Poll: How should Mitch McConnell use his new Senate power?

Poll: How should Mitch McConnell use his new Senate power?

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This poll is for everyone - but mostly for those who voted Republican. Are you more interested in McConnell trying to make your life better or are you more interested in McConnell trying to make President Obama's life worse?

Both the House and the Senate should pass the very best legislation for the country they can and send it on to the President's desk.

This has nothing to do with making Barry's life better or worse...this is about improving the US economy and letting people get back to work. Do that for the next two years and let Barack Obama decide what his legacy is going to be by what he vetoes.

That would be ideal, but I expect more of the same gridlock and no fundamental changes.

If the House & Senate pass bills and send them to the White House...Barack Obama is going to be faced with a problem...if he starts vetoing everything HE'S going to be revealed as the one who's causing the gridlock. Then it's a matter of how many Democrats the GOP can peel away from supporting a lame duck President to overturn some of those vetoes. You need 290 in the House to override a veto and 67 in the Senate. Obama is gone in two years...if you're a Democrat do you want to be running on a record of supporting the gridlock that America has made quite clear they are tired of...or do you want to be known as the person that took care of business and passed important legislation? At some point political "survival" instincts kick in.
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This poll is for everyone - but mostly for those who voted Republican. Are you more interested in McConnell trying to make your life better or are you more interested in McConnell trying to make President Obama's life worse?

Both the House and the Senate should pass the very best legislation for the country they can and send it on to the President's desk.

This has nothing to do with making Barry's life better or worse...this is about improving the US economy and letting people get back to work. Do that for the next two years and let Barack Obama decide what his legacy is going to be by what he vetoes.

Liar! The next two years will be a clusterfuck - and you love it.

Why would anyone who runs a business in the Private Sector "love" a continuing clusterfuck in the way we run this country? It's not good for me...it's not good for most Americans. Time to put aside the politics and do what's right for the American people!
This poll is for everyone - but mostly for those who voted Republican. Are you more interested in McConnell trying to make your life better or are you more interested in McConnell trying to make President Obama's life worse?

Both the House and the Senate should pass the very best legislation for the country they can and send it on to the President's desk.

This has nothing to do with making Barry's life better or worse...this is about improving the US economy and letting people get back to work. Do that for the next two years and let Barack Obama decide what his legacy is going to be by what he vetoes.

Liar! The next two years will be a clusterfuck - and you love it.
Has anyone ever not told you that you're an asshole?
I'm totally serious here:

Block everything Obama tries to do, defund everything he has done, impeach his sorry ass.

How will that help America? How will that help you?

Easy, Obama has only bad ideas for this country, amnesty for example, Obamacare is a complete disaster, and that is just to name a few. Blocking or reversing Obama's actions will improve the economy, bring in jobs, drop insurance rates, reduce the defecit, and get us closer to energy independence.
I'm totally serious here:

Block everything Obama tries to do, defund everything he has done, impeach his sorry ass.
For someone totally serious your suggestions are utter nonsense.

And nothing like that will happen but you will of course hear it on your propaganda sites.

Oh look! A delusional left wing nut job doesn't agree with me! Shocked.
This poll is for everyone - but mostly for those who voted Republican. Are you more interested in McConnell trying to make your life better or are you more interested in McConnell trying to make President Obama's life worse?

Both the House and the Senate should pass the very best legislation for the country they can and send it on to the President's desk.


The GOP doesn't have any such legislation on its agenda.

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