POLL: Does the left want to end capitalism?

Does the left want to end capitalism?

  • I'm left wing - No, I want to emulate Nordic capitalism.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • I'm left wing - Yes, I want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism.

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • I'm left wing - I want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • I'm right wing - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries and I disagree with that.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • I'm right wing - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • I'm right wing - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • I'm something else - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 5 8.5%

  • Total voters
The far left wants to be Nazi's and have the government control everything, including speech, thoughts, etc.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

And you see how the far left chimes in and runs their tired old debunked religious narratives, thus proving my point for me.
what is that; having nothing but fallacy and your unsubstantiated opinion?

Yes you are running a debunked far left religious narrative, proving you do not understand anything outside those narratives.

You want the government to control everything, including speech, thought etc.

Just like the Nazi's
I would go along with you, but you have nothing but fallacy and that is simply, too inferior; we can Never get it past the superiority committee, should it ever come up.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

Come back when you understand how economics works and you can not run debunked far left religious dogma.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

And you see how the far left chimes in and runs their tired old debunked religious narratives, thus proving my point for me.
what is that; having nothing but fallacy and your unsubstantiated opinion?

Yes you are running a debunked far left religious narrative, proving you do not understand anything outside those narratives.

You want the government to control everything, including speech, thought etc.

Just like the Nazi's
I would go along with you, but you have nothing but fallacy and that is simply, too inferior; we can Never get it past the superiority committee, should it ever come up.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

Come back when you understand how economics works and you can not run debunked far left religious dogma.
Only in right wing fantasy, dear. In the ordinary world, you merely have Excuses, not Arguments.
And you see how the far left chimes in and runs their tired old debunked religious narratives, thus proving my point for me.
what is that; having nothing but fallacy and your unsubstantiated opinion?

Yes you are running a debunked far left religious narrative, proving you do not understand anything outside those narratives.

You want the government to control everything, including speech, thought etc.

Just like the Nazi's
I would go along with you, but you have nothing but fallacy and that is simply, too inferior; we can Never get it past the superiority committee, should it ever come up.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.

Come back when you understand how economics works and you can not run debunked far left religious dogma.
Only in right wing fantasy, dear. In the ordinary world, you merely have Excuses, not Arguments.

Yes you have nothing other than debunked far left religious dogma, we know that.

The far left does not understand basic economics, let alone how capitalism works.
It is entirely obvious that there are precious few actual socialists in America. And a whole lot of social democrats.

Americans, it would seem, lack the intellectual capacity to draw a distinction between the two.
Not to be confused with democratic socialism.

Social democracy
is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and capitalist economy. The protocols and norms used to accomplish this involve a commitment to representative and participatory democracy; measures for income redistribution and regulation of the economy in the general interest; and welfare state provisions.[1][2][3] Social democracy thus aims to create the conditions for capitalism to lead to greater democratic, egalitarian and solidaristic outcomes.[4] Due to longstanding governance by Social Democratic parties and their influence on socioeconomic policy development in the Nordic countries, in policy circles "social democracy" has become associated with the Nordic model in the latter part of the 20th century.[5]
^ This (social democracy) is the very thing that Marx (socialist) chastised the German Workers Party about.

Any distribution whatever of the means of consumption is only a consequence of the distribution of the conditions of production themselves. The latter distribution, however, is a feature of the mode of production itself. The capitalist mode of production, for example, rests on the fact that the material conditions of production are in the hands of nonworkers in the form of property in capital and land, while the masses are only owners of the personal condition of production, of labor power. If the elements of production are so distributed, then the present-day distribution of the means of consumption results automatically. If the material conditions of production are the co-operative property of the workers themselves, then there likewise results a distribution of the means of consumption different from the present one. Vulgar socialism (and from it in turn a section of the democrats) has taken over from the bourgeois economists the consideration and treatment of distribution as independent of the mode of production and hence the presentation of socialism as turning principally on distribution. After the real relation has long been made clear, why retrogress again?
Critique of the Gotha Programme-- I
Wrong. Unchecked capitalism produced the greatest increase in the standard of living for the common man ever seen.

The industrial revolution didn't hurt. ;)

Right, which was caused by "unchecked capitalism," not government

Which led to the Gilded Age: Poverty, unsafe working conditions, child labor and labor unions
The golden age was a lot better than the previous age that idiots like you admire. The rate of child mortality was far higher before capitalism than after. The English population boomed under capitalism. That's a fact that socialist morons can't get around. All your criticisms of capitalism existed before capitalism.

The progression of the social modernization of the world had little to do with capitalism and a lot more to do with modern plumbing and sanitation.

Child mortality rates in particular dropped because of safe drinking water and modern sewage systems. Capitalism wasn’t the driving force. Throughout the world, the forces that built infrastructure for the cities were governments.

The Gilded Age lead to monopolies, price fixing, unsafe working conditions and unnecessary and preventable worker deaths.

Your forefathers restrained and regulated capitalism and passed anti-trust laws. Unions came about to protect workers rights and safety because capitalists refused to provide decent wages or safe working conditions. And because just like today, workers weren’t being paid their fair share for the work done.

Today, labour costs, as a percentage of business expenses, are at the same level as the Gilded Age. Republicans have undone all of the gains by workers in income and profit sharing over the past 140 years, and today’s monopolies and price fixing are the just making things worse.

Because of periods of growth and contraction, a healthy capitalist society requires a strong social safety net to protect the most economically vulnerable during the recessions. The US has the most expensive, unwieldy, and complicated social safety net of any first world country.

There seems to be a strong correlation between corporate size and income inequity, which we’ve seen rising since conservatives took office in the 1980’s. The larger the corporation, the less the workers make and the more management makes. Mega corporations tilt their income to management and shareholders. The employees get a smaller and smaller piece of the pie.

In the 1960’s when anti-trust laws were still being enforced, top management made, on average, 10 times the salary of their lowest paid workers. Today, they make 200 times more. And there are many more layers of management. Front line workers, the people who actually do the work of the corporations and service their customers, have to rely on social assistance for food in far too many large corporations.

Welcome to the new Gilded Age.

History through the eyes of a Marxist. The industrial revolution had a lot to work through. Yes, it was all wonderful government that created and solved everything.

It's amazing how you take a human being and give them power over our own lives and we're greedy and selfish. But you put us in charge of others (government) and man becomes selfless and fair! Bam! Sure honey, sure ...
What is the left correct about?

Completely unchecked capitalism does not work for ordinary people. It eats itself and becomes destructive to the comfort of everyday people.
Yep. The screamingly obvious point of equilibrium here is effective and efficient regulation. But the libertarians controlling the GOP and the left wingers controlling the Dems have other ideas.

Mac, you need to learn what terms mean before tossing them about.

What is 'Economic Equilibrium '
Economic equilibrium is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced. In effect, economic variables remain unchanged from their equilibrium values in the absence of external influences.

Economic equilibrium may also be defined as the point at which supply equals demand for a product, with the equilibrium price existing where the hypothetical supply and demand curves intersect.}

Economic Equilibrium

Just because you hear a term doesn't mean you should use it with no understanding of it's meaning.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Holy crap, talk about pathetic. You should have just admitted you were wrong.

[ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh m, ek-wuh-]
See more synonyms for equilibrium on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural e·qui·lib·ri·ums, e·qui·lib·ri·a [ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlɪb ri ə, ˌɛk wə-/.
  1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
  3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.

Completely unchecked capitalism does not work for ordinary people. It eats itself and becomes destructive to the comfort of everyday people.
Yep. The screamingly obvious point of equilibrium here is effective and efficient regulation. But the libertarians controlling the GOP and the left wingers controlling the Dems have other ideas.

Mac, you need to learn what terms mean before tossing them about.

What is 'Economic Equilibrium '
Economic equilibrium is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced. In effect, economic variables remain unchanged from their equilibrium values in the absence of external influences.

Economic equilibrium may also be defined as the point at which supply equals demand for a product, with the equilibrium price existing where the hypothetical supply and demand curves intersect.}

Economic Equilibrium

Just because you hear a term doesn't mean you should use it with no understanding of it's meaning.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Holy crap, talk about pathetic. You should have just admitted you were wrong.

[ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh m, ek-wuh-]
See more synonyms for equilibrium on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural e·qui·lib·ri·ums, e·qui·lib·ri·a [ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlɪb ri ə, ˌɛk wə-/.
  1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
  3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.

The joke is that you think government control provides equilibrium and free markets don't. Government regulates more and more driving more businesses under and creating endless unemployment and a permanent under class. Yeah, that's a balance of opposing forces, guy.

For example, government came in and forced businesses to give all full time employees healthcare, so companies cut the hours of millions of people to under 30 a week. Government is driving manufacturing offshore, causing companies to streamline operations and reduce staff and automation causing companies to eliminate staff. Yeah, that's equilibrium. Let's just you just believe that, bubba
WHY would he show one where Trump actually paid? Was he trying to hurt Hill or himself?

Trump paid on every return. That was undoubtedly the least amount. CBS went on for days about how Trump "only" paid 23%

It just didn't take.

If the Obama regime had been competent, Hillary would have won.
Don’t blame the democrats. The people have the government they deserve

The people have the best government in the last 40 years, by a long shot.
It’s been getting worse since Reagan. More and more taken over by the 1%

A cute lie, but a lie nonetheless.
Funny you right wing idiots know who soros is but can’t put two and two together.

Such partisan hacks
Trump paid on every return. That was undoubtedly the least amount. CBS went on for days about how Trump "only" paid 23%

It just didn't take.

If the Obama regime had been competent, Hillary would have won.
Don’t blame the democrats. The people have the government they deserve

The people have the best government in the last 40 years, by a long shot.
It’s been getting worse since Reagan. More and more taken over by the 1%

A cute lie, but a lie nonetheless.
The separation between the haves and have nots haven't grown yearly?
They blame democrats one minute then the next deny it’s true or a problem
Yep. The screamingly obvious point of equilibrium here is effective and efficient regulation. But the libertarians controlling the GOP and the left wingers controlling the Dems have other ideas.

Mac, you need to learn what terms mean before tossing them about.

What is 'Economic Equilibrium '
Economic equilibrium is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced. In effect, economic variables remain unchanged from their equilibrium values in the absence of external influences.

Economic equilibrium may also be defined as the point at which supply equals demand for a product, with the equilibrium price existing where the hypothetical supply and demand curves intersect.}

Economic Equilibrium

Just because you hear a term doesn't mean you should use it with no understanding of it's meaning.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Holy crap, talk about pathetic. You should have just admitted you were wrong.

[ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh m, ek-wuh-]
See more synonyms for equilibrium on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural e·qui·lib·ri·ums, e·qui·lib·ri·a [ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlɪb ri ə, ˌɛk wə-/.
  1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
  3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.

The joke is that you think government control provides equilibrium and free markets don't. Government regulates more and more driving more businesses under and creating endless unemployment and a permanent under class. Yeah, that's a balance of opposing forces, guy.

For example, government came in and forced businesses to give all full time employees healthcare, so companies cut the hours of millions of people to under 30 a week. Government is driving manufacturing offshore, causing companies to streamline operations and reduce staff and automation causing companies to eliminate staff. Yeah, that's equilibrium. Let's just you just believe that, bubba
Okay, thanks!
Don’t blame the democrats. The people have the government they deserve

The people have the best government in the last 40 years, by a long shot.
It’s been getting worse since Reagan. More and more taken over by the 1%

A cute lie, but a lie nonetheless.
The separation between the haves and have nots haven't grown yearly?
They blame democrats one minute then the next deny it’s true or a problem

You're not very smart, bubba.

The point is that you keep wailing about income and wealth gaps, but those just grow under Democrats. So when you said it's "blame" Democrats and "deny it's true or a problem," you're wrong and wrong, that's not the point.

No point is simple enough for you simpletons to grasp it
Mac, you need to learn what terms mean before tossing them about.

What is 'Economic Equilibrium '
Economic equilibrium is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced. In effect, economic variables remain unchanged from their equilibrium values in the absence of external influences.

Economic equilibrium may also be defined as the point at which supply equals demand for a product, with the equilibrium price existing where the hypothetical supply and demand curves intersect.}

Economic Equilibrium

Just because you hear a term doesn't mean you should use it with no understanding of it's meaning.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Holy crap, talk about pathetic. You should have just admitted you were wrong.

[ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh m, ek-wuh-]
See more synonyms for equilibrium on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural e·qui·lib·ri·ums, e·qui·lib·ri·a [ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlɪb ri ə, ˌɛk wə-/.
  1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
  3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.

The joke is that you think government control provides equilibrium and free markets don't. Government regulates more and more driving more businesses under and creating endless unemployment and a permanent under class. Yeah, that's a balance of opposing forces, guy.

For example, government came in and forced businesses to give all full time employees healthcare, so companies cut the hours of millions of people to under 30 a week. Government is driving manufacturing offshore, causing companies to streamline operations and reduce staff and automation causing companies to eliminate staff. Yeah, that's equilibrium. Let's just you just believe that, bubba
Okay, thanks!

Another contentless Mac post
The people have the best government in the last 40 years, by a long shot.
It’s been getting worse since Reagan. More and more taken over by the 1%

A cute lie, but a lie nonetheless.
The separation between the haves and have nots haven't grown yearly?
They blame democrats one minute then the next deny it’s true or a problem

You're not very smart, bubba.

The point is that you keep wailing about income and wealth gaps, but those just grow under Democrats. So when you said it's "blame" Democrats and "deny it's true or a problem," you're wrong and wrong, that's not the point.

No point is simple enough for you simpletons to grasp it
But but but Trumps tax break grew the gap.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Holy crap, talk about pathetic. You should have just admitted you were wrong.

[ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh m, ek-wuh-]
See more synonyms for equilibrium on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural e·qui·lib·ri·ums, e·qui·lib·ri·a [ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlɪb ri ə, ˌɛk wə-/.
  1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
  3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.

The joke is that you think government control provides equilibrium and free markets don't. Government regulates more and more driving more businesses under and creating endless unemployment and a permanent under class. Yeah, that's a balance of opposing forces, guy.

For example, government came in and forced businesses to give all full time employees healthcare, so companies cut the hours of millions of people to under 30 a week. Government is driving manufacturing offshore, causing companies to streamline operations and reduce staff and automation causing companies to eliminate staff. Yeah, that's equilibrium. Let's just you just believe that, bubba
Okay, thanks!

Another contentless Mac post
You're a hardcore right winger who suffers from the standard ideological shallow myopia.

I have to take this stuff seriously, because finance/economics/markets are my profession.

You're free to obediently spout off talk radio talking points all you want. I'm just not obligated to participate.
It’s been getting worse since Reagan. More and more taken over by the 1%

A cute lie, but a lie nonetheless.
The separation between the haves and have nots haven't grown yearly?
They blame democrats one minute then the next deny it’s true or a problem

You're not very smart, bubba.

The point is that you keep wailing about income and wealth gaps, but those just grow under Democrats. So when you said it's "blame" Democrats and "deny it's true or a problem," you're wrong and wrong, that's not the point.

No point is simple enough for you simpletons to grasp it
But but but Trumps tax break grew the gap.

Yet again :aug08_031:
Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Holy crap, talk about pathetic. You should have just admitted you were wrong.

[ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh m, ek-wuh-]
See more synonyms for equilibrium on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural e·qui·lib·ri·ums, e·qui·lib·ri·a [ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlɪb ri ə, ˌɛk wə-/.
  1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
  3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.

The joke is that you think government control provides equilibrium and free markets don't. Government regulates more and more driving more businesses under and creating endless unemployment and a permanent under class. Yeah, that's a balance of opposing forces, guy.

For example, government came in and forced businesses to give all full time employees healthcare, so companies cut the hours of millions of people to under 30 a week. Government is driving manufacturing offshore, causing companies to streamline operations and reduce staff and automation causing companies to eliminate staff. Yeah, that's equilibrium. Let's just you just believe that, bubba
Okay, thanks!

Another contentless Mac post
You're a hardcore right winger who suffers from the standard ideological shallow myopia.

I have to take this stuff seriously, because finance/economics/markets are my profession.

You're free to obediently spout off talk radio talking points all you want. I'm just not obligated to participate.

I directly addressed your post. Obviously you haven't learned anything in finance/economics/markets since you can't address my specific, factual points.

And we have another airhead leftist who thinks not Democrat = Republican/Trump supporter because you're only smart enough to memorize one set of DNC talking points, and those were the ones you memorized. If you don't have those talking points, you have nothing. Like your lack of ability to address my points.

As for your ad hominem, you mad up a background in the wrong field because finance/economics/management is my career and obviously you're making up your experience with your dearth of content in the area
Holy crap, talk about pathetic. You should have just admitted you were wrong.

[ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh m, ek-wuh-]
See more synonyms for equilibrium on Thesaurus.com
noun, plural e·qui·lib·ri·ums, e·qui·lib·ri·a [ee-kwuh-lib-ree-uh, ek-wuh-] /ˌi kwəˈlɪb ri ə, ˌɛk wə-/.
  1. a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces.
  2. equal balance between any powers, influences, etc.; equality of effect.
  3. mental or emotional balance; equanimity: The pressures of the situation caused her to lose her equilibrium.

The joke is that you think government control provides equilibrium and free markets don't. Government regulates more and more driving more businesses under and creating endless unemployment and a permanent under class. Yeah, that's a balance of opposing forces, guy.

For example, government came in and forced businesses to give all full time employees healthcare, so companies cut the hours of millions of people to under 30 a week. Government is driving manufacturing offshore, causing companies to streamline operations and reduce staff and automation causing companies to eliminate staff. Yeah, that's equilibrium. Let's just you just believe that, bubba
Okay, thanks!

Another contentless Mac post
You're a hardcore right winger who suffers from the standard ideological shallow myopia.

I have to take this stuff seriously, because finance/economics/markets are my profession.

You're free to obediently spout off talk radio talking points all you want. I'm just not obligated to participate.

I directly addressed your post. Obviously you haven't learned anything in finance/economics/markets since you can't address my specific, factual points.

And we have another airhead leftist who thinks not Democrat = Republican/Trump supporter because you're only smart enough to memorize one set of DNC talking points, and those were the ones you memorized. If you don't have those talking points, you have nothing. Like your lack of ability to address my points.

As for your ad hominem, you mad up a background in the wrong field because finance/economics/management is my career and obviously you're making up your experience with your dearth of content in the area
You're absolutely right.
The joke is that you think government control provides equilibrium and free markets don't. Government regulates more and more driving more businesses under and creating endless unemployment and a permanent under class. Yeah, that's a balance of opposing forces, guy.

For example, government came in and forced businesses to give all full time employees healthcare, so companies cut the hours of millions of people to under 30 a week. Government is driving manufacturing offshore, causing companies to streamline operations and reduce staff and automation causing companies to eliminate staff. Yeah, that's equilibrium. Let's just you just believe that, bubba
Okay, thanks!

Another contentless Mac post
You're a hardcore right winger who suffers from the standard ideological shallow myopia.

I have to take this stuff seriously, because finance/economics/markets are my profession.

You're free to obediently spout off talk radio talking points all you want. I'm just not obligated to participate.

I directly addressed your post. Obviously you haven't learned anything in finance/economics/markets since you can't address my specific, factual points.

And we have another airhead leftist who thinks not Democrat = Republican/Trump supporter because you're only smart enough to memorize one set of DNC talking points, and those were the ones you memorized. If you don't have those talking points, you have nothing. Like your lack of ability to address my points.

As for your ad hominem, you mad up a background in the wrong field because finance/economics/management is my career and obviously you're making up your experience with your dearth of content in the area
You're absolutely right.

You're absolutely a coward because you can't address direct responses to your posts.

Your background is finance/economics/management, but you claim to not even know that Obamacare had driven companies to cut hours to under 30 for a lot of workers to keep them from having to pay for their healthcare and you don't get the connection between increasing regulations and companies downsizing, automating and offshoring. You just call those right wing radio talking points. You've never taken econ 101

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