Poll: Do You Think Obama Is A National Disgrace?

He IS a disgrace. The world laughs at us for electing him a second time. They laugh at him, his wife, and his incompetent cabinet. No one respects anyone in his administration and none of our enemies fear him. He's a joke and an embarrassment to the United States.
If you think they're laughing at us about Obama, he's nothing compared to how we were viewed overseas after Bush won again in '04. The collective world thought we'd lost our mind.

Personally I don't think he's a disgrace. I do think he's had some shortcomings.
He is disgrace for the whole world not just our country!
No one in the world respects him, laughing stalk for all the world!

he's a traitor. Democrats deceived America to believe he is an American. He is a Moslem who has weakend America and unleashed the Jihad on the world to bring about a new Dark Age.

He've respect in central America and Africa and maybe to south America if I know right.

Europe like him... He quite popular over here... They really didn't like Bush...

The RW in America are considered to be the laughing stock... There views on science is bemusing to educated people...

Of course I know righties would prefer raw emotion and rhetoric instead of research, but I thought I'd post this anyway.

7 charts on how the world views President Obama
7 charts on how the world views President Obama

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations and regions.


The reason Pakistan doesn't like him is because that is where he took out Bin Laden. Too bad the GOP let Bin Laden go. Makes you wonder if they were on the same side.

To a partisan hack like you, that all no doubt makes perfect sense.

So long as you completely ignore the thousands of men, women & children president Obama droned to death over there.
pw, you want troops up close and personal killing ME Muslims, but scorn drones? What's up with that?

You assume far too much. All of it wrong.
Anti-EU sentiment and far right politics are on the rise in Europe. It must be because they like Obama so much.

Austria will probably be the first to elect a far-right leader in May. Sweden, France, Germany, the UK and other countries are seeing far-right parties gaining in popularity throughout the EU.

Austrian far-right party wins first round of presidential election

With Libya in shambles, Syria a mess, Iraq faltering, Russia playing by its own rules and China building military bases in international shipping lanes, Obama has proven a level of incompetence in foreign affairs that will be hard to beat by future presidents. Jimmy Cater is probably one of the only people who truly appreciates Obama's efforts.

Anti-EU sentiment and far right politics are on the rise in Europe. It must be because they like Obama so much.

Austria will probably be the first to elect a far-right leader in May. Sweden, France, Germany, the UK and other countries are seeing far-right parties gaining in popularity throughout the EU.

Austrian far-right party wins first round of presidential election

With Libya in shambles, Syria a mess, Iraq faltering, Russia playing by its own rules and China building military bases in international shipping lanes, Obama has proven a level of incompetence in foreign affairs that will be hard to beat by future presidents. Jimmy Cater is probably one of the only people who truly appreciates Obama's efforts.

He is disgrace for the whole world not just our country!
No one in the world respects him, laughing stalk for all the world!

he's a traitor. Democrats deceived America to believe he is an American. He is a Moslem who has weakend America and unleashed the Jihad on the world to bring about a new Dark Age.


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He is disgrace for the whole world not just our country!
No one in the world respects him, laughing stalk for all the world!

he's a traitor. Democrats deceived America to believe he is an American. He is a Moslem who has weakend America and unleashed the Jihad on the world to bring about a new Dark Age.

He've respect in central America and Africa and maybe to south America if I know right.

Europe like him... He quite popular over here... They really didn't like Bush...

The RW in America are considered to be the laughing stock... There views on science is bemusing to educated people...

No one in the world really cares what Europe thinks anymore.
Poll: Do You Think Obama Is A National Disgrace?

No, he's an international disgrace.
Blues, how did Obama violate the Constitution? Please spell it out, as I am simple.

His existence is an affront to the founders.
This is your answer to 'how has Obama violate the Constitution'? And, um, do the founders talk to you often?

No this is how I toy with silly liberals. Now hop on one leg while patting the top of your head lib.
the MAJOIRTY of the people in this country does and has for a long time. they didn't take away (Obama/democrats) in his FIRST MISERABLE term control of congress for NO REASON. BUT you can't get that fact through a die hard Obot (the few that are left) or the rabid Democrat supporter. they still think they are THE ONE and the Hill crook is going to take it all and be the next Obama .
download spellcheck
Soon Obama's presidency will be history and the historians will rate him. The problem with the historians is they know more of the problems Obama faced and opportunities Obama missed. Of the 44 presidents that will be rated, I suspect Obama will be close to someplace around 22nd best president.

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