POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.
The same people railing against a communist “boogeyman“ are phlegmatic when it comes to the autocratic policies taking place in Portland.

You can move to Cuba ma'am.

Wrong gender.

Try harder next time!

Clearly you are a catcher.

Clearly you have nothing worth listening to.


Nice purse swing in high heels cupcake
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
Well, this is one fucked up moment. We need cooler heads to prevail, but I'm pretty sure they're on vacation.

True, cooler heads would be good, cooler and impartial would be better. But not many of those around, none that I know of. So here we are, once again with no good options.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

Again. Would the ”insane regressive left” nominate Biden?

Who is the leader of the ”insane regressive left”?
As you already know, Mr. Obtuse -- we've only discussed this a few hundred times -- the Regressive Left are illiberal Leftist authoritarians who push, support, and/or enable Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture. I am aware of no one "leader", just many members.

I expect you to pretend to know who or what I'm talking about -- again -- and I'm not interested in playing. Again.

You're welcome.
He’s just the wrong brand.
Well, ok, I'm voting for biden anyway...but you made outrageous claim after outrageous claim and then ran from each and everyone of them until you got so tired of running from them you started a mantra of "he signed the checks" because you could not defend your position...it was typical white privilege bantor
Trumps name on the checks is pretty good evidence of his support. You are kidding yourself.
I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.
well then ya must not have been around for the 60's when the communist party took over the democratic party...by anyones measure this is "just messing around" by comparrisron...."burn baby burn" democrats using police dogs on minorities, democrats standing in doorways shouting N- - - - -S will never enter this school, democrats replacing lynching with "medical procedures" democrats hailing the memory of FDR's incestuos marriage while calling the rest of the country "inbred rednecks", democrats rounding up american citizens for internment camps while beating their chests, democrats dropping atomic weapons on fellow citizens and then like slavery and every other crime against humanity they share their blame with the rest of the country, even those who died stopping the spread of their disease...even todays "shape" is due to that of a left wing hoax, it's just not as bad as their previous attempt to destroy us.

as an aside, the word liberal is really the better description of who is responsible [white privileged class is the perfect descritor]
I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.
well then ya must not have been around for the 60's when the communist party took over the democratic party...by anyones measure this is "just messing around" by comparrisron...."burn baby burn" democrats using police dogs on minorities, democrats sanding in doorways shouting N- - - - -S will never enter this school, democrats replacing lynching with "medical procedures" democrats hailing the memory of FDR's incestuos marriage while calling the rest of the country "inbred rednecks", democrats rounding up american citizens for internment camps while beating their chests, democrats dropping atomic weapons on fellow citizens and then like slavery and every other crime against humanity they share their blame with the rest of the country, even those who died stopping the spread of their disease...even todays "shape" is due to that o a left wing hoax, it's just not as bad as their previous attempt to destroy us.
Nope, wasn’t around back then. Now sure is a disaster though.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.

We should expect...we do expect Biden to screw up and continue selling out America just as he did during the Obama years.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.

We should expect...we do expect Biden to screw up and continue selling out America just as he did during the Obama years.
Yet the Obama years were clearly so much better.
never would have guessed repubs would be voting for a guy who makes Obama look fiscally responsible. This is funny stuff.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
I think it will be the people that have the say if they want Sociali
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
and it won't happen as long as the people fight against it. If you were raised by Communist, your mentor is a radical Communist with a 600 page FBI file and when you only want to take collage classes taught by Communist you are a Communist. Obama might enjoy Capitalism but to think he is not a Communist isn't thinking at all. These Communist are all of just one political party, Democrats. The same party that rule high poverty areas, high crime areas, high drug areas, and areas with no way of bettering your life and chance of ever getting out. Until these people get tired of the same promises being made every two years and never kept it only gets worse. Democrats care about one thing, power. These last four years shows just how far they will go to keep it and they have the gall to stick 'the honorable' in front of their name.

Anyone that has followed Trump over his life know he loves this nation. The only ones not realizing that are no information voters that easily follow the total bull shit lies of democrats that always would come back to haunt them if their voting block had any sense at all.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.

We should expect...we do expect Biden to screw up and continue selling out America just as he did during the Obama years.
Yet the Obama years were clearly so much better.

Sure, you mean back when you were still on the welfare roll.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.

We should expect...we do expect Biden to screw up and continue selling out America just as he did during the Obama years.
Yet the Obama years were clearly so much better.

Sure, you mean back when you were still on the welfare roll.
Never have been. That trump bailout been paying the welfare people a big bonus eh?
never would have guessed repubs would be voting for a guy who makes Obama look fiscally responsible. This is funny stuff.
So far there are 22 people here who think Trump -- of all people -- is the only thing standing between us and communism.

You want to laugh, but then, you really can't.
It sure kills any hope of small government policies. I guess the good news is those people are flexible. They are sheep that follow trump everywhere. Maybe next time try shepherd will not be an idiot.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.

We should expect...we do expect Biden to screw up and continue selling out America just as he did during the Obama years.
Yet the Obama years were clearly so much better.

Sure, you mean back when you were still on the welfare roll.
Never have been. That trump bailout been paying the welfare people a big bonus eh?

I forgot, you don't research anything.


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