POLL: Is it time to separate?

Is it time to separate the country officially?

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Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Is that how you feel about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who set in motion the destruction of American liberty by removing the basis of legitimate government. Consent of the governed
So true, but statist tyrants can’t see it.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Is that how you feel about Abraham Lincoln?
Dishonest Abe was a tyrant. If you don’t know that, you know nothing.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Is that how you feel about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who set in motion the destruction of American liberty by removing the basis of legitimate government. Consent of the governed
So true, but statist tyrants can’t see it.

Yep. When Lincoln set the precedent that government could simply conquer it's own citizens when they no longer consented, they stopped fearing the people and set in motion our doom
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Is that how you feel about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who set in motion the destruction of American liberty by removing the basis of legitimate government. Consent of the governed
So true, but statist tyrants can’t see it.

Yep. When Lincoln set the precedent that government could simply conquer it's own citizens when they no longer consented, they stopped fearing the people and set in motion our doom
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst potus, but Americans have been duped into believing he was great. Sad really. A nation founded on individual liberty and limited government, is nothing of the sort. To think mass murdering 850,000 fellow Americans is considered great, is most detrimental.
A House divided cannot stand. Stupid idea.
13 of your fellow Trumpsters have voted Yes so far.

I notice you have nothing to say to them about the stupid idea.

No surprise. That's why I put #3 on the options.

I don't know who answered your stupid poll or why. I only speak for myself. I only represent myself.

I leave it to you to speak for everyone else. :D
All you have to do is click on the number of votes and you can find out.

Let's see you go after them. Tell them how stupid they are.

Just kidding. We both know you don't have the balls.

Girlfriend, I don't give a shit who voted in your stupid poll. I think it's a stupid idea.

I only represent my own views. I have no desire or obligation to defend anyone elses. Now STFU.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Is that how you feel about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who set in motion the destruction of American liberty by removing the basis of legitimate government. Consent of the governed
So true, but statist tyrants can’t see it.

Yep. When Lincoln set the precedent that government could simply conquer it's own citizens when they no longer consented, they stopped fearing the people and set in motion our doom
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst potus, but Americans have been duped into believing he was great. Sad really. A nation founded on individual liberty and limited government, is nothing of the sort. To think mass murdering 850,000 fellow Americans is considered great, is most detrimental.

Yep. And that Lincoln did it to free slaves is another lie they all believe:

Abraham Lincoln: " If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that"

Lincoln did it specifically to end consent of the governed
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

Had to go for the icecream...sorry Mac...

But I would have gone for #2 except for this - all voices need to be listened to...because we need to understand what is behind them in order to come up with a solution. All this isn't happening in a vacuum.

Don't think we'll split...we survived the Civil War intact and that was many times more divisive.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Is that how you feel about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who set in motion the destruction of American liberty by removing the basis of legitimate government. Consent of the governed
So true, but statist tyrants can’t see it.

Yep. When Lincoln set the precedent that government could simply conquer it's own citizens when they no longer consented, they stopped fearing the people and set in motion our doom
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst potus, but Americans have been duped into believing he was great. Sad really. A nation founded on individual liberty and limited government, is nothing of the sort. To think mass murdering 850,000 fellow Americans is considered great, is most detrimental.

Yep. And that Lincoln did it to free slaves is another lie they all believe:

Abraham Lincoln: " If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that"

Lincoln did it specifically to end consent of the governed

Wow...incapsulate several decades of complex history into one soundbite quote

No wonder we're in trouble.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Is that how you feel about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was a tyrant who set in motion the destruction of American liberty by removing the basis of legitimate government. Consent of the governed
So true, but statist tyrants can’t see it.

Yep. When Lincoln set the precedent that government could simply conquer it's own citizens when they no longer consented, they stopped fearing the people and set in motion our doom
Dishonest Abe was by far our worst potus, but Americans have been duped into believing he was great. Sad really. A nation founded on individual liberty and limited government, is nothing of the sort. To think mass murdering 850,000 fellow Americans is considered great, is most detrimental.

Yep. And that Lincoln did it to free slaves is another lie they all believe:

Abraham Lincoln: " If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that"

Lincoln did it specifically to end consent of the governed

Wow...incapsulate several decades of complex history into one soundbite quote

No wonder we're in trouble.

I made the point that Lincoln didn't do the Civil War to free the slaves and gave a quote from him to prove that. What about that did you not understand? Leftists keep misquoting Trump and blasting him for things he didn't say and I've never seen you object to that once ever. But an actual quote from Lincoln directly on the point I made? That somehow suddenly fails your standards? Unbelievable
Can’t be done
Diversity + proximity = conflict

You can have all kinds of diversity as long as everyone shares the same values and mostly the same social mores, or in other words, the same culture.

Without that, it's war.

You can't reason with people who reject reason....... you can't do anything with them except avoid them or kill them.
Reason is ,,,,under Obama ZERO indictments Under pos trump how many??
It's past time, and this year more than any other year has proven it already should have been done.

I no longer have any desire to get along with Dims, I would rather see how much interest in having two or three seperate countries with two or three separate constitutions.
Instead of destroying what we have, just give the left one part, the right one part, and maybe a third part for moderates.
The US could very well splinter like Yugoslavia and it could be possible to have 6 new countries created. :smoke:
Russia and China would love that.
There are people like you who want to become like them.
No thanks. The right is being strongly influenced by their trolls. Look at Bannon, arrested on Chinese billionaires yacht. NRA taking Russian money. Trump campaign talking to Russians... the right has been infiltrated.
The fact you see that as a partisan issue and not a pervasive one throughout politics no matter the party speaks volumes.

I shared how it is a problem for one side. That doesn’t mean there aren’t similar problems on the other. But tell me about these volumes.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

Political differences are as old as time itself. The differences are now between sound policy and the Archie Bunker type solutions on the right.

LOL, the chick who supports attacking women who dare to think differently than you (think about "Archie Bunker") thinks that the problem is on the right.

What has changed is how far Democrats have moved into Marxism. Republicans have not moved to the right
Trump sure is a socialist with his giant bailouts, tariffs and support for huge corporate welfare deals like Foxconn,

According to RethugiKKKons it's only socialism when it helps the people. Corporations and farmers are exempt from that of course.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

What your contemplating is treason. Abraham Lincoln showed what the proper response was to people who tried to do such a thing.
The tyrant always shows himself.

All for the State! Kill those who wish to leave. They’re traitors!

Sick. Very sick. Most undemocratic, un-American, and most tyrannical.

Amazing isn't it? I suspect the fear is that all of the productive citizens will leave the left with no way to feed or house themselves or even change a car tire.

Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

Unlikely, since there is no clear way to divide the country like we could have in 1865.

The only reason why there is a geographical problem is we consider land mass more important in counting votes than PEOPLE.

This is just another tired version of the "State's Rights" argument...
Oh non-sense --KIck california out and build a wall around New York City and New Jersey....
Looks like most the yes votes are the righties. The Russian trolls are doing a great job.

I'll tell you why that is.....it's because most conservatives are self sufficient and unafraid to start a new frontier......most lefties are dependent on somebody up-line from them for their survival and so they are scared to death at the thought of separation. The up-line more often than not is a conservative.

Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!

Unlikely, since there is no clear way to divide the country like we could have in 1865.

The only reason why there is a geographical problem is we consider land mass more important in counting votes than PEOPLE.

This is just another tired version of the "State's Rights" argument...
Oh non-sense --KIck california out and build a wall around New York City and New Jersey....
That would sure shrink the economy.
Looks like most the yes votes are the righties. The Russian trolls are doing a great job.

I'll tell you why that is.....it's because most conservatives are self sufficient and unafraid to start a new frontier......most lefties are dependent on somebody up-line from them for their survival and so they are scared to death at the thought of separation. The up-line more often than not is a conservative.

Yeah try building a military with taxes from the right states. Good luck. The right is owned by Russian trolls trying to destroy our great country.
Straightforward question:

Have we reached a point at which our political differences are irreconcilable, and it's time to separate the country geographically in some way, by Left or Right?

And please expand on your response!
There is always division in free societies. If we divide, first it won’t happen without armed conflict and second there would be divisions in the new societies.

Let the cards fall in place and then take it from there

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