Poll: Majority wish Obama was still president

This country is so racist. If Obama were white, he'd have more than a majority wishing he were still president. I think of great TV shows, like the Cosby Show in the 1980s and Operah Winfrey later. Sure, they had more fans in at their peak than anyone else, but if they were white, they'd have had even more fans than more fans than anyone else.

If Obama were white, he would never have been president.
If Trump were black, he would have never been president

I believe Obama has roached the possibility of another black president for a generation, and that's sad, because there are some good potential candidates out there, and not one a Democrat.
Poll: Majority wish Obama were president, as Trump labeled 'mentally unstable'

I definitely wish he still was. Trump feels like a nightmare I am going to wake up from any moment.

"Much of America has become made up of filthy piece of shit low class, indecent humans who would love the anything goes free for all to carry on and the free shit to continue raining down on them."
That sackless soft spoken pussy with the the oversized ears and the un-American name is an irrelevant has-been. The days of that bottom up governing you loved so much are fucking over....you're so fucked...clean up those work boots you haven't seen in years and get you ass moving you lowlife bastard....hahaha

Trump won, but he was not an impressive candidate. He was the least popular major-party nominee since the dawn of modern polling; he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes; and if 40,000 votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin had gone the other way, President-elect Hillary Clinton would be announcing her cabinet selections right about now. In a cycle in which 137 million Americans voted, 40,000 is practically a rounding error.
Trump would not have beaten Obama!!!!! Hell Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump

That's what they said about Hillary. Trump had "no chance" right up until about 8:00 PM election night.

And say, that's a fine pic of Barry O. in Nation of Islam garb.

Poll: Majority wish Obama were president, as Trump labeled 'mentally unstable'

I definitely wish he still was. Trump feels like a nightmare I am going to wake up from any moment.

"Much of America has become made up of filthy piece of shit low class, indecent humans who would love the anything goes free for all to carry on and the free shit to continue raining down on them."
That sackless soft spoken pussy with the the oversized ears and the un-American name is an irrelevant has-been. The days of that bottom up governing you loved so much are fucking over....you're so fucked...clean up those work boots you haven't seen in years and get you ass moving you lowlife bastard....hahaha

Trump won, but he was not an impressive candidate. He was the least popular major-party nominee since the dawn of modern polling; he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes; and if 40,000 votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin had gone the other way, President-elect Hillary Clinton would be announcing her cabinet selections right about now. In a cycle in which 137 million Americans voted, 40,000 is practically a rounding error.

Haha..funny shit.
When the DNC decided to rig their primaries they forgot to tell the corrupt drunk slob that our POTUS is not determined by illegals or the human filth in Loon York and Mexifornia. Haha...fucking idiots.

This country is so racist. If Obama were white, he'd have more than a majority wishing he were still president. I think of great TV shows, like the Cosby Show in the 1980s and Operah Winfrey later. Sure, they had more fans in at their peak than anyone else, but if they were white, they'd have had even more fans than more fans than anyone else.
Your the racist, you dislike whites .
Trump has done nothing right. He's made some things worse. He's stupid. He's a criminal. He's alt right, delusional, certifiable and has often said he hates rights that the US Constitution confers on the rest of us.

He steals from us every day. His tax plan is welfare for the 1%. He will rubber stamp every single horror the Repubs have wanted for a long time.

And, we're only 8-9 moths in to this debacle.
LMAO! Holy shit that's funny right there. Is it any wonde why most Americans don't take you seriously?

And, in spite of the terrible job he has done with dealing with more than 3 million Americans who don't have water, food, medical care - that fat pig is off on another vacation, golfing, eating chocolate cake.
Your a fool ,and a cnn sheeple....
Poll: Majority wish Obama were president, as Trump labeled 'mentally unstable'

I definitely wish he still was. Trump feels like a nightmare I am going to wake up from any moment.

"Much of America has become made up of filthy piece of shit low class, indecent humans who would love the anything goes free for all to carry on and the free shit to continue raining down on them."
That sackless soft spoken pussy with the the oversized ears and the un-American name is an irrelevant has-been. The days of that bottom up governing you loved so much are fucking over....you're so fucked...clean up those work boots you haven't seen in years and get you ass moving you lowlife bastard....hahaha

Trump won, but he was not an impressive candidate. He was the least popular major-party nominee since the dawn of modern polling; he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes; and if 40,000 votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin had gone the other way, President-elect Hillary Clinton would be announcing her cabinet selections right about now. In a cycle in which 137 million Americans voted, 40,000 is practically a rounding error.

Haha..funny shit.
When the DNC decided to rig their primaries they forgot to tell the corrupt drunk slob that our POTUS is not determined by illegals or the human filth in Loon York and Mexifornia. Haha...fucking idiots.



True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Are all the white supremacist Trump supporters out of the closet on USMB now?

eh...probably not...but we're getting there.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Are all the white supremacist Trump supporters out of the closet on USMB now?

eh...probably not...but we're getting there.

Haha...the Loons continue to bust their ass trying to make anything and everything about skin color....haha
Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater....I despise all twisted, filthy subhumans. White, black, brown...it doesn't really matter to me. Where do you go with that one...what's your spin gonna be bud?
Go with "bigot"...racist and white supremacist is played the fuck out.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Are all the white supremacist Trump supporters out of the closet on USMB now?

eh...probably not...but we're getting there.

Haha...the Loons continue to bust their ass trying to make anything and everything about skin color....haha
Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater....I despise all twisted, filthy subhumans. White, black, brown...it doesn't really matter to me. Where do you go with that one...what's your spin gonna be bud?
Go with "bigot"...racist and white supremacist is played the fuck out.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Are all the white supremacist Trump supporters out of the closet on USMB now?

eh...probably not...but we're getting there.

Haha...the Loons continue to bust their ass trying to make anything and everything about skin color....haha
Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater....I despise all twisted, filthy subhumans. White, black, brown...it doesn't really matter to me. Where do you go with that one...what's your spin gonna be bud?
Go with "bigot"...racist and white supremacist is played the fuck out.

I'll play...I love the Meme game...I've watched my teenage daughter play it for years.
Who's dumb you say? Just ask this old drunk slob....haha
Your Point ? 74,074,037 twisted sheeples looking for free shit, you slobs need to get off the Government tit , you can get rid of your cardboard sign and find a job, there everywhere ,and the stock market is at an all time high.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Are all the white supremacist Trump supporters out of the closet on USMB now?

eh...probably not...but we're getting there.

Haha...the Loons continue to bust their ass trying to make anything and everything about skin color....haha
Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater....I despise all twisted, filthy subhumans. White, black, brown...it doesn't really matter to me. Where do you go with that one...what's your spin gonna be bud?
Go with "bigot"...racist and white supremacist is played the fuck out.

I'll play...I love the Meme game...I've watched my teenage daughter play it for years.
Who's dumb you say? Just ask this old drunk slob....haha
Is your daughter a young drunk SLOP?

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