Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions

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Jun 15, 2013
Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions
Survey by Israel Democracy Institute reveals wide public support for referendum on any peace deal, opposition to more Israeli concessions.

By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 8/6/2013, 12:32 PM

A poll released by the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) has shed significant light on attitudes among Israeli Jews and Arabs regarding peace talks with the Palestinian Authority, among other issues.

The survey, which was conducted between 28th - 30th July 2013, includes 602 respondents constituting a representative sample of the adult population of Israel, according to IDI.

It reveals - perhaps unsurprisingly - significant differences of opinion between Jewish and Arab Israelis over the prospect of Israeli concessions to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Below are some of the key findings (with a 4.5% margin of error):

"Right of return"

Among Jewish Israelis, 77% oppose even a recognition in principle by Israel of the so-called "right of return" for the descendants of Arabs who fled during the Israeli War of Independence. Under such a limited recognition, put forward in past negotiations, a small number of the descendants of Arab refugees would be allowed to settle in Israel, with the government providing compensation for the remainder.

In contrast, 82% of Israeli Arabs supported such a move.

Approximately 700,000 Arabs fled fighting during the 1948 War of Independence, many of them encouraged by Arab leaders who urged them to leave their homes temporarily to enable invading Arab armies to "cleanse" the land of Jews, after which they would be able to return. Today, unlike any other refugees, "Palestinian refugee status" includes all descendants of those who fled, which means that nearly 5 million Arabs - most of whom were born outside of Israel - would qualify for compensation.

No mention was made in the poll of the roughly one million Jews from Arab countries who were forced from their homes - both during the same period and in the years that followed - in a concerted act of ethnic-cleansing by Arab governments.

Territorial concessions

The poll also showed that a significant majority of Jewish Israelis are opposed to further territorial concessions. 62.5% opposed a comprehensive withdrawal from Judea, Samaria and much of Jerusalem with land swaps, while 58% opposed evacuating all Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria apart from Maaleh Adumim and the city of Ariel, as well as large "settlement blocs." 50% oppose transferring control over Arab neighbourhoods of Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority, with a special arrangement for holy places.

Interestingly, while Israeli Arabs largely supported Israeli concessions in this area, only a slim majority (55%) wanted to see Arab neighbourhood in Jerusalem transferred to the Palestinian Authority. This may reflect previous findings which indicated that most Arab Jerusalemites prefer to live under Israeli sovereignty rather than under PA control.

Israel has previously made territorial concessions to the PA, including control over large areas of Judea and Samaria, and a full withdrawal from Gaza - along with the expulsion of around 9,000 Jewish residents. Far from achieving peace, however, the regions from which Israel withdrew were used by Arab terrorist groups to launch further attacks on the Jewish State, leading many Israelis to harden their stance against further concessions.


As in previous surveys, a clear majority of Jewish Israelis (62%) believe that any decision to deport Jews from Judea and Samaria should be brought to a national referendum. Interestingly, an even larger majority (72%) of Israeli Arabs felt the same way.

Another question posed was whether all Israelis - Arab and Jewish alike - should be eligible to vote in such a referendum over the future of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria. Among Jewish respondents there was a fairly even split - with 49% believing that only Jews should be eligible and 46% believing that Israeli Arabs should be included. An overwhelming majority of Israeli Arabs (88%) felt that the right should be granted to all Israeli citizens.

Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions
Survey by Israel Democracy Institute reveals wide public support for referendum on any peace deal, opposition to more Israeli concessions.

Another question posed was whether all Israelis - Arab and Jewish alike - should be eligible to vote in such a referendum over the future of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria. Among Jewish respondents there was a fairly even split - with 49% believing that only Jews should be eligible and 46% believing that Israeli Arabs should be included. An overwhelming majority of Israeli Arabs (88%) felt that the right should be granted to all Israeli citizens.

Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

well, that certainly is an indicator as to which peoples believe in democracy.

i know it isn't the same, but i cannot imagine the reaction if half of white americans would say that black americans shouldn't be allowed to vote on an issue of such great importance. it certainly lends credence to all those who make allegations of jewish bigotry.

i guess this is what israeli democracy looks like.​
Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions
Survey by Israel Democracy Institute reveals wide public support for referendum on any peace deal, opposition to more Israeli concessions.

Another question posed was whether all Israelis - Arab and Jewish alike - should be eligible to vote in such a referendum over the future of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria. Among Jewish respondents there was a fairly even split - with 49% believing that only Jews should be eligible and 46% believing that Israeli Arabs should be included. An overwhelming majority of Israeli Arabs (88%) felt that the right should be granted to all Israeli citizens.

Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

well, that certainly is an indicator as to which peoples believe in democracy.

i know it isn't the same, but i cannot imagine the reaction if half of white americans would say that black americans shouldn't be allowed to vote on an issue of such great importance. it certainly lends credence to all those who make allegations of jewish bigotry.

i guess this is what israeli democracy looks like.​

Another bullshit allegation. Israeli Arabs currently do vote. Jews feel threatened by Arabs as to where there loyalties really lie, which is reflective in this opinion poll. In a democracy you have a right to express your opinion without being called a bigot, you bigot.​
Roudy nailed it for you, Seal.

neither roudy not you nailed anything. i said noyjig about israelis an d the right to vote. i said the attitudes of israelis and said tbat were the results of such a poll published in america where 49% of white americans said they didn't think black people should be allowed to vote on any issue, let alone an as important issue as this, there would be outrage and very indicative of racism in america.

as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

ya know, i encountered a very pro-palestinian poster who was very anti-semitic as well. people know him as skit. of course, he attacked me after thaat and the jewish posters began to fall in love with him because of that.

you want to hang with the likes of roudy, be my guest. you were one of the few zionist posters i had even the slightest amount of respect for, for your integrity, but no longer.

go to hell.l
Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions
Survey by Israel Democracy Institute reveals wide public support for referendum on any peace deal, opposition to more Israeli concessions.

Another question posed was whether all Israelis - Arab and Jewish alike - should be eligible to vote in such a referendum over the future of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria. Among Jewish respondents there was a fairly even split - with 49% believing that only Jews should be eligible and 46% believing that Israeli Arabs should be included. An overwhelming majority of Israeli Arabs (88%) felt that the right should be granted to all Israeli citizens.

Poll: Majority of Israelis Oppose Concessions - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

well, that certainly is an indicator as to which peoples believe in democracy.

i know it isn't the same, but i cannot imagine the reaction if half of white americans would say that black americans shouldn't be allowed to vote on an issue of such great importance. it certainly lends credence to all those who make allegations of jewish bigotry.

i guess this is what israeli democracy looks like.​

Another bullshit allegation. Israeli Arabs currently do vote. Jews feel threatened by Arabs as to where there loyalties really lie, which is reflective in this opinion poll. In a democracy you have a right to express your opinion without being called a bigot, you bigot.​

that changes absolutely nothing i said.

when 49% of israeli jews are willing to deprive the arab citisens of a fundamental right of democracy, it says an awful lot about the state of affairs in that democracy and the bigotry of that segment of the culture.​
Roudy nailed it for you, Seal.

neither roudy not you nailed anything. i said noyjig about israelis an d the right to vote. i said the attitudes of israelis and said tbat were the results of such a poll published in america where 49% of white americans said they didn't think black people should be allowed to vote on any issue, let alone an as important issue as this, there would be outrage and very indicative of racism in america.

as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

ya know, i encountered a very pro-palestinian poster who was very anti-semitic as well. people know him as skit. of course, he attacked me after thaat and the jewish posters began to fall in love with him because of that.

you want to hang with the likes of roudy, be my guest. you were one of the few zionist posters i had even the slightest amount of respect for, for your integrity, but no longer.

go to hell.l

Save me a seat.
i said the attitudes of israelis and said tbat were the results of such a poll published in america where 49% of white americans said they didn't think black people should be allowed to vote on any issue, let alone an as important issue as this, there would be outrage and very indicative of racism in america.

I absolutely agree.

I have no problem with Israel retaining its status as a Jewish state, but I am sure one thing we can all agree on is that any referendum in any country should be available to all citizens of that country.

As for the OP, it's interesting stuff. It's amazing how much attitudes have changed since the arrival of more than one million Russian Jews into Israel. They really have shifted Israel several steps to the right, and I fear have done immense harm to both Israel's reputation and prospects for peace.

It used to be that most Israelis understood and accepted the need to give up 90% of the WB...this poll suggests Israel now puts more emphasis on short-term greed than on justice or long term survival.
as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

I don't agree that it paints an ugly picture of Jewish culture because Jewish culture is NOT inherently racist, intolerant or bigoted - but it does paint an ugly picture of the individuals who tolerate his ignorance and vulgarity.
well, that certainly is an indicator as to which peoples believe in democracy.

i know it isn't the same, but i cannot imagine the reaction if half of white americans would say that black americans shouldn't be allowed to vote on an issue of such great importance. it certainly lends credence to all those who make allegations of jewish bigotry.

i guess this is what israeli democracy looks like.
Another bullshit allegation. Israeli Arabs currently do vote. Jews feel threatened by Arabs as to where there loyalties really lie, which is reflective in this opinion poll. In a democracy you have a right to express your opinion without being called a bigot, you bigot.

that changes absolutely nothing i said.

when 49% of israeli jews are willing to deprive the arab citisens of a fundamental right of democracy, it says an awful lot about the state of affairs in that democracy and the bigotry of that segment of the culture.
Nah, it says Israel wants to remain a Jewish state, and it has every right to do that.
as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

I don't agree that it paints an ugly picture of Jewish culture because Jewish culture is NOT inherently racist, intolerant or bigoted - but it does paint an ugly picture of the individuals who tolerate his ignorance and vulgarity.

Ignorance and vulgarity? I have only been posting for a month and I have yet to see a vulgar comment from Roudy. The arab worshippers can't argue with his message so they attack the messenger. The harder they attack the more you know he's getting under their skin.
I have to say that Saigon is entitled to an opinion in this conflict since he sweated on an Israeli farm/kibbutz for 2 years, despite being non-Jewish.
as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

I don't agree that it paints an ugly picture of Jewish culture because Jewish culture is NOT inherently racist, intolerant or bigoted - but it does paint an ugly picture of the individuals who tolerate his ignorance and vulgarity.

i do not evaluate individuals based upon their cultural group but cultures inculcate certain values and begaviours in their members. i evaluate cultures based upon the behaviour of the members of that culture i meet or otherwise encounter. most people do, and with the good comes the bad.

i grew up in europe, off and on. i know european, mainly french, jews. i moved to new york city for awhile and lived there. i had many jewish friends in college and was pretty well accepted by the "tribe" (their word). i read the jewish press and especially the talkback material. i see jewish websites. most of them are like pam geller's in attitude. scratch any bigoted anti-muslim site and you will find better than even odds thaat there are jewish people behind it. look at the material from jewish organisations posted by jewish posters on this board. the "mass resignation" from jimmy carter's charity's advisory board after he published the "apartheid" were jewish members having a hissy fit.

look at their humour. joan rivers is widely appreciated. look at alan king. you can tell a lot about people by the humour they produce and appreciate. much of their humour ridicules gentiles and particularly catholics although, lately, it is turning to ridiculing muslims.

so, as a culture, i find they are contentious, rude, racist, self centered and care little about others. who could like that. if i go out and 90% of green people i run into whack me with a 2x4, guess what...i am not going to likie green people...and not because they are green, but because past experience has dictated i better duck.

i can hear the howls of "anti-semite" as i speak. that is their usual criticism directed towards anyone who doesn't lavish and gush praise on them. well, i do not dislike jews for what they are, but i sure as hell do dislike individual jews for what they do and when, that seems to be a cultural characteristic, well, it is what it is.

i bring it up sometimes. so does sunni man, and i think it is an absolutlely legitimate observation. throughout history, jews have complained about not being accepted by society from the time of abraham to the present. they are constantly being persecuted and expelled, or so they claim. i imagine that isn't entirely true, but many of the societies where jews have not been accepted have readily accepted peoples outside their culture into their culture with no problems, and people with ar greater differences.

sooner or later, instead of blaming everyone else for their misfortune, it would behoove them perhaps to examine their own conscience and behaviour.
I have to say that Saigon is entitled to an opinion in this conflict since he sweated on an Israeli farm/kibbutz for 2 years, despite being non-Jewish.
Lets not forget he lies and makes up a lot of Shiite. And he's been caught many times doing that. He can say whatever he wants, it's an anonymous venue here.
as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

I don't agree that it paints an ugly picture of Jewish culture because Jewish culture is NOT inherently racist, intolerant or bigoted - but it does paint an ugly picture of the individuals who tolerate his ignorance and vulgarity.

i do not evaluate individuals based upon their cultural group but cultures inculcate certain values and begaviours in their members. i evaluate cultures based upon the behaviour of the members of that culture i meet or otherwise encounter. most people do, and with the good comes the bad.

i grew up in europe, off and on. i know european, mainly french, jews. i moved to new york city for awhile and lived there. i had many jewish friends in college and was pretty well accepted by the "tribe" (their word). i read the jewish press and especially the talkback material. i see jewish websites. most of them are like pam geller's in attitude. scratch any bigoted anti-muslim site and you will find better than even odds thaat there are jewish people behind it. look at the material from jewish organisations posted by jewish posters on this board. the "mass resignation" from jimmy carter's charity's advisory board after he published the "apartheid" were jewish members having a hissy fit.

look at their humour. joan rivers is widely appreciated. look at alan king. you can tell a lot about people by the humour they produce and appreciate. much of their humour ridicules gentiles and particularly catholics although, lately, it is turning to ridiculing muslims.

so, as a culture, i find they are contentious, rude, racist, self centered and care little about others. who could like that. if i go out and 90% of green people i run into whack me with a 2x4, guess what...i am not going to likie green people...and not because they are green, but because past experience has dictated i better duck.

i can hear the howls of "anti-semite" as i speak. that is their usual criticism directed towards anyone who doesn't lavish and gush praise on them. well, i do not dislike jews for what they are, but i sure as hell do dislike individual jews for what they do and when, that seems to be a cultural characteristic, well, it is what it is.

i bring it up sometimes. so does sunni man, and i think it is an absolutlely legitimate observation. throughout history, jews have complained about not being accepted by society from the time of abraham to the present. they are constantly being persecuted and expelled, or so they claim. i imagine that isn't entirely true, but many of the societies where jews have not been accepted have readily accepted peoples outside their culture into their culture with no problems, and people with ar greater differences.

sooner or later, instead of blaming everyone else for their misfortune, it would behoove them perhaps to examine their own conscience and behaviour.
Wow, I can see that you haven't been around any Jews at all. NY Jews are probably the most classy, liberal, tolerant, progressive Jews you can find. Most of them are reform Jews, which means their synagogues are filled with women rabbis, blacks, converts, and gays.

It's a good thing we don't consider you as a representative of Irish people. You're just a sick Jew hating bigot, and a really bad liar, that's all.
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as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

I don't agree that it paints an ugly picture of Jewish culture because Jewish culture is NOT inherently racist, intolerant or bigoted - but it does paint an ugly picture of the individuals who tolerate his ignorance and vulgarity.

also and so as to seperate the thoughts, i was just handing back a little of the "lingua franca" that is dispensed so freely by my antagonists..

i mean, when some skeevy IDF patrol goes on one of their looting expeditions and uncovers a pic of a child dressed for jihad (how many military parents dress their kids in uniforms. mine did.) and that pic results in the accusation that scores of millions of arab mothers are strapping suicide bombs on their toddlers, then i don't think my comment was at all out of place considering a poll where a racist society, supported by "99% of jews" )according to marg) is willing to deprive its arab citisens of a vote on an important issue based solely upon their ethnicity.

i think i can make a longer run on sentence if you like to further clarify.
as for roudy. it tells me an awful lot about you that you think he nailed anyone. he is a vulgar, insignificant foul mouthed guttersnipe who seemingly can't read and/or understand things...and the fact that jews are afraid to confront him on his vulgarity and histrionics certainly paints an ugly picture of jewish culture.

I don't agree that it paints an ugly picture of Jewish culture because Jewish culture is NOT inherently racist, intolerant or bigoted - but it does paint an ugly picture of the individuals who tolerate his ignorance and vulgarity.

i do not evaluate individuals based upon their cultural group but cultures inculcate certain values and begaviours in their members. i evaluate cultures based upon the behaviour of the members of that culture i meet or otherwise encounter. most people do, and with the good comes the bad.

i grew up in europe, off and on. i know european, mainly french, jews. i moved to new york city for awhile and lived there. i had many jewish friends in college and was pretty well accepted by the "tribe" (their word). i read the jewish press and especially the talkback material. i see jewish websites. most of them are like pam geller's in attitude. scratch any bigoted anti-muslim site and you will find better than even odds thaat there are jewish people behind it. look at the material from jewish organisations posted by jewish posters on this board. the "mass resignation" from jimmy carter's charity's advisory board after he published the "apartheid" were jewish members having a hissy fit.

look at their humour. joan rivers is widely appreciated. look at alan king. you can tell a lot about people by the humour they produce and appreciate. much of their humour ridicules gentiles and particularly catholics although, lately, it is turning to ridiculing muslims.

so, as a culture, i find they are contentious, rude, racist, self centered and care little about others. who could like that. if i go out and 90% of green people i run into whack me with a 2x4, guess what...i am not going to likie green people...and not because they are green, but because past experience has dictated i better duck.

i can hear the howls of "anti-semite" as i speak. that is their usual criticism directed towards anyone who doesn't lavish and gush praise on them. well, i do not dislike jews for what they are, but i sure as hell do dislike individual jews for what they do and when, that seems to be a cultural characteristic, well, it is what it is.

i bring it up sometimes. so does sunni man, and i think it is an absolutlely legitimate observation. throughout history, jews have complained about not being accepted by society from the time of abraham to the present. they are constantly being persecuted and expelled, or so they claim. i imagine that isn't entirely true, but many of the societies where jews have not been accepted have readily accepted peoples outside their culture into their culture with no problems, and people with ar greater differences.

sooner or later, instead of blaming everyone else for their misfortune, it would behoove them perhaps to examine their own conscience and behaviour.

You have picked out what you wanted to and generalized. You do not have the slightest idea about Jews, but of course that is not surprising.
Scores of millions of Arab mothers are strapping suicide vests on their toddlers? Can you show me a post that someone said that? Wow, his lies are getting worse by the minute.
I don't agree that it paints an ugly picture of Jewish culture because Jewish culture is NOT inherently racist, intolerant or bigoted - but it does paint an ugly picture of the individuals who tolerate his ignorance and vulgarity.

i do not evaluate individuals based upon their cultural group but cultures inculcate certain values and begaviours in their members. i evaluate cultures based upon the behaviour of the members of that culture i meet or otherwise encounter. most people do, and with the good comes the bad.

i grew up in europe, off and on. i know european, mainly french, jews. i moved to new york city for awhile and lived there. i had many jewish friends in college and was pretty well accepted by the "tribe" (their word). i read the jewish press and especially the talkback material. i see jewish websites. most of them are like pam geller's in attitude. scratch any bigoted anti-muslim site and you will find better than even odds thaat there are jewish people behind it. look at the material from jewish organisations posted by jewish posters on this board. the "mass resignation" from jimmy carter's charity's advisory board after he published the "apartheid" were jewish members having a hissy fit.

look at their humour. joan rivers is widely appreciated. look at alan king. you can tell a lot about people by the humour they produce and appreciate. much of their humour ridicules gentiles and particularly catholics although, lately, it is turning to ridiculing muslims.

so, as a culture, i find they are contentious, rude, racist, self centered and care little about others. who could like that. if i go out and 90% of green people i run into whack me with a 2x4, guess what...i am not going to likie green people...and not because they are green, but because past experience has dictated i better duck.

i can hear the howls of "anti-semite" as i speak. that is their usual criticism directed towards anyone who doesn't lavish and gush praise on them. well, i do not dislike jews for what they are, but i sure as hell do dislike individual jews for what they do and when, that seems to be a cultural characteristic, well, it is what it is.

i bring it up sometimes. so does sunni man, and i think it is an absolutlely legitimate observation. throughout history, jews have complained about not being accepted by society from the time of abraham to the present. they are constantly being persecuted and expelled, or so they claim. i imagine that isn't entirely true, but many of the societies where jews have not been accepted have readily accepted peoples outside their culture into their culture with no problems, and people with ar greater differences.

sooner or later, instead of blaming everyone else for their misfortune, it would behoove them perhaps to examine their own conscience and behaviour.

You have picked out what you wanted to and generalized. You do not have the slightest idea about Jews, but of course that is not surprising.
No he obviously doesn't. I seriously don't think he had a serious interaction with a single Jew. Like most neo Nazis they just repeat what they've been taught.
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