Poll: Majority Of Voters Say Jan. 6 Committee Is Biased

Yes.....the root cause of those riots was the glorification of the death of a felon who happened to be black.
Democrats used blacks to incite violence all over America....and helped fund and organize them.
Yet you folks think that Trump and Jan 6th is proof that he is guilty of insurrection. BTW.....did Trump bail out any of the so-called Jan 6th rioters like VP Harris bailed out rioters in Portland, Seattle, and other cities?

The root cause got convicted. The reason it scares the bejesus out of the Neo-GOP is the number of white people who protested against the way he was murdered.

How much money did the VP donate to the fund and who did she bail out?
The root cause got convicted. The reason it scares the bejesus out of the Neo-GOP is the number of white people who protested against the way he was murdered.

How much money did the VP donate to the fund and who did she bail out?
So now you're going to claim Kameltoe Harris didn't privide bail for criminal rioters and looters?
Are you trying to say that liberals haven't made shoplifting a slap on the wrist up to $925.00?

The root cause is supposed to be Trump....and he hasn't been charged or convicted.
And it doesn't scare us that white people were protesting because we don't consider other whites to be part of our family....especially when they're dirtbag communist scum.
So now you're going to claim Kameltoe Harris didn't privide bail for criminal rioters and looters?
Who did she bail out then? If she did it would be public record and one of those rabid rightie sites would have found it, and you would know about it.
The root cause is supposed to be Trump.
It was the Police officer taking a Knee on that Floyd guy, until he died.
we don't consider other whites to be part of our family.

Yes we know. Ya'lls is pure bread.
Who did she bail out then? If she did it would be public record and one of those rabid rightie sites would have found it, and you would know about it.

It was the Police officer taking a Knee on that Floyd guy, until he died.

Yes we know. Ya'lls is pure bread.
So one bad cop means defund every police department?
Make some damned sense.
And you should never ask a question you don't know the answer too.

A Minnesota man twice bailed out by a Vice President Kamala Harris-backed nonprofit group has been busted a third time on felony drug charges, authorities said.​
Thomas Moseley’s latest collar stems from his arrest on Oct. 15, 2020, when he was picked up at a George Floyd-related protest and charged with damaging the Minneapolis Police Department’s Fifth Precinct months earlier, WCCO-TV reported.
Police found a handgun in his waistband and charged him with possession of a dangerous weapon.​
Moseley, 29, of Minneapolis, was also busted on rioting charges from a Dec. 31, 2020, demonstration.​
In both cases, he was freed with the help of the Minnesota Freedom Fund — which fronted his $5,000 bail in the October case and $60,000 in the December case, Fox News reported, citing a criminal complaint.​
Established in 2016, the fund has vowed to put up cash to help protesters get released from jail, though it faced extreme scrutiny over the summer after admitting it had only spent $200,000 in bail money — despite being flooded with more than $30 million in donations.​

see also​


Minnesota Freedom Fund spent $200K on bail despite millions in donations​

In June, Harris pushed for contributions to the nonprofit.​
“If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” she wrote.
Everyone on the committee was hand-picked by Pelosi.....especially the two Republicans.
It's total horse shit.
It's nothing but a play. Not one word presented is true. A total Clownshow.

You are the clown show. You spews horseshit just like every Trump supporter does. You accuse the police officers of lying. Apparently you don't support police officers.
Oh hell no.. ALL post riot committees ought to packed with the victims of that riot.. Take Kenosha, where 1/2 of the downtown was pillaged and burned.. Should be nothing but storeowners and people living downtown on the investigative committee with a 1/2 of committee composed of BLM and Antifa supporters...


Just CALLING it "an insurrection" is not a supportable fact. Or calling it "armed" because flag poles are weapons. I was all in favor of JUSTICE -- NOT in favor of this abomination of power by the woking dead in Congress..

Maybe we should call the police officers to task. Numerous after action supports prove the police made things worse and escalated the tension rather than de-escalating it.

Jan 6 was a insurrection. They attempted to stop certification of the election. Apparently you condone the fact that 140 officers were injured and 1 died as a result of this attack on our capitol. The fact is that Pelosi gave Republicans everything they wanted on the committee but they still blocked it and tried to impede it by nominating a bunch of fascists to the committee.
You are the clown show. You spews horseshit just like every Trump supporter does. You accuse the police officers of lying. Apparently you don't support police officers.
Those aren't cops. They're rent-a-cops.
They looked like a bunch of punks wearing their beards....and many of them weren't even born in this country. Any cop that would bawl like a baby over that so-called riot 8 months after the fact shows us they're just a bunch of pussies begging for sympathy. None of them could handle a weekend graveyard shift in Chicago.
The conflict between the police and the black communities is as old as the country. Fascist attacks by Trumps MAGAMOB is new for us. That emulates Mussolini's tactics in his rise to power about a century ago.
"Fascist attacks by Trumps MAGAMOB" is a just another concoction of the POLITICAL THEATER Democratic party that specializes in spin indoctrination. Since Trump became president, we have had waves of their creativity attempting to mold the minds of voters >> McCain, outsourcing, Muslim goldstar father, Russian collusion, Kavanaugh, impeachment, and now the ludicrous MAGAMOB (if you want to call it that).

Actually, Chansley and other Trump supporters were quite peaceful, and the cops invited them in and escorted the around. Similar to a tourist club.

Fighting and violence in the other house was primarily BLM, Antifa et al leftist loons, doing what they ordinarily do. Oh, we all know the long, vicious record of violence of Trump supporters, right ? :right: Yup. Tearing down all those statues, Burning all those buildings & police cars. Looting and blocking traffic. Doggone Trump supporters.

And we all know how nice and peaceful BLM & Antifa are with cops, right ?

So there's no doubt the ones fighting with the Capitol cops must have been Trump supporters, right ?



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Those aren't cops. They're rent-a-cops.
They looked like a bunch of punks wearing their beards....and many of them weren't even born in this country. Any cop that would bawl like a baby over that so-called riot 8 months after the fact shows us they're just a bunch of pussies begging for sympathy. None of them could handle a weekend graveyard shift in Chicago.
I wonder how much they were paid off by the Democrat$. I recall Khizir Khan getting $50K from the DNC. Not sure how much the Kavanaugh accusers got.

Nowadays lying is an occupation.
The GOP had its chance, it got what it wanted, and it ran like scared little bunnies.

All because they're afraid of a damaged orange buffoon.

If anything of substance is found, tough shit for them.
POLITICAL THEATER STUNTS don't find things. They just try to brainwash people. :doubt:
That is a fake poll. Try again.
LOL. ....So when you don't like the result of a poll (even by a leftist group), you call it fake. When they do the poll again 6 weeks from now, the 58% who said they believed the committee was biased, will be 68%. Eventually it will top 80. Ho hum. Yawn****
It sure as hell influenced how they acted during interviews. The one crying little bitch made clear his political affiliation on facebook.
And the politicians were never in any danger to begin with.
It's kinda like hillary claiming she came under sniper fire.....it's all an act.
They are all Democrat anti-Trumpers, cherry picked, for what they did. Ho hum.
Gee, the Daily Pisser.

Ain't it a damned shame the Republicans blocked the formation of a totally non-partisan independent commission in the style of the 9/11 investigation.

They remind me of a dog who has shit on the floor who doesn't want to look at their mess when confronted.
So you're calling Harvard University "Daily Pisser"? When the going get rough, you leftists really turn on each other don't you ?
The insurrection took months of repeating the BIGLIE by more than just a few Neo-GOPers. It has done more damage to America since 1861 and the South's War for Independence......
Is there a doctor in the house ? The Jan 6 thing seems to have damaged some people, severely.

PS - the word "insurrection" is used rampantly by say-anything liberals both here, and in the media. Thousands of times by now.

Number of times mentioned in the official charges against protestors ? >> ZERO.
You know that's not true.....

Why bother typing it?

Nancy gave MCCARTHY everything he asked for on the independent commission outside of Congress .....

Again, EVERY THING he wanted.... Equal number of commissioners, equal voting power, equal subpoena power etc....

Republican Trumpers DID NOT WANT AN INVESTIGATION, of any kind.

Nancy is NOT directing or running this investigation, every aspect will be investigated by the investigators.....picking the investigation topics....that's a tried and true Trump move, not Pelosi....

You just think everyone lies and cheats like Trump does.... :thup:
You call this an "investigation" That's FUNNY.
Here ya go

By the end of June, at least 14,000 people had been arrested[3][35][36] and, by November 2020, 25 people had died in relation to the unrest. It was later estimated that between May 26 and August 22, 93% of individual protests were "peaceful and nondestructive"[37] and The Washington Post estimated that by the end of June, 96.3% of 7,305 demonstrations involved no injuries and no property damage.[38] Nevertheless, arson, vandalism, and looting between May 26 and June 8 were tabulated to have caused $1–2 billion in insured damages nationally—the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[5][39]

Most of the misdemeanor charges were dropped same as they have been from Donnie's little soirée. But here's one for ya - Your Team.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office is prosecuting Ivan Harrison Hunter, a resident of Boerne, Texas, on a charge of riot after he allegedly fired 13 rounds from a semi-automatic rifle inside the Third Precinct on May 28, the day it was set aflame. Hunter is a self-proclaimed member of the anti-government extremist group Boogaloo Bois, according to a news release from the office.​

Many felony charges have already resulted in convictions and many more are pending. This is Minneapolis alone.

AHA, I thought you were saying 14,000 were arrested on Jan 6 at the Capitol.

OK so you were referring to th 2020 summer riots (after death of George Floyd). And so most of the misdeameanor charges were dropped. Well, sure, you don't expect, leftist lunatics to be be charged for anything in Democrat cities, do you ? Heaven forbid. Somebody might charge the police with racism, if they did that.

Gotta give them "space to destroy". Like your link is entitled >> "few charges for the arson and destruction"

How interesting > ONE radical, Ivan Harrison Hunter. Now let's look up the names of the THOUSANDS of lefty loons ripping down statues, burning police cars, killing people. and destroying cities, in 275 BLM riots, and 200 Antifa ones.
AHA, I thought you were saying 14,000 were arrested on Jan 6 at the Capitol.

OK so you were referring to th 2020 summer riots (after death of George Floyd). And so most of the misdeameanor charges were dropped. Well, sure, you don't expect, leftist lunatics to be be charged for anything in Democrat cities, do you ? Heaven forbid. Somebody might charge the police with racism, if they did that.

Gotta give them "space to destroy". Like your link is entitled >> "few charges for the arson and destruction"

How interesting > ONE radical, Ivan Harrison Hunter. Now let's look up the names of the THOUSANDS of lefty loons ripping down statues, burning police cars, killing people. and destroying cities, in 275 BLM riots, and 200 Antifa ones.
Disagree ? huh? Disagree with what ?....all I did was repeat and agree with what your post and links said.

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