POLL: Does the left want to end capitalism?

Does the left want to end capitalism?

  • I'm left wing - No, I want to emulate Nordic capitalism.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • I'm left wing - Yes, I want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism.

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • I'm left wing - I want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • I'm right wing - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries and I disagree with that.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • I'm right wing - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • I'm right wing - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • I'm something else - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 5 8.5%

  • Total voters
I don't believe that the majority of them want to complete squelch capitalism, cus the smart among them know that the money has to come, in part, from the economic engine of US capitalism (how many more trillions is China going to lend us)... They know that their only shot at gaining, maintaining support for their party platforms is to appeal to the 'entitlement' constituency. They are an inherently duplicitous lot... wanting the cash cows of the higher percentile capitalistic business's and individual wealth yet catering whole heartedly to the entitlement constituency... Disclaimer, those vapid morons like Ocasio Cortez are not like, kind of ummm, like, sorta umm like the cognizant Dem's that I'm referring to, lol.

They used to know that. What makes you think they know that now? Every last wall seems to be coming down
The left would make Stalin Proud, they are communist through and through.
They should also be considered as an enemy to the United States and treated as such.
True Kaz, the walls certainly are coming down ushering in a communistic / socialist wave of new Dem blood... Unlike the Democrats of my childhood in the 90's they don't have the slightest concept of economics and how to pay for what they want and what open door policies will do to US wages... Still some stalwarts in the mold of Joe Mansion.. but they are being outnumbered fast
You made the statement, clarify or don't.

You didn't clarify the statement I was responding to any more than I clarified mine ... :thup:

On the other hand ... You specifically told the other poster to "go educate themselves".
So either show us your education or shut the fuck up.

I am not going to try and prove your negative assertion.
I mean really ... "what elements of socialism that don't involve government cannot be accomplished under capitalism?"


My statement didn't need clarification. Socialism is a socioeconomic relationship. It is not a form of government.
it depends on the social organization defined by a social contract or constitution.
It's my opinion that the left wing is not an opponent of capitalism. What do you think?

Apparently, every group disagrees with you. Open your eyes

There haven't been a lot of votes from the left, but I'll admit I am surprised. Any left winger that wants to dismantle capitalism doesn't have more than an ankle deep understanding of economics in my opinion. Idealism doesn't work in the real world. You have to create some kind of middle ground.
The left merely needs to learn how to use Capitalism for all of its capital worth in modern times, that is all.

Command economics should be used to command economize any economy to the general welfare and the general prosperity.

To that End,

Junk Bonds, not Junk Laws!

Command economics can command giga-recycling factories to reclaim recyclable material and keep it from harming our environment!

The private sector could take Years to find a cute redhead to do it.
You made the statement, clarify or don't.

You didn't clarify the statement I was responding to any more than I clarified mine ... :thup:

On the other hand ... You specifically told the other poster to "go educate themselves".
So either show us your education or shut the fuck up.

I am not going to try and prove your negative assertion.
I mean really ... "what elements of socialism that don't involve government cannot be accomplished under capitalism?"


My statement didn't need clarification. Socialism is a socioeconomic relationship. It is not a form of government.

Yes, that's correct. Governments, can be from Democrat socialists (mob rule) to Communists (party rule). Socialist governments are all authoritarian though because the government centrally plans the economy and the government uses guns to enforce that policy
It is not required that a centralized government plan the economy of a community. The centralized government rises out of the need to protect all of the communities from the capitalist invaders.
My statement didn't need clarification. Socialism is a socioeconomic relationship. It is not a form of government.

I didn't attempt to debate that, I simply stated ... "every element of socialism that doesn't involve government can be accomplished under capitalism".

You can attempt to argue something I never stated if you so desire.
You still haven't presented an argument to my statement.

Here's a clue ... Society as a whole cannot do a fucking thing without governing ...
And governing simply means to limit or control ... :thup:


It's my opinion that the left wing is not an opponent of capitalism.
So what is your impression of the responses so far?

I'm very surprised. The left wing is more ignorant than I realized.
You've admitted that you have never considered an alternative to capitalism. Who is ignorant again?

The world won't be ready for socialism until technology has removed the need for human labor. We've got a long way to go before that happens.
It's my opinion that the left wing is not an opponent of capitalism. What do you think?

I think it is irrelevant.
We don't have capitalism in America anymore, if we ever did.
We might have, post WW I till the late 70's. But certainly not before that, and certainly not after.
People consistently confuse capitalism with a free market. We do not have free markets. Not even close.
Today we have corporatism. And corporatism is not capitalism, the same as rape is not sex.
It's my opinion that the left wing is not an opponent of capitalism.
So what is your impression of the responses so far?

I'm very surprised. The left wing is more ignorant than I realized.
You've admitted that you have never considered an alternative to capitalism. Who is ignorant again?

The world won't be ready for socialism until technology has removed the need for human labor. We've got a long way to go before that happens.
Yes, I already expressed a similar opinion at the start of our conversation. But cracks in the system are already appearing and people are starting to look for something different. I don't see the ignorance coming from my point of view.
I believe that the left is pushing toward giving away free things for votes. They have no idea how they would pay for the free stuff. Those that vote for them are like birds, the free things are bright and shiny so they want it. They have no idea what it is or how it will cost in the long run. They think that it will magically work itself out somehow. The idea of free is more important than anything else.
Yes, I already expressed a similar opinion at the start of our conversation. But cracks in the system are already appearing and people are starting to look for something different. I don't see the ignorance coming from my point of view.

For the time being the best we can do is something similar to what the Nordic countries do. If you agree with that then the comment about ignorance wasn't for you.
It's my opinion that the left wing is not an opponent of capitalism. What do you think?

I think it is irrelevant.
We don't have capitalism in America anymore, if we ever did.
We might have, post WW I till the late 70's. But certainly not before that, and certainly not after.
People consistently confuse capitalism with a free market. We do not have free markets. Not even close.
Today we have corporatism. And corporatism is not capitalism, the same as rape is not sex.
You are confusing capitalism with free markets when you claim capitalism is dependent on them. This is actually at the root of the misunderstanding about what socialism is fundamentally.

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