Poll: Do You Think Obama Is A National Disgrace?

The world struggles with the problems of war, displacement, and terrorism while obama literally dances around like a fool in a foreign country after trying to play "look at me guys, I'm cool! I'm one of you!" by bad-mouthing Americans in front of foreign leaders who are NOT impressed with his latest expression of a severe lack of patriotism.
Guess you wont be voting for him, right?
I wonder, will he hate Clinton even more or is it a 'black' thing?

The race card, what a surprise.
That's what it looks like. The Japanese are well known racists.
Disgrace, Communist, Socialist, criminal, traitor, Islanic Extremist / terrorist symathizer....
The world struggles with the problems of war, displacement, and terrorism while obama literally dances around like a fool in a foreign country after trying to play "look at me guys, I'm cool! I'm one of you!" by bad-mouthing Americans in front of foreign leaders who are NOT impressed with his latest expression of a severe lack of patriotism.
Guess you wont be voting for him, right?
I wonder, will he hate Clinton even more or is it a 'black' thing?

The race card, what a surprise.
That's what it looks like. The Japanese are well known racists.

A) That's stupid.

B) What does that have to do with me?

C) The race card is always a sign of discursive failure.
He is laughed at as a pompous ass all over the world...even the Socialists in Europe who gave him a Peace Prize 4 days into office...have realized he is a fool. Every enemy sees him as a Golden Opportunity...and every ally is disgusted and afraid.

Foreign Policy...especially the disastrous Iran Deal...is formulated solely in the White House by a couple of Black Ladies whose qualifications are limited to being Black Ladies. That's Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett...three if Michelle gets involved...which is likely. Putin and the Ayatollaks certainly have him sized up as pussy-whipped, and they are beginning to pounce as their Butt-Boy's time starts to run out.

We've got 172 more days to hope this train-wreck of a President...doesn't do any more serious damage around the globe...or allow it to be done as a result of being an indolent pussy.
You are not trav
did you see Obamas approval rating in the countries you mentioned.
higher than any republican's approval rate in the USA.
You and the Trump Republicans are driven by hate; hate results in irrational thinking
He is laughed at as a pompous ass all over the world...even the Socialists in Europe who gave him a Peace Prize 4 days into office...have realized he is a fool. Every enemy sees him as a Golden Opportunity...and every ally is disgusted and afraid.

Foreign Policy...especially the disastrous Iran Deal...is formulated solely in the White House by a couple of Black Ladies whose qualifications are limited to being Black Ladies. That's Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett...three if Michelle gets involved...which is likely. Putin and the Ayatollaks certainly have him sized up as pussy-whipped, and they are beginning to pounce as their Butt-Boy's time starts to run out.

We've got 172 more days to hope this train-wreck of a President...doesn't do any more serious damage around the globe...or allow it to be done as a result of being an indolent pussy.
You are not trav
did you see Obamas approval rating in the countries you mentioned.
higher than any republican's approval rate in the USA.
You and the Trump Republicans are driven by hate; hate results in irrational thinking

I notice you failed to address any of the offensive incidents described. It's obvious why.

I also notice you failed to recognize the irony of your own hypocrisy.
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He is disgrace for the whole world not just our country!
No one in the world respects him, laughing stalk for all the world!

he's a traitor. Democrats deceived America to believe he is an American. He is a Moslem who has weakend America and unleashed the Jihad on the world to bring about a new Dark Age.

Obama has been a disgrace. He ran under the promise that the world would love us again. Other countries dislike us even more and now the left says they don't care what the world thinks.

You'd think he was elected by Muslim countries considering that his foreign policy has favored them at every turn.

He will go down as the "refujihadist" president because the goal is to bring as many radical Muslims as possible into this country. I swear that ISIS or alQaeda came up with the refugee plan.

He has released terrorists so they can go back and start plotting against infidels. He's ensured that they have money and weapons.

The left balked at criticism over our lame vetting process and said it was good enough, citing that it took 18 months. They've been silent since Obama wants to shorten it to 2 months.

The radical Islamists would probably give Obama higher marks than the average citizens.

His only fulfilled promise was releasing the GITMO terrorists and a horrible transformation of this country.
Still don't see a poll.

Now, that's a disgrace. At least it's only limited to USMB RWNJs.
What I posted is true. You people try to get nuts elected so, stop it.

When even the Koch brothers are repelled by the two top Republican runners, you know the GOP is in deep kimchee.
Kochs for Clinton. Strange days indeed.
Kochs for a continuation of the gravy train. Nothing more. Cruz would definitely end the cash flow & Trump is an unknown. Hence Hillary

Wise up idiots
And what is said gravy train?
Tax carve outs & government contracts.
Because investing in America is such a bad thing.
He is disgrace for the whole world not just our country!
No one in the world respects him, laughing stalk for all the world!

he's a traitor. Democrats deceived America to believe he is an American. He is a Moslem who has weakend America and unleashed the Jihad on the world to bring about a new Dark Age.

Obama has been a disgrace. He ran under the promise that the world would love us again. Other countries dislike us even more and now the left says they don't care what the world thinks.

You'd think he was elected by Muslim countries considering that his foreign policy has favored them at every turn.

He will go down as the "refujihadist" president because the goal is to bring as many radical Muslims as possible into this country. I swear that ISIS or alQaeda came up with the refugee plan.

He has released terrorists so they can go back and start plotting against infidels. He's ensured that they have money and weapons.

The left balked at criticism over our lame vetting process and said it was good enough, citing that it took 18 months. They've been silent since Obama wants to shorten it to 2 months.

The radical Islamists would probably give Obama higher marks than the average citizens.

His only fulfilled promise was releasing the GITMO terrorists and a horrible transformation of this country.
And yet Obama is popular all over the world. Go figure.
He IS a disgrace. The world laughs at us for electing him a second time. They laugh at him, his wife, and his incompetent cabinet. No one respects anyone in his administration and none of our enemies fear him. He's a joke and an embarrassment to the United States.

A guy who was hired by Obama to design Obamacare said it best..."stupidity of the American voter"
Like the architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber appears on a panel and discusses how the reform earned enough votes to pass.
He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

The Stupidity of American Voter!
the MAJOIRTY of the people in this country does and has for a long time. they didn't take away (Obama/democrats) in his FIRST MISERABLE term control of congress for NO REASON. BUT you can't get that fact through a die hard Obot (the few that are left) or the rabid Democrat supporter. they still think they are THE ONE and the Hill crook is going to take it all and be the next Obama .
the MAJOIRTY of the people in this country does and has for a long time. they didn't take away (Obama/democrats) in his FIRST MISERABLE term control of congress for NO REASON. BUT you can't get that fact through a die hard Obot (the few that are left) or the rabid Democrat supporter. they still think they are THE ONE and the Hill crook is going to take it all and be the next Obama .
That's enough for now Staph.:. It's time to PACK UP! your CRAYONS and your scrap paper!, and GET ready for nap time;

AW GAWD; look what THESE: democrat/COMMIE/muslim/socialist/homosexual/ PARTY DO to us: theY DO
Obama is indeed a disgrace, for a number of reasons. I regard his pull-out of troops from Iraq, and especially his ANNOUNCING his intentions to the world so far in advance ... an outright gift to the enemy. Which also makes his action a treasonous one, and I for one would've loved to see him impeached for it.

I'm from the UK. I've watched BBC coverage of Obama, and it's WAY more friendly and sympathetic to Obama than it ever was to GW Bush. The BBC once got an exclusive interview with Obama, and - I kid you not - their domestic news channel treated it not only like a bona fide news item, but their LEADING news item, for the better part of 24 hours.

In it, Obama said that he was more popular abroad than he was in the US. And ... I believe him, unfortunately. The very recent blackmail threat he's made to try and skew anti-EU membership arguments into a losing position, by insisting that the UK would be 'at the back of the queue' for gaining new trade deals with America ... this was taken on board with shock, by some people. They honestly saw Obama as a reasonable, friendly figure !!

Obama's trash. I can't wait to see him rendered powerless, and a Republican President installed in the White House.
He's absolutely a disgrace, AND a shitty POTUS. And he's a criminal. He should be brought up on Treason charges.

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Of course I know righties would prefer raw emotion and rhetoric instead of research, but I thought I'd post this anyway.

7 charts on how the world views President Obama
7 charts on how the world views President Obama

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations and regions.


The reason Pakistan doesn't like him is because that is where he took out Bin Laden. Too bad the GOP let Bin Laden go. Makes you wonder if they were on the same side.

To a partisan hack like you, that all no doubt makes perfect sense.

So long as you completely ignore the thousands of men, women & children president Obama droned to death over there.

Of course I know righties would prefer raw emotion and rhetoric instead of research, but I thought I'd post this anyway.

7 charts on how the world views President Obama
7 charts on how the world views President Obama

Globally, Obama’s image is mostly positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs. A median of just 27% lack confidence in the American leader. Overall, Obama remains much more popular globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations and regions.


The reason Pakistan doesn't like him is because that is where he took out Bin Laden. Too bad the GOP let Bin Laden go. Makes you wonder if they were on the same side.

To a partisan hack like you, that all no doubt makes perfect sense.

So long as you completely ignore the thousands of men, women & children president Obama droned to death over there.
pw, you want troops up close and personal killing ME Muslims, but scorn drones? What's up with that?

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