POLL: Is it time to separate?

Is it time to separate the country officially?

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Put all Neo-Marxist Dimms in labor camps and force them to make Nike's.
If the Communist Democrats openly call for Civil War after President Trump is reelected then the Democratic Party should be declared a national security threat and banned.

Pelosi and now Gov. Cuomo have come pretty damn close to doing this already!
Put all Neo-Marxist Dimms in labor camps and force them to make Nike's.
If the Communist Democrats openly call for Civil War after President Trump is reelected then the Democratic Party should be declared a national security threat and banned.

Pelosi and now Gov. Cuomo have come pretty damn close to doing this already!
The big things will happen following the November 3rd Elections. :smoke:
Trump wins 2020. Anyone doesn't like it can separate selves from our country. So YES, sounds good.

GTFO bye now, good luck living in some other far away land, if you think this one is so terrible.
A terrible Civil War is coming after the Election and it will lead to the creation of 4-5 new independent nations in the former United States. :smoke:
Civil wars seldom involve breakups of nation states.
I could see this one as being similar to Yugoslavia in the 1990s. :smoke:
That was the first counter that came to mind, but those were previously independent nations that had been held together by a foolhardy WWI agreement, then under force of Soviet arms.
Put all Neo-Marxist Dimms in labor camps and force them to make Nike's.
If the Communist Democrats openly call for Civil War after President Trump is reelected then the Democratic Party should be declared a national security threat and banned.

Pelosi and now Gov. Cuomo have come pretty damn close to doing this already!
The big things will happen following the November 3rd Elections. :smoke:

Nothing surprises me anymore.
I thought I'd never hear defund the police, looting is reparations, white people give your houses away and see major sports leagues and corporations supporting this craziness.
First, we have to stop liberals from moving to conservative states and contaminating them. Second, we should arrest liberal rioters and stockpile them in a remote, desert prison. Third, we need to find who their associates and financiers are and arrest them. Fourth, we should use these prisoners to trade for our good people who have been kidnapped by terrorists overseas. But it's very important that we realize that these people can't be rehabilitated. These people are like radioactive material. Peace, love and MAGA.
I would not support secession. Better to remove the insurrectionist Democrats.

You are going to remove over 100 million people?

This is almost as utopian as communism.
However large a task it might well be, the number isn't anywhere near 100 million.

Still not a legit option.

I think 100 million is about the right number. Although it depends what you mean - removing the likes of AOC does nothing as there are dozens ready to take their place - after all who voted her in.
Put all Neo-Marxist Dimms in labor camps and force them to make Nike's.
If the Communist Democrats openly call for Civil War after President Trump is reelected then the Democratic Party should be declared a national security threat and banned.

The democrats will never call for civil war, parasites don't want to leave their hosts.

Their constituents however, easily could. They mostly are not Americans and do not believe in American values.
Why can't everyone just love the impeached president trump? His devoted fanatics do. They know their orange-tinted hero has more brains in his little finger than he has in his entire head. This is now more true than ever after his several mini-strokes.

I like 2 things about Trump; he makes progressives go into hysterics constantly, (and I think that's just funnier than shit), and he loves this country.
He doesn't think it's founded on evil, he doesn't think Americans are deplorable racists, and he doesn't believe we must fundamentally change ourselves in order to keep mentally retarded progressives from calling us all names; fuck those losers, anyway.
The people you all support hate this country, hate traditional Americans, and would put us all in gulags or mass graves if they could, and you know it. It's why when Trump was first elected, there was all that ridiculous talk of concentration camps for gays and such..... that was ya'll projecting your own fantasies of what you would do to your opposition, first chance you got.
No, and the question is asinine as you well know Mac.
Perhaps you should be complaining to the four people who have voted Yes so far, and the others who have said it but haven't voted.

This question didn't just come from my imagination. It came from observation.

I don't know about that. It's something I've been saying on this forum for at least a year now. In fact I created a topic on it before.

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