Poll: Majority wish Obama was still president

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

Are all the white supremacist Trump supporters out of the closet on USMB now?

eh...probably not...but we're getting there.

Haha...the Loons continue to bust their ass trying to make anything and everything about skin color....haha
Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater....I despise all twisted, filthy subhumans. White, black, brown...it doesn't really matter to me. Where do you go with that one...what's your spin gonna be bud?
Go with "bigot"...racist and white supremacist is played the fuck out.

I'll play...I love the Meme game...I've watched my teenage daughter play it for years.
Who's dumb you say? Just ask this old drunk slob....haha
Is your daughter a young drunk SLOP?

Not at all...and she's not a nappy headed ghetto beast with baby daddy's either...pretty cool huh?
Poll: Majority wish Obama were president, as Trump labeled 'mentally unstable'

I definitely wish he still was. Trump feels like a nightmare I am going to wake up from any moment.

"Much of America has become made up of filthy piece of shit low class, indecent humans who would love the anything goes free for all to carry on and the free shit to continue raining down on them."
That sackless soft spoken pussy with the the oversized ears and the un-American name is an irrelevant has-been. The days of that bottom up governing you loved so much are fucking over....you're so fucked...clean up those work boots you haven't seen in years and get you ass moving you lowlife bastard....hahaha

Trump won, but he was not an impressive candidate. He was the least popular major-party nominee since the dawn of modern polling; he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes; and if 40,000 votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin had gone the other way, President-elect Hillary Clinton would be announcing her cabinet selections right about now. In a cycle in which 137 million Americans voted, 40,000 is practically a rounding error.

Haha..funny shit.
When the DNC decided to rig their primaries they forgot to tell the corrupt drunk slob that our POTUS is not determined by illegals or the human filth in Loon York and Mexifornia. Haha...fucking idiots.

This is so stupid. Either way, Hillary won the popular vote.
Trump has done nothing right. He's made some things worse. He's stupid. He's a criminal. He's alt right, delusional, certifiable and has often said he hates rights that the US Constitution confers on the rest of us.

He steals from us every day. His tax plan is welfare for the 1%. He will rubber stamp every single horror the Repubs have wanted for a long time.

And, we're only 8-9 moths in to this debacle.
LMAO! Holy shit that's funny right there. Is it any wonde why most Americans don't take you seriously?
most recent Mammath Ass Poll.....75% Happy Trump is President 85% Happy that Obama and/or Hillary are not President !!!
I wish I could win the powerball!

I wish I could have Vikander sit on my face!!

I wish I was rich, good looking, and hung well!!!

Now if wishes came true then my life would be perfect but seeing wishes hardly happen mean those like you are shit out of luck just like me!
Trump has done nothing right. He's made some things worse. He's stupid. He's a criminal. He's alt right, delusional, certifiable and has often said he hates rights that the US Constitution confers on the rest of us.

He steals from us every day. His tax plan is welfare for the 1%. He will rubber stamp every single horror the Repubs have wanted for a long time.

And, we're only 8-9 moths in to this debacle.
LMAO! Holy shit that's funny right there. Is it any wonde why most Americans don't take you seriously?
most recent Mammath Ass Poll.....75% Happy Trump is President 85% Happy that Obama and/or Hillary are not President !!!
Poll: Majority wish Obama were president, as Trump labeled 'mentally unstable'

I definitely wish he still was. Trump feels like a nightmare I am going to wake up from any moment.

Polls. You fuckers can't help but remain stupid.
Without inbreeding and incest the conservatives and Republicans wouldn't exist.

Irrelevant racist nonsense. You lose.
Without inbreeding and incest the conservatives and Republican Party wouldn't exist.

Go watch some HEE HAW and jerk off at the moon PREDFAN.
All you cock sucking conservatives who voted for Trump prove that you are the WHITE Devil.



Why, you are even more ignorant than I imagined you RACIST MORON!!! You don't even know what color I am let alone that every Trump voter was White! Aside from the fact that this ENTIRE THREAD is BULLSHIT trying to claim that the majority of people wish Obama was still President, it is MEANINGLESS! He CAN'T be president! The majority of people didn't want him in office even when he WAS there! And your stupid racist slur against white people just reveals the ignorance of the masses that only Whites can be racist when most racists are BLACKS! And the Term "White Supremacist," like we own it, when in fact there are BLACK Supremacists, MEXICAN Supremacists, et al. Oh how the liberal Media runs your mind!

As to Trump, just get used to the fact that he will be here in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. And every day, he will kick the livin' shit out of little idiots like you. And after he is gone , Mike Pence, Ivanka, Eric or Donald Jr. will be president for the 8 years after that!

Are all the white supremacist Trump supporters out of the closet on USMB now?

eh...probably not...but we're getting there.

Haha...the Loons continue to bust their ass trying to make anything and everything about skin color....haha
Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater....I despise all twisted, filthy subhumans. White, black, brown...it doesn't really matter to me. Where do you go with that one...what's your spin gonna be bud?
Go with "bigot"...racist and white supremacist is played the fuck out.

I'll play...I love the Meme game...I've watched my teenage daughter play it for years.
Who's dumb you say? Just ask this old drunk slob....haha
Is your daughter a young drunk SLOP?

Not at all...and she's not a nappy headed ghetto beast with baby daddy's either...pretty cool huh?
Your daughter is going to come home pregnant by her black boy friend. You will find out on Father's Day; of which you will commit SUICIDE!!!!
Haha...the Loons continue to bust their ass trying to make anything and everything about skin color....haha
Personally I'm an equal opportunity hater....I despise all twisted, filthy subhumans. White, black, brown...it doesn't really matter to me. Where do you go with that one...what's your spin gonna be bud?
Go with "bigot"...racist and white supremacist is played the fuck out.

I'll play...I love the Meme game...I've watched my teenage daughter play it for years.
Who's dumb you say? Just ask this old drunk slob....haha
Is your daughter a young drunk SLOP?

Not at all...and she's not a nappy headed ghetto beast with baby daddy's either...pretty cool huh?
Your daughter is going to come home pregnant by her black boy friend. You will find out on Father's Day; of which you will commit SUICIDE!!!!

Haha...fortunately for me my daughter tends to gravitate toward disciplined, ambitious boys from legit families. She prefers them to be well spoken and not to smell like ass or look like a Nigerian Neanderthal. Weird huh?
So what people wish for a lot of things that will never happen and Presidents tend to get mor popular after they leave office as the article points out George W Bush approval rating has gone from 35% to 59%.
That's just because Trump makes even that satanic cretin look presidential.

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