POLL: How many recent police shootings would have happened if....

How many shootings would have happened if they had not resisted arrest?

  • 0% - Resist arrest and all bets are off, do what the cop says

    Votes: 29 85.3%
  • 25%

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 50%

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 75%

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • 100% - The cops would have found an excuse to kill them anyway

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters

That is because they are far more likely to resist arrest!

White people know fight in the police is a losing battle. Hispanic for the most part do also.

But Blacks fight the cops, act erratically and don't obey commands and then face dire consequences.

You can't justify the use of excessive force with any such statistics, even if they might be accurate. In fact you can't even justify the use of discriminatory race based police practices.
It strikes me that at this point, after we've seen the wife's video where she tells them 20 times he doesn't have a gun and he has a brain injury, the jury pool has already made up its mind. It kind of looks like the cops are hiding evidence at this point.

It strikes me that if you're stupid enough to believe anything in her video, you're exactly the sort of person who is destroying our justice system. In that same video the individual is ordered to get out of the car and to drop the gun. He does neither immediately. That's provocation to execute him so far as I'm concerned.

I think we're all well aware of your Gestapo love and your racism. No need to belabor it.
Resisting arrest in NY is a class A misdemeanor. We don't have any provisions for authorizing the police to serve as prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner for class A misdemeanors.
That is because no one has been shot for resisting arrest. They have been killed for actions that threaten the life of the law enforcement officer.

Failed again carby...

You lie.
I don't, but then, maybe I should be concerned. A professional liar like you may know what your talking about....


Nope, I haven't lied....whew...that was close.

Let's start here. Where's the threat to the cop's life?

Are you serious? Why does the footage start ONLY after we see him breaking away from the cop?

In addition, are you going to lie and say that ALL stops end this way? Because the last time I looked, you racists are about 1 for 50 when it comes to cops and justified shootings.

Yes I'm serious you fucking moron. You tell me in what way the cop's life is threatened the moment he pulls the trigger.
So you must be the one person who voted "100% - The cops would have found an excuse to kill them anyway".

I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Who cares what you believe, Termite.

The problem is - cops shoot black people at a much greater frequency than they shoot white people. THis is an established fact.
Facts also that black males commit violent crimes at a much greater frequency then white people too. But you ignore that FACT.
The PC zealots don't take thought processes that far.

For them, it's not about improving anything. It's about political advantage.

Black lives only matter to them when it helps them. Look at the ongoing and ignored slaughter in Chicago.

Who's ignoring the 'slaughter' in Chicago?
It strikes me that if you're stupid enough to believe anything in her video, you're exactly the sort of person who is destroying our justice system. In that same video the individual is ordered to get out of the car and to drop the gun. He does neither immediately. That's provocation to execute him so far as I'm concerned.

First of all, no one has proven he had a gun. But even if he did, NC is an OPEN CARRY State.

Here you had someone who was not committing a crime, had a medical disability, and the police shot him outside of his home.

Strikes me that the fact this can go on, we don't have a Justice System, we have a police state.
Some cops are completely out of control in society. Go on youtube and see the plethora of them. I've witnessed police beating the crap out of a (white) guy before at a charity/"casino" event because he won money and they wanted him to return it to them and accused him of cheating (he didn't).

It may only be 5-10% of cops that are out of control...but that's TONS of people running around society with a badge who have no business doing so.
I wouldn't guess a percentage, but based upon what I have seen, the killing in Tulsa recently seems to be of a nature entirely different than the one that sparked the Ferguson riots. Protesting the former strikes me as entirely legitimate while protesting the latter is entirely bogus.

Seems to me, though, that in general, the farther left a person't politics, the more they refuse to see any difference and their conditioned response is to take the side of the black no matter what while the further right a person's politics the more the reverse is true.

How many crimes are punishable by death?

Years ago when I attended Supervisor Training the issue of police pursuits were a full day topic. First we listened to radio reports, in one for example a red light infraction lead to a chase and ended up with an accident and the death of an innocent driver, not the subject. The instructors advised that the risk of injury was not worth any benefit one might derive from an infraction, misdemeanor or non violent felony.

Every agency I worked with had a use of force policy, deadly force is limited under the USSC ruling in Tennessee v. Garner [ 471 US 1 1985)] unless a LE officer, deputy or agent has probable cause to believe someone poses a serious threat to him or her or the general public.
Strikes me that the fact this can go on, we don't have a Justice System, we have a police state.

It strikes me that the fact a citizen failed to comply with Police orders and expected to get out of it alive proves the level of American citizen's intelligence is rather low.

This country hasn't been interested in Justice for decades, but this guy got Justice - Consequences for improper behavior.
It strikes me that the fact a citizen failed to comply with Police orders and expected to get out of it alive proves the level of American citizen's intelligence is rather low.

This country hasn't been interested in Justice for decades, but this guy got Justice - Consequences for improper behavior.

I don't want a country where police shoot unarmed citizens and neither do you. Unless you are a crazy person.
I don't want a country where police shoot unarmed citizens and neither do you. Unless you are a crazy person.

I have no problem with officers shooting ALL criminals, regardless of their state of armament.

I say that as someone who expects to die at the hands of LEOs some day.
do blacks find themselves on the wrong end of he law more often than other groups?
do blacks tend to have an attitude while resisting arrest that might explain these numbers?
In other words, if the blacks had less criminals in their group, would the numbers shift to reflect that.

I think you mean some blacks.

Good thing that police are trained to spot the " bad" ones.
Let's look at the starting point from the cops perspective...........

When an officer is confronted with a situation involving a black male what is their perception as they enter and engage in the situation?

If the officer is working in an urban area, especially a large one, their starting point is very likely to be that they see black males causing the majority of street crime, especially violent street crime.
Because of this, it's no wonder that police officers react differently when responding to black males.

Honesty. That's good. You have opened an honest discussion about implicit bias.

What is bad is that you don't seem to think that there is a problem with that.
I don't want a country where police shoot unarmed citizens and neither do you. Unless you are a crazy person.

I have no problem with officers shooting ALL criminals, regardless of their state of armament.

I say that as someone who expects to die at the hands of LEOs some day.

Or maybe they'll just get you the mental health attention you require.
I guess it comes down to how much "resistance" a cop is willing to take

Is a deaf person resisting arrest? A mentally challenged person? Someone off his meds? Someone having a bad day?

Before shooting, the suspect needs to be an immediate threat. Noncompliance with direction does not constitute a threat
Full disclosure: I have already whipped out the abacus to keep track of how many times it will be said or inferred I am a racist for daring to ask such a CRAZY question...

Let's look at the police shootings of Black Americans over the last five to eight years, particularly those that made national news and/or inspired protests.

What percentage of those shootings would have happened if the guy had simply, immediately and fully followed police orders, like you and I would have? If they had not resisted arrest to some degree?

Addressing this issue should be done with as much care as addressing the issue of bad cops, no?

in which ones did they "resist arrest"?

the one where the guy was lying on his back with his hands up?

the one where the guy had his hands up and put them on the side of the car?

the one where they did a drive by on a 12 year old who was playing with a toy gun?

the one in an open carry state where they shot a guy for having a gun and TELLING THEM about it and going to get his license?

the one where they choked a guy to death for selling loose cigarettes?

which one was resisting arrest?
Full disclosure: I have already whipped out the abacus to keep track of how many times it will be said or inferred I am a racist for daring to ask such a CRAZY question...

Let's look at the police shootings of Black Americans over the last five to eight years, particularly those that made national news and/or inspired protests.

What percentage of those shootings would have happened if the guy had simply, immediately and fully followed police orders, like you and I would have? If they had not resisted arrest to some degree?

Addressing this issue should be done with as much care as addressing the issue of bad cops, no?

in which ones did they "resist arrest"?

the one where the guy was lying on his back with his hands up?

the one where the guy had his hands up and put them on the side of the car?

the one where they did a drive by on a 12 year old who was playing with a toy gun?

the one in an open carry state where they shot a guy for having a gun and TELLING THEM about it and going to get his license?

the one where they choked a guy to death for selling loose cigarettes?

which one was resisting arrest?
You can't think of any highly-publicized shootings over the last couple of years in which the person was shot after not complying with the officer?

Are you serious?
Full disclosure: I have already whipped out the abacus to keep track of how many times it will be said or inferred I am a racist for daring to ask such a CRAZY question...

Let's look at the police shootings of Black Americans over the last five to eight years, particularly those that made national news and/or inspired protests.

What percentage of those shootings would have happened if the guy had simply, immediately and fully followed police orders, like you and I would have? If they had not resisted arrest to some degree?

Addressing this issue should be done with as much care as addressing the issue of bad cops, no?

in which ones did they "resist arrest"?

the one where the guy was lying on his back with his hands up?

the one where the guy had his hands up and put them on the side of the car?

the one where they did a drive by on a 12 year old who was playing with a toy gun?

the one in an open carry state where they shot a guy for having a gun and TELLING THEM about it and going to get his license?

the one where they choked a guy to death for selling loose cigarettes?

which one was resisting arrest?
You can't think of any highly-publicized shootings over the last couple of years in which the person was shot after not complying with the officer?

Are you serious?

i asked a question. which one was resisting arrest?
Full disclosure: I have already whipped out the abacus to keep track of how many times it will be said or inferred I am a racist for daring to ask such a CRAZY question...

Let's look at the police shootings of Black Americans over the last five to eight years, particularly those that made national news and/or inspired protests.

What percentage of those shootings would have happened if the guy had simply, immediately and fully followed police orders, like you and I would have? If they had not resisted arrest to some degree?

Addressing this issue should be done with as much care as addressing the issue of bad cops, no?

in which ones did they "resist arrest"?

the one where the guy was lying on his back with his hands up?

the one where the guy had his hands up and put them on the side of the car?

the one where they did a drive by on a 12 year old who was playing with a toy gun?

the one in an open carry state where they shot a guy for having a gun and TELLING THEM about it and going to get his license?

the one where they choked a guy to death for selling loose cigarettes?

which one was resisting arrest?
You can't think of any highly-publicized shootings over the last couple of years in which the person was shot after not complying with the officer?

Are you serious?

i asked a question. which one was resisting arrest?
None of the people in the examples you chose to provide were resisting arrest. I may be wrong about that, but it's not worth the effort to check.

Anything else?
Full disclosure: I have already whipped out the abacus to keep track of how many times it will be said or inferred I am a racist for daring to ask such a CRAZY question...

Let's look at the police shootings of Black Americans over the last five to eight years, particularly those that made national news and/or inspired protests.

What percentage of those shootings would have happened if the guy had simply, immediately and fully followed police orders, like you and I would have? If they had not resisted arrest to some degree?

Addressing this issue should be done with as much care as addressing the issue of bad cops, no?

in which ones did they "resist arrest"?

the one where the guy was lying on his back with his hands up?

the one where the guy had his hands up and put them on the side of the car?

the one where they did a drive by on a 12 year old who was playing with a toy gun?

the one in an open carry state where they shot a guy for having a gun and TELLING THEM about it and going to get his license?

the one where they choked a guy to death for selling loose cigarettes?

which one was resisting arrest?
You can't think of any highly-publicized shootings over the last couple of years in which the person was shot after not complying with the officer?

Are you serious?

i asked a question. which one was resisting arrest?
None of the people in the examples you chose to provide were resisting arrest. I may be wrong about that, but it's not worth the effort to check.

Anything else?
I believe you are confirming what she is saying

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