Poll: Do you want US troops out of Afghanistan by EOY?

Do you want US forces out of Afghanistan by EOY?

  • Yes, and Trump will do it

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Yes, and Biden will do it

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
If they're out, you can bet your ass that it won't be Biden getting them out.

Sucker bet. If Biden wins he doesn't become president until next year.
Biden will never ever bring them home...The Democrat Party is the home of never-ending international warmongering.
Yup, and remember how they attacked Mc-shit-Stain for saying we needed to stay another hundred years or whatever the fuck he said?

Then Obama kept us there and started new wars.

Now Joe Biden is literally running ads here in AZ telling us how close he was to Mc-shit-Stain and how alike they are in war policy:

It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

GOOD---northeast Syria is VERY STRATEGICALLY important for Russian and Turkish imperialism
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

GOOD---northeast Syria is VERY STRATEGICALLY important for Russian and Turkish imperialism

We'll probably abandon it too. I hope Vlad appreciates what we're building for him.

We saw what the payoff for the Russian 'assistance' provided to Trump was during the 2016 election.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.
If they're out, you can bet your ass that it won't be Biden getting them out.

Sucker bet. If Biden wins he doesn't become president until next year.
Biden will never ever bring them home...The Democrat Party is the home of never-ending international warmongering.
Yup, and remember how they attacked Mc-shit-Stain for saying we needed to stay another hundred years or whatever the fuck he said?

Then Obama kept us there and started new wars.

Now Joe Biden is literally running ads here in AZ telling us how close he was to Mc-shit-Stain and how alike they are in war policy:

The same John McCain you voted for?
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

GOOD---northeast Syria is VERY STRATEGICALLY important for Russian and Turkish imperialism

We'll probably abandon it too. I hope Vlad appreciates what we're building for him.

We saw what the payoff for the Russian 'assistance' provided to Trump was during the 2016 election.

I do not believe so-----right now Trump is DESPERATE over finances-----but he is not going to destroy USA
military strength----ALTHOUGH he might be confident
that he can over come Russia and Turkey FINANCIALLY-----the technique he likes best
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Disingenuous dolt. You claim that we "need" their oil while at the same time, are against the energy-independence that fracking gave us?

I don't know if your lying news media ever told you this but thanks to President Trump's energy policies, we are now a net exporter of gas and oil. Do you even know what that means?

Gimme a break here, ok?
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obama’s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isn’t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trump’s peaceful ME policies. But let’s end all that peace and vote for Biden!
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Disingenuous dolt. You claim that we "need" their oil while at the same time, are against the energy-independence that fracking gave us?
I am? News to me. I do think that we're "over fracking" because of the shocking number of earthquakes taking place--in the US Midwest. We don't understand the geological science and implications between so much fracking but I'm not against it. We should probably back of a little since, you know, the earth is shaking.


I don't know if your lying news media ever told you this but thanks to President Trump's energy policies, we are now a net exporter of gas and oil. Do you even know what that means?

Gimme a break here, ok?

And the reversion to blaming the media...sad.

We're never leaving the middle east... Never.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obama’s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isn’t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trump’s peaceful ME policies. But let’s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Disingenuous dolt. You claim that we "need" their oil while at the same time, are against the energy-independence that fracking gave us?
I am? News to me. I do think that we're "over fracking" because of the shocking number of earthquakes taking place--in the US Midwest. We don't understand the geological science and implications between so much fracking but I'm not against it. We should probably back of a little since, you know, the earth is shaking.


I don't know if your lying news media ever told you this but thanks to President Trump's energy policies, we are now a net exporter of gas and oil. Do you even know what that means?

Gimme a break here, ok?

And the reversion to blaming the media...sad.

We're never leaving the middle east... Never.

Well maybe you're on to something there. I just hope that after they frack all the oil and gas out of the ground, the country doesn't tip over and capsize.

Should I buy a boat?

It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Disingenuous dolt. You claim that we "need" their oil while at the same time, are against the energy-independence that fracking gave us?
I am? News to me. I do think that we're "over fracking" because of the shocking number of earthquakes taking place--in the US Midwest. We don't understand the geological science and implications between so much fracking but I'm not against it. We should probably back of a little since, you know, the earth is shaking.


I don't know if your lying news media ever told you this but thanks to President Trump's energy policies, we are now a net exporter of gas and oil. Do you even know what that means?

Gimme a break here, ok?

And the reversion to blaming the media...sad.

We're never leaving the middle east... Never.

Well maybe you're on to something there. I just hope that after they frack all the oil and gas out of the ground, the country doesn't tip over and capsize.

Should I buy a boat?


OK has gone from having like 40 measurable earthquakes in a year to having 900 with the onset of Fracking. I don't think you'll need a boat. But your house may fall into a sink hole

To the extent fracking has anything to do with small earthquakes, it may forestall big ones. (The Richter Scale is exponential, so a magnitude 5.0 earthquake is 100 times more powerful than a 3.0 earthquake.)
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obama’s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isn’t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trump’s peaceful ME policies. But let’s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for our enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES
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If they're out, you can bet your ass that it won't be Biden getting them out.

Sucker bet. If Biden wins he doesn't become president until next year.

OK word gamer: I didn't say which year, did I? Do you think Biden would have us out of Afghanistan by the end of 2021? If so, why? The problem with Democrat Presidents is that they are always worried about being perceived as "soft on communism." As a result, they feel they have to prove their macho by attacking some third world country.

My answer is "no". Biden told Stars and Stripes he wants to keep 1500-2000 special ops forces.
Biden says US must maintain small force in Middle East, has no plans for major Defense cuts

Yes I want them out by end of year. We'll see how it goes.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obama’s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isn’t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trump’s peaceful ME policies. But let’s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were “abandoning allies”. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. That’s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

I’ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. I’ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Orange man hasn't started any new wars like the previous two idiots. The ME is in the process of signing several agreements between the UAE, SA, Israel. The others will follow along. There will be peace and then sudden destruction. BTW, the US is the leading exporter of oil.

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