked? chicken shit maybe?
You just don't like the question, which is telling in itself.

Did you ask a question to deflect from the thread? No surprise.

Ask again, I'll be happy to answer it. Unlike what I'm seeing on this thread.

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