Poll: Do you want US troops out of Afghanistan by EOY?

Do you want US forces out of Afghanistan by EOY?

  • Yes, and Trump will do it

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Yes, and Biden will do it

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

They wouldnā€™t be hitting us if we didnā€™t import Muslim trash from the ME.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship

Not everything but certainly a lot. But its primarily for the oil.

Ours is a global economy and if the ME spigot is turned off, the price of the gas coming out of Oklahoma goes up.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

They wouldnā€™t be hitting us if we didnā€™t import Muslim trash from the ME.

Your understanding of terrorism is almost as bad as your understanding of what America is all about. You're profoundly stupid.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship

Not everything but certainly a lot. But its primarily for the oil.

Ours is a global economy and if the ME spigot is turned off, the price of the gas coming out of Oklahoma goes up.

If you're referring to "gasoline", Oklahoma only has two refineries. Most all of the refineries are in Texas, Louisiana, and California.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship

Not everything but certainly a lot. But its primarily for the oil.

Ours is a global economy and if the ME spigot is turned off, the price of the gas coming out of Oklahoma goes up.

If you're referring to "gasoline", Oklahoma only has two refineries. Most all of the refineries are in Texas, Louisiana, and California.

Lots of exploration happens in OK. You're right about the refineries. The price out of the gas coming out of LA, CA, and TX will go up too.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship

Not everything but certainly a lot. But its primarily for the oil.

Ours is a global economy and if the ME spigot is turned off, the price of the gas coming out of Oklahoma goes up.

If you're referring to "gasoline", Oklahoma only has two refineries. Most all of the refineries are in Texas, Louisiana, and California.

Lots of exploration happens in OK. You're right about the refineries. The price out of the gas coming out of LA, CA, and TX will go up too.

All I can tell you is if the availability of foreign oil is disrupted, the rising gasoline price won't be due to a domestic shortage. of oil. We've gone from a historical low of 3,839 thousand barrels per day under Obama, to 13,100 thousand barrels per day under Trump.

That's over four times the amount we were getting in 2008...

U.S. Crude Oil Production - Historical Chart
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship

Not everything but certainly a lot. But its primarily for the oil.

Ours is a global economy and if the ME spigot is turned off, the price of the gas coming out of Oklahoma goes up.

If you're referring to "gasoline", Oklahoma only has two refineries. Most all of the refineries are in Texas, Louisiana, and California.

Lots of exploration happens in OK. You're right about the refineries. The price out of the gas coming out of LA, CA, and TX will go up too.

All I can tell you is if the availability of foreign oil is disrupted, the rising gasoline price won't be due to a domestic shortage. of oil. We've gone from a historical low of 3,839 thousand barrels per day under Obama, to 13,100 thousand barrels per day under Trump.

That's over four times the amount we were getting in 2008...

U.S. Crude Oil Production - Historical Chart

Ours is a global economy. If they can sell the gasoline for 3X in Berlin as opposed to Baton Rouge, they are going to do it.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship

Not everything but certainly a lot. But its primarily for the oil.

Ours is a global economy and if the ME spigot is turned off, the price of the gas coming out of Oklahoma goes up.

If you're referring to "gasoline", Oklahoma only has two refineries. Most all of the refineries are in Texas, Louisiana, and California.

Lots of exploration happens in OK. You're right about the refineries. The price out of the gas coming out of LA, CA, and TX will go up too.

All I can tell you is if the availability of foreign oil is disrupted, the rising gasoline price won't be due to a domestic shortage. of oil. We've gone from a historical low of 3,839 thousand barrels per day under Obama, to 13,100 thousand barrels per day under Trump.

That's over four times the amount we were getting in 2008...

U.S. Crude Oil Production - Historical Chart

Ours is a global economy. If they can sell the gasoline for 3X in Berlin as opposed to Baton Rouge, they are going to do it.

"Global economy"???

Have you been sleeping for the last four years? Did you miss everything this President did to insulate your country from the whims of globalism?

Let the global supply of oil be cut off. We're sitting on the world's most prolific supply of it, and we can charge the world whatever we want to.

That's how capitalism works, baby.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

Trump will do it. The same Democrats who railed against the military/industrial complex back in the 60's, are now giving them a reach-around.

the military industrial complex issue goes all the
way back to Eisenhower. The strung-out slobs of
today are not exactly on the same page as were the
strung out slobs of the 60s.------except for SOROS---who -----if we are lucky will exit in the manner of
Jerry Rubiin
It appears that the military/industrial/political complex wants us to continue the war in Afghanistan. How do you feel about that?

We'll be there forever.

We have Afghan veterans who are sending their kids off to do the same patrols that they did.

Its nuts.

Surely, the United States will think twice about intervening in another nation keeping the Afghan example in the front of our minds and knowing we can go in but we can never get out....right?

No. $700+ Billion spending--per year--in defense spending has to result in something. You're seeing it.
I certainly supported going to to bomb the fuck out of AQ after 9/11, but this 20 year nation building crap has to stop. At least President Trump is drawing it down, same with Iraq.

The Obama bin Biden Regime expanded with new wars, funding terrorists in Libya and Syria. They created ISIS, they caused the Syrian civil war to blow up and caused the refugee crisis. President Trump has refused to declare a regime change on Assad and is trying to get us out. Of course when he announced troop pullouts the left went berserk, claiming we were ā€œabandoning alliesā€. Even after the Chemical Weapons hoax attack (perpetrated by rebels, not Assad) he refused to go to war. Thatā€™s when they decided to do the impeachment scam.

Iā€™ll stick to the man who in the last four years kept his word, no new stupid wars, and no war in Syria to remove Assad. Iā€™ll stick with the guy signing ME peace deals instead of new wars.

You can vote for warmonger Biden, who has voted yes for every war and will do as he is told by the Washington Establishment that wants more wars.

We'll never leave the Middle East. Never. Why? Oil. The West needs it. We could try to use electric or hybrid vehicles exclusively or mandate higher fuel standards. But we know who is against that.

The blob had 4 years to get us out. He hasn't. He won't.

Meanwhile, it looks like we're building bases in Syria. I'm sure we won't have troops at those bases.

We're not leaving there either.

Bullshit, President Trump got us off our dependence on ME oil.

Keep in mind President also had to mop up Obamaā€™s mess called ISIS for his first year or two. You may have forgotten about them, since President Trump wiped them off the map and out of existence. Isnā€™t it nice to not read about new terror attacks carried out in Europe every other week? All thanks to President Trumpā€™s peaceful ME policies. But letā€™s end all that peace and vote for Biden!

Ummm no...ISIS is still around

When the terrorists hit us in a few years, you'll be the first to say that we should have never reduced our forces in the Middle East.

We'll always be there because of the oil. Nothing else. It's crazy, I agree with those who think we should pull out every troop myself.

it is silly to believe that the ONLY economic issue for the USA and the Middle East is OIL. Shipping is VERY IMPORTANT-----the issue for out enemies is SHIPPING ROUTES

Shipping routes for the oil...

We're fine. Our allies and alliances need the oil more than we do. In a world economy, the price we pay at the pump depends on whether those shipping lanes stay open.

shipping for EVERYTHING we ship and they ship

Not everything but certainly a lot. But its primarily for the oil.

Ours is a global economy and if the ME spigot is turned off, the price of the gas coming out of Oklahoma goes up.

If you're referring to "gasoline", Oklahoma only has two refineries. Most all of the refineries are in Texas, Louisiana, and California.

Lots of exploration happens in OK. You're right about the refineries. The price out of the gas coming out of LA, CA, and TX will go up too.

All I can tell you is if the availability of foreign oil is disrupted, the rising gasoline price won't be due to a domestic shortage. of oil. We've gone from a historical low of 3,839 thousand barrels per day under Obama, to 13,100 thousand barrels per day under Trump.

That's over four times the amount we were getting in 2008...

U.S. Crude Oil Production - Historical Chart

Ours is a global economy. If they can sell the gasoline for 3X in Berlin as opposed to Baton Rouge, they are going to do it.

"Global economy"???

Have you been sleeping for the last four years? Did you miss everything this President did to insulate your country from the whims of globalism?

Let the global supply of oil be cut off. We're sitting on the world's most prolific supply of it, and we can charge the world whatever we want to.

That's how capitalism works, baby.
I'm aware of his failures in that regard. You cannot isolate yourself from the global economy. You can try but failure is the only absolute result of such an effort.

The trade deficit has increased; not decreased. THAT is how capitalism works.
I want all of our troops home. Let the ME kill itself. I don't give a shit.
Bring all our troops home by Christmas. Mideast, Europe, Asia, no matter where bring them home, we are not the world police and WW2 has be over for over 3/4 of a century no need for troops in those countries at this stage in the game

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