POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

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Isn't it nice to see Ds and Rs agree? "We love the dysfunctional division we've foisted on the country!"
Isn't it nice to see Ds and Rs agree? "We love the dysfunctional division we've foisted on the country!"
You can't have an American political party that's trying to destroy everything America is, and that's what Democrats are right now. It's just not gonna work. At all. Unlike them, I have faith in The People.
You can't have an American political party that's trying to destroy everything America is, and that's what Democrats are right now. It's just not gonna work. At all.
Mkay. They say the same kind of hysterical shit about the Republicans. OMG!!!!!
Not out of blind ideology but political reality. I disagree with the Democrats on a lot of things but on those things I disagree with them on the Republicans are even worse. My options then are to either don't vote, cast a protest vote and potentially let the worse candidate win or maybe help a middling Democrat eek out a victory and hope someone better emerges for a primary next time around. Or do you geniuses in the middle see some other political calculation I'm missing?
That sounds like critical thinking, commie. We cheerleaders don't cotton to that around this here football game.
For me, the problem of partisanship is summed up in the lesser-of-two-evils scam. We have people voting for bad candidates, on purpose, just to support their party. They're fucking the country so they can get a leg up in their precious culture war.
'pwning da libs'
Not out of blind ideology but political reality. I disagree with the Democrats on a lot of things but on those things I disagree with them on the Republicans are even worse. My options then are to either don't vote, cast a protest vote and potentially let the worse candidate win or maybe help a middling Democrat eek out a victory and hope someone better emerges for a primary next time around. Or do you geniuses in the middle see some other political calculation I'm missing?
Just say no. YOU are perpetuating the dysfunction by giving in to the fear-mongering.
Just say no. YOU are perpetuating the dysfunction by giving in to the fear-mongering.
And then what? Maybe allow the greater of the evils to win? What you seem to be disagreeing on, ultimately, is strategy. So what's your better one? Also I'm not afraid of white wingers, I just think the policies they support are shit.
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Not out of blind ideology but political reality. I disagree with the Democrats on a lot of things but on those things I disagree with them on the Republicans are even worse. My options then are to either don't vote, cast a protest vote and potentially let the worse candidate win or maybe help a middling Democrat eek out a victory and hope someone better emerges for a primary next time around. Or do you geniuses in the middle see some other political calculation I'm missing?

That's your justification for supporting the KKK?

Below is a list of seditionist Russian Collusion Hoax traitors who illegally used GOVT power to SPY on Trump & associates. Then there was Covid launch and 2020 Election fraud off the charts (guarantee Obama helped drive the election fraud). Yet BlackMacGaterPeeK incorporated post 24-7 that "WE" are the problem. Silence or denial from them on the BIGGER issues.

Here is a list of some (but not all) co-conspirators: (many of them were fired for their part in all the corruption). Many are back now working again...........or working in the shadows directing the destruction of the Country for their short term financial gains.
Hillary Clinton
Barak Obama
Jim Clapper,
James Comey
Andrew McCabe
Robert Mueller
Peter Strzok
Lisa Page
Loretta Lynch
John Brennan.
Joe Biden
Michael E. Horowitz (IG)
Adam Schiff
Mitt Romney
Emmet Sullivan
Christopher Steele
Igor Danchenko
Joseph Cofer Black
Glenn Simpson
Christopher Wray
Susan Rice
Rod Rosenstein
Thomas Catan
Bruce Ohr
Nellie Ohr
Neil King Jr
Shailagh Murray
Mary Jacoby
Peter Fritsch
Edward Baumgartner
General Milley
Rinat Akhmetshin
Samantha Power
Stephen Somma
Stefan Halper
Sidney Blumenthal
John Podesta
Cody Shearer
Jake Sullivan
Robbie Mook
Michael Sussmann
Marc Elias
Thomas Williams
Colin Kahl
Kevin Clinesmith
Kathleen Kavalec
Lewis Lukens
Gregory Craig
Jonathan Winer
Victoria Nuland
Tashina Gauhar
John Carlin
Sally Yates
John McCain
And then what?
And then, when they look at the vote totals and realize that more and more of us aren't falling for their bullshit, they'll change their tune. As it is, they have zero reason to change because you're going to vote for them regardless.
Maybe allow the greater of the evils to win? What you seem to be disagreeing on, ultimately, is strategy. So what's your better one?
Yes, the "greater" of two evils might win. I'm still not using that as a twisted excuse to vote for evil. If we're electing an "evil" (or just a really bad) candidate, that's a losing game. Losing "less" is an irrelevant concern. If we can't figure out how to elect "not evil" candidates, we're hosed.

The better "strategy" is to quit trying to game the system and just vote honestly.
And then, when they look at the vote totals and realize that more and more of us aren't falling for their bullshit, they'll change their tune.
That's your hope. Hillary blame Bernie and her ongoing investigation for her loss. Trump blamed corruption. You imagine these people will have a moment of self reflection and I that sort of naivety adorable. :laugh:
As it is, they have zero reason to change because you're going to vote for them regardless.
I'm not expecting them to change. I'm expecting them to be less shitty than the other guy. Change comes with primaries. Ideally.
Yes, the "greater" of two evils might win. I'm still not using that as a twisted excuse to vote for evil.
Good for you but what the fuck does that have to do with me? That doesn't make me a partisan. I still don't even know what the fuck even means in this context. If a better candidate came along from whatever party with a shot at winning I'd be voting for them.
The better "strategy" is to quit trying to game the system and just vote honestly.
Prove it. What has it gotten you? What are your results with this strategy?
That's your hope. Hillary blame Bernie and her ongoing investigation for her loss. Trump blamed corruption. You imagine these people will have a moment of self reflection and I that sort of naivety adorable. :laugh:
No. I imagine that if we stop voting for them, they stop getting electing. It's very simple.

Listen, they've beat you down to the point that you think of it as some kind of privilege to get to choose between two "evils". Fuck that.
Prove it. What has it gotten you? What are your results with this strategy?
What does it get me? A clean conscience for starters. If you dumb fucks want to bury our country, I might not be able to stop you, but I won't join in.

If even twenty percent of the electorate grows a spine and tells both the Democrats and Republicans to get fucked, the majors will be falling all over themselves trying to figure out how to get those voters back. That's the most likely outcome. They'll change as a result of voters refusing to vote for them. Either that or, as the momentum swings, they'll eventually lose to candidates that voters actually want.

Ultimately we need systemic changes (like RCV) so that strategic voting doesn't work. So that the fear-mongering doesn't work. But we won't get that as long as the two parties are dominating.
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No. I imagine that if we stop voting for them, they stop getting electing. It's very simple.
And the worse candidate gets elected. I understand. I'm not sure you do.
Listen, they've beat you down to the point that you think of it as some kind of privilege to get to choose between two "evils'. Fuck that.
I don't think it's a privilege. That's narrative cosplay you're now attempting to bring in to make your argument work. I think it's unfortunate and still the political reality of the situation.
What does it get me? A clean conscience for starters. If you dumb fucks want to bury our country, I might not be able to stop you, but I won't join in.
I don't think my country is getting buried because any candidate gets elected. That's your frail premise, not mine.
But I promise you, if even twenty percent of the electorate grows a spine and tells both the Democrats and Republicans to get fucked, the majors will be falling all over themselves trying to figure out how to get those voters back.
Yeah If. I don't operate on cosplay and make believe as easily as you do. Show evidence of your viability and I'll vote for you if I agree with your policies and think you're even slightly better than the current office holder.
That's the most likely outcome. Either that or, as the momentum swings, they'll eventually lose to candidates voters actually want.
The most likely outcome is that 2% show up for that other candidate, not 20% and the mainstream continues to ignore you like the insignificant voter that you are.
Ultimately we need systemic changes (like RCV) so that strategic voting doesn't work.
The Democratic party looks to be slowly moving more leftward to me. The squad keeps growing. That's an outcome I'm content with. Certainly better than most of the other likely alternatives.
So that the fear-mongering doesn't work. But we won't get that as long as the two parties are dominating.
You're the one afraid for the country Chicken Little. Not me. Have you forgotten your own premise already?

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