POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

That's it. You're one, or you're the other.

This is nonsense. There are quite a few conservatives who are not obedient sheep, and fuck you for saying so. And I have no doubt there are also plenty of more moderate liberal Dems, but who are afraid to say so. These days if a Dem deviates from the Far Left party line they are ostracized and eviscerated.
The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....

Joe Biden is the Dem nominee for President. But they have lost their moderate base.

They pushed Joe in and shoved Bernie out...but look how far out in lala land Joe has to be to get votes in the New Dem party of outlaws....he has to pick AOC as a cabinet member....you maybe should rethink your party affiliation...the dems have gone completely mad.....

I will bet you everything you own that Biden does not nominate AOC for a cabinet position.

I must say, however, I dig the fact that you've conceded that he will win the election.
Before I can vote, explain, and expand...what kind of carrot cake are we talking here?
Okay, so this is a fair question. In my mind's eye, I've got something like this:

Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

Again. Would the ”insane regressive left” nominate Biden?

Who is the leader of the ”insane regressive left”?
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.

So you are hoping there are enough democrats in red states to resist the media support for Sanders and the entire Green, pro-crime agenda? Democrats are going to have to tell the media to go to hell so your party can't do all the nutty things on their list? Are there enough Blue Dogs to resist that?
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
The threat of Communist misery is not going to go away if Trump is re-elected. Those guys are not going to quit, and Trump is not going to be able to save us once he's out of office. The truth is that the only thing standing between us and communist misery is US.
show me any Democrat who is in favor of a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism and is always Democratic everywhere but GOP America and Tory UK. The worst Savage capitalists maybe..... Where they conflate socialism and communism. Everywhere else they know the difference. Democracy.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
Well, this is one fucked up moment. We need cooler heads to prevail, but I'm pretty sure they're on vacation.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

If you think Trump is bad, just wait till your party regains control. Good luck getting a handle on that. You are already dealing with skyrocketing crime and homelessness. Your party is gone. Your hatred for tax cuts and traditionalism has given birth to a monster, and you are going to vote for it.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
No, you’re thinking of the American culture that existed 10 years ago that no longer exists. Then it would be somewhat fair to say communism is hyperbole. This is a full on cultural civil war. The literal ontological language between the two sides is so different that they are incapable of conversing with each other. One sides philosophical base is the old American culture of individual rights and ideals laid out by the constitution, as well as “traditional theory” which is things like logical reasoning, analysis of stats, scientific method, etc. The other sides philosophical base is critical theory which literally states that the former philosophical base mentioned is created by oppressors for oppressors. This is the new lefts operating system. This is the language they are speaking. Any stats, facts, or reasoning given are just tools created by the oppressive system to continue the oppressive system. If you use these tools, you are therefore an oppressor. So if you believe this, like the new left does (the new left that has 100% taken control of both the party and the narrative), then the only logical conclusion is to tear the oppressive system down and replace it with..........communism.

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