POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

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The "cowards and bullies" are the idiot partisans driving the division. On both sides.
What is a partisan in this context? I asked Harpy Eagle and Mac1958 to explain in the other thread but they were too pussy as always. Is it someone who supports their party no matter what and hates the other party no matter what because who does that describe? We have Republicans revolting against their own party and taking their own Speakers out and Democratic voters ripping Bidens face off for his support of Israel so who are you Clowns even talking about? :dunno:
We have Republicans revolting against their own party and taking their own Speakers out and Democratic voters ripping Bidens face off for his support of Israel so who are you Clowns even talking about?

and yet at the end of the day they will still vote for their beloved party.
and yet at the end of the day they will still vote for their beloved party.
Ayup. You see these polls where an overwhelming majority of voters say they don't like either candidate. But nearly all of them will fall in line when the fear mongering starts. It's pathetic. Home of the brave, my ass.
and yet at the end of the day they will still vote for their beloved party.
Not out of blind ideology but political reality. I disagree with the Democrats on a lot of things but on those things I disagree with them on the Republicans are even worse. My options then are to either don't vote, cast a protest vote and potentially let the worse candidate win or maybe help a middling Democrat eek out a victory and hope someone better emerges for a primary next time around. Or do you geniuses in the middle see some other political calculation I'm missing?
What is a partisan in this context?
For me, the problem of partisanship is summed up in the lesser-of-two-evils scam. We have people voting for bad candidates, on purpose, just to support their party. They're fucking the country so they can get a leg up in their precious culture war.
For me, the problem of partisanship is summed up in the lesser-of-two-evils scam. We have people voting for bad candidates, on purpose, just to support their party. They're fucking the country so they can get a leg up in their precious culture war.
That's a confused bunch of emotional mumbo jumbo.

Voting for the lesser of two evils isn't much support when your admitting on the front end that your voting for evil. Just the lesser of it. Hardly a ringing fucking endorsement, Snowflake. As for the part about fucking the country I don't know that that means. It seems like you people are having yourselves a moment. You doing OK? Why are you confusing your emotions with the state of the Country? :dunno:
That's a confused bunch of emotional mumbo jumbo.
Which part confused you?
Voting for the lesser of two evils isn't much support when your admitting on the front end that your voting for evil. Just the lesser of it. Hardly a ringing fucking endorsement, Snowflake.
It doesn't matter, at all, whether it's a ringing endorsement. What matters is that they vote for bad candidates, on purpose, and elect them. All in the name of party loyalty. Please, stop doing that.
As for the part about fucking the country I don't know that that means.
That's quite clear.
What part confused you?
The part where you said people were voting for the lesser of two evils but also calling them partisans only doing it to support their party. Seems like they're doing it because they think the other candidate is even worse.
It doesn't matter, at all, whether it's a ringing endorsement. What matters is that they vote for bad candidates, on purpose, and elect them. All in the name of party loyalty. Please, stop doing that.
Is it party loyalty now because sometimes it's the lesser of two evils so which one is your actual argument? :dunno:
That's quite clear.
Oh very..... :laugh:

Some people say our divisions are not that big a deal, that we've seen them before. Personally I don't think that's true. One thing that concerns me the most is the amount of people who don't seem to WANT our divisions healed. It seems they'd rather have some kind of final, winner-take-all war, thinking the other side can somehow be eliminated.

Do you want to see our divisions healed? It would certainly require communication with people who disagree with you, and you would have to bend somewhat, regardless of where you stand politically.

Yeah, but we're not gonna do it your way. Whatcha think about that? :D

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