POLL: How many recent police shootings would have happened if....

How many shootings would have happened if they had not resisted arrest?

  • 0% - Resist arrest and all bets are off, do what the cop says

    Votes: 29 85.3%
  • 25%

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 50%

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 75%

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • 100% - The cops would have found an excuse to kill them anyway

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
]Depends on the situation. Clearly not every case of resisting arrest is one where you'd need to shoot the perpetrator.

No. ANY time you disobey the orders of a LEO you should be in fear of ending up dead. That's the incentive not to resist.
I don't disagree. What I'm saying is some people who resist arrest wouldn't be worth killing. I'd much prefer what you are talking about, but I was addressing how things are today.

But I agree, they should be fearing for their life when they make the mistake, no question.
Seig Heil!
So you must be the one person who voted "100% - The cops would have found an excuse to kill them anyway".

I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Who cares what you believe, Termite.

The problem is - cops shoot black people at a much greater frequency than they shoot white people. THis is an established fact.
Facts also that black males commit violent crimes at a much greater frequency then white people too. But you ignore that FACT.
Resisting arrest in NY is a class A misdemeanor. We don't have any provisions for authorizing the police to serve as prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner for class A misdemeanors.
That is because no one has been shot for resisting arrest. They have been killed for actions that threaten the life of the law enforcement officer.

Failed again carby...

You lie.
I don't, but then, maybe I should be concerned. A professional liar like you may know what your talking about....


Nope, I haven't lied....whew...that was close.

Let's start here. Where's the threat to the cop's life?

Oh my, darktard seems to have fled the interview. What a surprise.

No you lying racist. I actually have a life that does not revolve around this place. Do you have anymore lies to tell us?
Resisting arrest in NY is a class A misdemeanor. We don't have any provisions for authorizing the police to serve as prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner for class A misdemeanors.
That is because no one has been shot for resisting arrest. They have been killed for actions that threaten the life of the law enforcement officer.

Failed again carby...

You lie.
I don't, but then, maybe I should be concerned. A professional liar like you may know what your talking about....


Nope, I haven't lied....whew...that was close.

Let's start here. Where's the threat to the cop's life?

Are you serious? Why does the footage start ONLY after we see him breaking away from the cop?

In addition, are you going to lie and say that ALL stops end this way? Because the last time I looked, you racists are about 1 for 50 when it comes to cops and justified shootings.
Logical fallacy... white people resist the cops as well, otherwise you wouldn't have more white people killed by cops than any other group of people. With that said, it doesn't make the news when a white person gets killed by the cops... because it's not a headline grabber when it happens. The only time when a white person that gets shot makes the news is if it is by a kid and then the liberals can argue that our Second amendment rights should be taken away.
So you must be the one person who voted "100% - The cops would have found an excuse to kill them anyway".

I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Who cares what you believe, Termite.

The problem is - cops shoot black people at a much greater frequency than they shoot white people. THis is an established fact.
You care, Joe, because you go full drama queen about my opinions so often. Obviously.

That shallow little binary world of yours is fascinating to observe, though, I must admit.
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So you must be the one person who voted "100% - The cops would have found an excuse to kill them anyway".

I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

Who cares what you believe, Termite.

The problem is - cops shoot black people at a much greater frequency than they shoot white people. THis is an established fact.
Facts also that black males commit violent crimes at a much greater frequency then white people too. But you ignore that FACT.
The PC zealots don't take thought processes that far.

For them, it's not about improving anything. It's about political advantage.

Black lives only matter to them when it helps them. Look at the ongoing and ignored slaughter in Chicago.
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Exactly. All these deaths are on them. Until they learn how to respond to authority, they will continue to die.

And I will continue to have ZERO sympathy.

If Authority started treating White People like that, you'd be the first one screaming.

If find it hilarious that you guys who think that the Second Amendment allows for open carry still think it's fine for cops to shoot a black guy because he MIGHT have a gun.
Facts also that black males commit violent crimes at a much greater frequency then white people too. But you ignore that FACT.

except that

Tamir Rice
Terrence Crutcher
Freddie Gray
Sandra Bland
Eric Garner
LaQuan McDonald
Walter Scott
Keith Scott

Were not committing violent crimes at the time they were shot or killed by police.

Now, you could make an argument that Mike Brown or Paul O'Neal were committing crimes, I guess, when they were shot, but not crimes that merited the death penalty.


James "Joker" Holmes, Dylan Roof and those clowns in Oregon had commited violent crimes, but they were white, and oddly enough, the police found ways of disarming them without shooting them.

Yeah, tainting a jury pool I'd totally unimportant, right?

Besides, the video is irrelevant. The cops gave him multiple commands. He didn't follow them. He deserved to die.

It strikes me that at this point, after we've seen the wife's video where she tells them 20 times he doesn't have a gun and he has a brain injury, the jury pool has already made up its mind. It kind of looks like the cops are hiding evidence at this point.
It strikes me that at this point, after we've seen the wife's video where she tells them 20 times he doesn't have a gun and he has a brain injury, the jury pool has already made up its mind. It kind of looks like the cops are hiding evidence at this point.

It strikes me that if you're stupid enough to believe anything in her video, you're exactly the sort of person who is destroying our justice system. In that same video the individual is ordered to get out of the car and to drop the gun. He does neither immediately. That's provocation to execute him so far as I'm concerned.

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