POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump

Opinions vary. Frankly, comparing Trump with Obama is useless, the question is comparing 4 more years under Trump with what Biden and the Far Left will do if they beat Trump. Neither option is good, as usual I think we will be forced to choose between 2 bad options. I think the lesser of 2 evils in this case is Trump.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.
Well one would have to assume that trump is the cause of riots, debt, and recession. The riots obviously stem from the rhetoric of the left. If America was founded on the ideals of racial oppression, and the cops are a systemically racist organization murdering black people left and right....the only logical conclusion is to try to overthrow the system. The recession is caused by covid and governors who choose to lockdown entire industries even though we know that simple steps can be taken to keep those places open, and simple steps can be taken to protect the vulnerable populations from what is essentially a bad flu. As for the debt, thank the “age of moderation”. It’s been the economic policy in the US since at least the 90s, and suggests that companies can practice crazy as business policies and government will bail them out because “we need to economy to stay moderate.” That and entitlement programs established decades ago, some of which are straight up government sanctioned Ponzi schemes, that are very clearly the main drivers of national debt. Trump at least has a pretty solid excuse as of recent, as to why the debt is skyrocketing due to a global pandemic. Obama added to debt anywhere from 6-9 trillion depending on which way you want to look at it, without any global pandemic that shut down and disrupted basically every major economy in the world. His policy stretched out a recession for 8 years despite pouring trillions of free to extremely cheap money into the economy. As soon as trump took office the economy starkly skyrocketed and was booming. I’m not a fan of “moderation” economical practices, but trump cis clearly just better at it than Obama. Biden advocates for more very expensive entitlement programs that will turn out, like they always do, to be far more expensive than estimated.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Which post?
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

Again. Would the ”insane regressive left” nominate Biden?

Who is the leader of the ”insane regressive left”?
As you already know, Mr. Obtuse -- we've only discussed this a few hundred times -- the Regressive Left are illiberal Leftist authoritarians who push, support, and/or enable Political Correctness, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture. I am aware of no one "leader", just many members.

I expect you to pretend to know who or what I'm talking about -- again -- and I'm not interested in playing. Again.

You're welcome.

So, they have no influential representation in the Democratic party.

What’s the concern?
They have profound influence on the party, and it shows.

Like the Presidential candidate feeling he has to ignore at least half of the possible VP picks because they have dicks.

If that isn't obvious enough for you, there is nothing else I can say.

I suspect it isn't obvious enough for you.

Oh! You think the insane regressive left forced Biden to commit to a female VP. That wasn't his pollsters giving him advice. It was the crazy PC police.

But....they don't have a spokesperson or a leader.

That's quite a trick.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Which post?
You really have no clue.

Trump makes Obama look fiscally responsible.

Neither of them are/were fiscally responsible. These days, nobody is but when I see what the Dems are proposing, they make Trump look fiscally responsible. Raising taxes (revenue) in this economy on the wealthy and big corps is just not going to get you that much extra money and it sure as hell isn't going to help stimulate new businesses or expand existing ones. And their spending is astronomically ridiculous, you just can't do all the stuff they want.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

YES. Regardless of what you think of Trump, the pattern is there. Look at our college campuses, look at the riots and violence across the country, look at the politicization of the virus. Nothing is sacred anymore. There are people out there fighting to dismantle parts of the system that actually work.

And that's PINEAPPLE to you, uncultured swine.
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Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Which post?
You really have no clue.

It's not the number. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Which post?
Make yourself smarter.

Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Which post?
You really have no clue.

It's not the number. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
How quickly you are good with rule be executive order. What a good sheep.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Which post?
Make yourself smarter.

There's nothing easier than finding a leftwing publication that confirms your biases.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

Communism died for good with Fidel Castro, but except for Cuba, communism died in 1989. China is a totalitarian regime as is North Korea. Neither of these countries has been communist for years.
Biden and the Democrats are both a rolling, stumbling, bumbling, flaming shit show.

First we have to rid this country of the ugly, ignorant stain that is Trumpism, then we get to work on the Democrats.

First things first. Baby steps. Our nutters on both ends have driven us straight into the fuckin' ditch.

I think we better work on the Democrats first, Trumpism isn't going to last much longer than he does in office. But those socialist Dems are NOT going to fade away anytime soon.
The day after Trump won, I was in here saying that my concern was that Trumpism would be so (insert adjective here, I would use "ugly") that it would empower the insane hardcore Left. That the reaction to him would be so overwhelming that the wrong people would take over the Left. I think I was right, to a degree.

Personally, I think we need to get past this stain on our history as soon as we can. Then it's on to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. The adults have to take back control of this before it's too late.

This is going to take a while.

To be honest, I fear that if Trump loses in November then it won't be possible to stop the insanity of the Regressive Left. And shouldn't it that be the Progressive Left? 4 more years of that clown (Trump) will not be easy to stomach, but I believe thee alternative is much worse, and that might not be reversible.
8 years of Obama sure look better than the garbage we have got from trump
They sure as hell don't.
Sure and trump doesn’t have more executive orders either. You ever get tired of being wrong all the time? You wouldn’t take 4 years ago to now? How dishonest are you?
Prove it, asshole.

Furthermore, it's not the number that matters. It's whether they comply with the Constitution, and many of Obama's didn't.
I already proved it. Are you slow? Yes you are....
This thread obviously....
Which post?
Make yourself smarter.

There's nothing easier than finding a leftwing publication that confirms your biases.
Yeah you sheep better avoid facts.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

Communism died for good with Fidel Castro, but except for Cuba, communism died in 1989. China is a totalitarian regime as is North Korea. Neither of these countries has been communist for years.
Communism is alive and well in our public universities.
We should expect Biden to be similar to Obama. Most would consider Biden more center actually. Hence better than trump. Can’t believe anyone can look at the current state of the country and say trump is the lesser. Riots, debt, recession... I never thought the country would be in such bad shape.

I don't think Biden will be similar to Obama at all, nor will he be more to the Center. Depends on whether he has a Dem majority in the Senate and the House, if he does then you will see the most Far Left president in history cuz that's where the Far Left will force him to go. These days the Far Left has a lot more power than they did under Obama, and nowadays they pretty much run the Dem Party with no interference from the Dem moderates. Who for all practical purposes don't even exist.

Biden is going to play the moderate all the way to Election Day, and if he wins then it's Katy bar the door. You think he's got the balls to stand up to the Far Left? I don't, the man has the backbone of a worm.

And BTW, the riots are totally on the democrats, if they ran their cities and provided law and order like they should then this shit would've been over long ago. Both parties are responsible for the accumulated debt over the past 20 years and the current recession is due to the Coronavirus, which Trump is not responsible for.
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Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?
You very seldom word anything correctly so it is hard to give direct responses, for instance "carrot cake" was the most appropriate response to the words you chose...trump is not in fact the "only thing" standing between us and your privilege, he is just the biggest and most threatening to you, you recognize it, and now you must try to formulate a response to it much like you tried to form a serious question...[that was the expanded thing you said was OK]
So your assumption is that I'm a commie?
That's not my assumption. Just that you don't see commies when they are sitting in your lap.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

Communism died for good with Fidel Castro, but except for Cuba, communism died in 1989. China is a totalitarian regime as is North Korea. Neither of these countries has been communist for years.
Communism is alive and well in our public universities.
I know from EXPERIENCE!!!
Just because PROGS are consistent with the downing of former societies doesn't mean they are :abgg2q.jpg:

Why do you think they're erasing history?
I think this thread probably illustrates the frustration one might feel when being immediately called a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenomorph for any reason and no reason at all.

Ain't payback a bitch?

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