POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

They were the good old days for everyone.
I loved those days. Poor men could find work that would pay a living wage. Enough money to buy a home and raise a family. Women didn’t have to work. Every man could provide for his family. Poor people were like Archie bunker or my grandparents

My grandfather was able to start a restaurant with very little money to start.

They got good interest on their savings. Healthcare was affordable. Labor laws, social security, Medicare, pensions, union job protections and wages. Low cost of living. The rich paid their fair share.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Who cares what color CEOs are?
Blacks care when 99% are white. You don’t get it?

Simple shit bud....you Black folk weren't built to be leaders...look around the globe.
I know, I know, you're not Black.
Should black people vote with you? Ha! Thank you for proving my point what republicans think about black people

I don't speak for Republicans.
Republicans like Ben Carson?
You didn’t nominate him. Apparently you don’t think he’s smart enough because he’s black so you went with white trump.

Carson is your token. You put him in charge of a department you don’t even care about. What has he done?
Political dysfunction, suicide, depression and every other problem is due to simple overcrowding. Put too many mice into an area and they have problems.

People are social animals but they interact best in small localized numbers.
I think lack of economic opportunity has a lot to do with it.

Have you ever wondered what all the young black men in the nba and nfl would be doing right now if sports didn’t exist? Some of them would probably be criminals. Economic opportunity kept them out of trouble right?

Same when 35% of America’s workforce was unionized. Anybody could find a good paying job. Today anyone who doesn’t go to school or have connections is stuck in knowheresville and their being told it’s colored people and liberals fault
While it is a nice idea there is nothing to support it.
There are actual experiments done with numerous animals that support too many in one area.
The whole point of the post is we are trying to cram too many into areas and cities then people are comfortable with. Then you add in the technology that brings people more into contact with others. You look back in history people lived in small communities. If they could not get along they moved on. They could even move to a place out on their own. Now it is next to impossible.

There are plenty of options to make a living without paying for tons of college debt. Yes we do need a few burger flippers, hotel maids and other such jobs. If you look around you can find many jobs that pay well. The trucking industry is very short handed, the oil and gas industry is always looking for help. Construction is always available. Manufacturing is slowly coming back.

I don't know anyone that is blaming colored or liberals. I do believe that they question liberals as to the reasoning why they are wanting to allow more uneducated, illegal workers who are taking minimum wage jobs that are disappearing due to automation. They are also allowing them to work for less then minimum wage, which some are saying is not a living wage.
Don’t put illegals on us just because trump took on the issue to woo racist white voters. Your party is divided too. Bush and Reagan both passed or pushed for amnesty. And republicans refuse to address the real problem, illegal employers.

I can show you liberal op Eds from 2006 that explain how your minute men on the border were ignored during the bush years and work raids stopped. Now trump is playing the other side of the gop. The people who don’t like illegals here. Well guess what? Neither do we. You’re being duped. Republicans take a position and now we’re supposed to take the opposite? Not taking the bait. I agree. I don’t like illegal employers. They’re the ones drawing illegals here.
I agree we need to stop employers from hiring illegals that is a given.
There have been problems on both sides of the isle.
But if you look at the last few years there have been more problems from the dem side.
DACA bypassed the immigration system and basicly said if you come here with a child you and them could win the lottery.
You have people yelling that we can not hold children at the border but they don't want them separated from their family. That amounts to catch and release.
You have those in congress that want to do away with ICE. A dem that just lost in Texas and wants to run for president has stated that he would tear down all the barriers at the border.

I am not forcing you or anyone to take any position. You and anyone else are free to take any position. But, and here is the big part of things, people look at what those that have the mic in a party say. They judge by what is said. If you have those that are opposed to immigration law enforcement it does not matter if you do not agree it matters only that you do not have the microphone.
Suicide rates are probably increasing due to increasing dependence on psychoactive drugs in the place of good diet and exercise for many people.

Of fucking course, they have their place, but they are vastly over surprised.

The human condition is not that we are happy 24/7.

Social media is also not helping.

People get sad....go for a run, smoke a joint, have an orgasm, eat a cookie and take a nap...you’ll be fine.
Suicide rates are probably increasing due to increasing dependence on psychoactive drugs in the place of good diet and exercise for many people.

Of fucking course, they have their place, but they are vastly over surprised.

The human condition is not that we are happy 24/7.

Social media is also not helping.

People get sad....go for a run, smoke a joint, have an orgasm, eat a cookie and take a nap...you’ll be fine.
Republicans said race relations got worse on Obama’s watch and suggested it was his fault

So this spike in overdoses, suicides and rampages must be trumps fault. He stokes the fire. He fans the flames.
Suicide rates are probably increasing due to increasing dependence on psychoactive drugs in the place of good diet and exercise for many people.

Of fucking course, they have their place, but they are vastly over surprised.

The human condition is not that we are happy 24/7.

Social media is also not helping.

People get sad....go for a run, smoke a joint, have an orgasm, eat a cookie and take a nap...you’ll be fine.
Republicans said race relations got worse on Obama’s watch and suggested it was his fault

So this spike in overdoses, suicides and rampages must be trumps fault. He stokes the fire. He fans the flames.

He is also responsible for gluten allergies, the pos.
Suicide rates are probably increasing due to increasing dependence on psychoactive drugs in the place of good diet and exercise for many people.

Of fucking course, they have their place, but they are vastly over surprised.

The human condition is not that we are happy 24/7.

Social media is also not helping.

People get sad....go for a run, smoke a joint, have an orgasm, eat a cookie and take a nap...you’ll be fine.
Republicans said race relations got worse on Obama’s watch and suggested it was his fault

So this spike in overdoses, suicides and rampages must be trumps fault. He stokes the fire. He fans the flames.

He is also responsible for gluten allergies, the pos.
I’m just pointing out if hillary were president you’d be pinning this on her.

And I remember presidents don’t have anything to do with the economy is what you said when obama was fixing George Bush’s mess. Today you credit trump.

People don’t see the hypocrisy
Suicide rates are probably increasing due to increasing dependence on psychoactive drugs in the place of good diet and exercise for many people.

Of fucking course, they have their place, but they are vastly over surprised.

The human condition is not that we are happy 24/7.

Social media is also not helping.

People get sad....go for a run, smoke a joint, have an orgasm, eat a cookie and take a nap...you’ll be fine.
Republicans said race relations got worse on Obama’s watch and suggested it was his fault

So this spike in overdoses, suicides and rampages must be trumps fault. He stokes the fire. He fans the flames.

He is also responsible for gluten allergies, the pos.
I’m just pointing out if hillary were president you’d be pinning this on her.

And I remember presidents don’t have anything to do with the economy is what you said when obama was fixing George Bush’s mess. Today you credit trump.

People don’t see the hypocrisy

Fortunately, we'll never find out if it would be pinned on Hillary.
Voters in places with higher death rates were more likely to swing Republican in 2016, a new study found — here's why

  • A study of voting patterns across the US from 2008 to 2016 revealed that in counties where Donald Trump picked up swing votes, death rates were 15% higher than in counties where Democrats made gains.
  • Researchers believe that hopelessness and fear impacted voter preferences in counties where more people are dying "deaths of despair" from causes like suicide, drugs, and alcohol.
  • The finding aligns with other research about the psychology of conservative voters, which shows fear can be a motivator.
  • The researchers believe better life expectancy rates might have tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton in states including Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

See, there's a silver lining to GOP hate and fear.
The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

They were the good old days for everyone.
I loved those days. Poor men could find work that would pay a living wage. Enough money to buy a home and raise a family. Women didn’t have to work. Every man could provide for his family. Poor people were like Archie bunker or my grandparents

My grandfather was able to start a restaurant with very little money to start.

They got good interest on their savings. Healthcare was affordable. Labor laws, social security, Medicare, pensions, union job protections and wages. Low cost of living. The rich paid their fair share.

And then along cane leftists...,
Politics are a mirror of the people - they don't cause the people to feel certain ways (especially in democracies).

Politics has become more extreme because the wealth gap is exploding and 95% of the population have not a clue why they are being left behind, why they are accumulating so much debt yet don't seem to be any farther ahead.

I have said it before - it is the Central Bank (the Fed) and the federal government giving it the 'all clear' to manipulate the economy to the benefit of the wealthy (whether intentionally or not - probably both).

Ever since 2001 (and ESPECIALLY since 2008), the Fed has RUN the economy - specifically, the Equity markets. It is they who have caused the stock markets to explode. But not because of sound fundamentals. But because of stock buybacks (that's when corporations take out huge loans at tiny interest rates and use the money to buyback their own stock. This raises the price of their stock and helps the bottom line look better).
And when stock markets go up - usually it is the wealthy/upper middle classes who most benefit. The poor own zero stock and the middle classes precious little.
This has caused a ginormous growth in millionaires, the poor are growing in number too and the middle class are shrinking.

Look at food stamp usage:


Sure, it's dropped since the end of the Great Recession. But it is still nowhere near where it was before the GR. Yet the stock markets have boomed in that time (though they have flattened out since the Fed started to back off on ZIRP and QE).

And look at the M2 Money Velocity:


Velocity of M2 Money Stock

This chart means that money is not changing hands...FAR less then at any time since at least the 1950's. Why? Because people are not buying things with existing income/savings..they are using new, cheap debt. This slows down the velocity.
And if you notice, usually when the velocity slows down, the economy slows with it.

So, the rich are getting MUCH richer, the economy is semi-stagnating (sub-3% REAL GDP growth) and the rest of the country are falling behind.

BTW - VERY few people are aware of all of this. The media almost NEVER talks about it...and neither do the politicians (Trump did during the campaign - somewhat. But as soon as got into office, he has not said a word about it). And it is - btw - going on around the world in most major economies....it is NOT limited to America.

The bottom line is people are falling farther into debt and are falling farther and farther behind the wealthy. And they don't know why and they are getting sick of it.
So, they are turning to extremes. The right is turning to the Trump extremism. And the left is turning towards socialism.

It is not a decay in society as a whole. It is simply the result of financial situations due to central bank/political elite financial manipulation that are hurting the masses...without their direct knowledge.

It will eventually all end (when the debt bubble pops). But that could take decades...so strap in for a wild, political ride in the meantime.
Suicide rates are probably increasing due to increasing dependence on psychoactive drugs in the place of good diet and exercise for many people.

Of fucking course, they have their place, but they are vastly over surprised.

The human condition is not that we are happy 24/7.

Social media is also not helping.

People get sad....go for a run, smoke a joint, have an orgasm, eat a cookie and take a nap...you’ll be fine.
Republicans said race relations got worse on Obama’s watch and suggested it was his fault

So this spike in overdoses, suicides and rampages must be trumps fault. He stokes the fire. He fans the flames.

He is also responsible for gluten allergies, the pos.
I’m just pointing out if hillary were president you’d be pinning this on her.

And I remember presidents don’t have anything to do with the economy is what you said when obama was fixing George Bush’s mess. Today you credit trump.

People don’t see the hypocrisy

Fortunately, we'll never find out if it would be pinned on Hillary.
It won’t stop you from flip flopping when a democrats in office again. You cons are shameless.

Like right now cons would be crying about Isis not actually being defeated
Suicide rates are probably increasing due to increasing dependence on psychoactive drugs in the place of good diet and exercise for many people.

Of fucking course, they have their place, but they are vastly over surprised.

The human condition is not that we are happy 24/7.

Social media is also not helping.

People get sad....go for a run, smoke a joint, have an orgasm, eat a cookie and take a nap...you’ll be fine.
Republicans said race relations got worse on Obama’s watch and suggested it was his fault

So this spike in overdoses, suicides and rampages must be trumps fault. He stokes the fire. He fans the flames.

He is also responsible for gluten allergies, the pos.
I’m just pointing out if hillary were president you’d be pinning this on her.

And I remember presidents don’t have anything to do with the economy is what you said when obama was fixing George Bush’s mess. Today you credit trump.

People don’t see the hypocrisy

Fortunately, we'll never find out if it would be pinned on Hillary.
It won’t stop you from flip flopping when a democrats in office again. You cons are shameless.

Like right now cons would be crying about Isis not actually being defeated

If you dont like blind partisanship then maybe you should look in the mirror.
Politics are a mirror of the people - they don't cause the people to feel certain ways (especially in democracies).

Politics has become more extreme because the wealth gap is exploding and 95% of the population have not a clue why they are being left behind, why they are accumulating so much debt yet don't seem to be any farther ahead.

I have said it before - it is the Central Bank (the Fed) and the federal government giving it the 'all clear' to manipulate the economy to the benefit of the wealthy (whether intentionally or not - probably both).

Ever since 2001 (and ESPECIALLY since 2008), the Fed has RUN the economy - specifically, the Equity markets. It is they who have caused the stock markets to explode. But not because of sound fundamentals. But because of stock buybacks (that's when corporations take out huge loans at tiny interest rates and use the money to buyback their own stock. This raises the price of their stock and helps the bottom line look better).
And when stock markets go up - usually it is the wealthy/upper middle classes who most benefit. The poor own zero stock and the middle classes precious little.
This has caused a ginormous growth in millionaires, the poor are growing in number too and the middle class are shrinking.

Look at food stamp usage:


Sure, it's dropped since the end of the Great Recession. But it is still nowhere near where it was before the GR. Yet the stock markets have boomed in that time (though they have flattened out since the Fed started to back off on ZIRP and QE).

And look at the M2 Money Velocity:


Velocity of M2 Money Stock

This chart means that money is not changing hands...FAR less then at any time since at least the 1950's. Why? Because people are not buying things with existing income/savings..they are using new, cheap debt. This slows down the velocity.
And if you notice, usually when the velocity slows down, the economy slows with it.

So, the rich are getting MUCH richer, the economy is semi-stagnating (sub-3% REAL GDP growth) and the rest of the country are falling behind.

BTW - VERY few people are aware of all of this. The media almost NEVER talks about it...and neither do the politicians (Trump did during the campaign - somewhat. But as soon as got into office, he has not said a word about it). And it is - btw - going on around the world in most major economies....it is NOT limited to America.

The bottom line is people are falling farther into debt and are falling farther and farther behind the wealthy. And they don't know why and they are getting sick of it.
So, they are turning to extremes. The right is turning to the Trump extremism. And the left is turning towards socialism.

It is not a decay in society as a whole. It is simply the result of financial situations due to central bank/political elite financial manipulation that are hurting the masses...without their direct knowledge.

It will eventually all end (when the debt bubble pops). But that could take decades...so strap in for a wild, political ride in the meantime.
This is one way the rich have widened the gap between the rich and poor but not the only way

They hire illegals. Illegals flooded in and that floods the market with low wage workers. It kept wages down and the rich hire these illegals.

Tax breaks for the rich

Sending jobs overseas.

Breaking unions

Cuts to social security and Medicare and other social programs.

Buying from China
Voters in places with higher death rates were more likely to swing Republican in 2016, a new study found — here's why

  • A study of voting patterns across the US from 2008 to 2016 revealed that in counties where Donald Trump picked up swing votes, death rates were 15% higher than in counties where Democrats made gains.
  • Researchers believe that hopelessness and fear impacted voter preferences in counties where more people are dying "deaths of despair" from causes like suicide, drugs, and alcohol.
  • The finding aligns with other research about the psychology of conservative voters, which shows fear can be a motivator.
  • The researchers believe better life expectancy rates might have tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton in states including Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

See, there's a silver lining to GOP hate and fear.

True story. The guy across the hall was a young white guy who loved trump. Loved guns. Family catholic. Only problem is Kenny was also gay. I didn’t know this until after he blew his brains out but he was struggling with his homosexuality. He met this beautiful girl who was so into him. It must have killed him that he didn’t want her. His parents were trying to pray the gay away. He had already tried to kill himself before I guess.

Anyways, the day after he did it he was supposed to go to the gun range with his girlfriend, I knocked on his door wall and I borrowed milk. He had some guys over. Probably gay guys. They got quiet when I showed up.

Anyways, I said “you must be happy trump won” and he said yea. So I left. That night after the guys left he blew his brains out. I can’t believe I didn’t hear the shot. When his friends parents showed up with the spare key I walked in to look because they couldn’t bare to.

Point is this was a huge trump supporter. And this was on inauguration night. Maybe he was upset because trumps crowd was smaller than obamas.
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows
Suicide takes care of itself, a cowardly act is a cowardly act.

When people look at everything through race and gender fucks their mind up

Progressives think their way is the only way and they expect those they disagree with to be forced into their way instead of the leaving their way to themselves
Politics are a mirror of the people - they don't cause the people to feel certain ways (especially in democracies).

Politics has become more extreme because the wealth gap is exploding and 95% of the population have not a clue why they are being left behind, why they are accumulating so much debt yet don't seem to be any farther ahead.

I have said it before - it is the Central Bank (the Fed) and the federal government giving it the 'all clear' to manipulate the economy to the benefit of the wealthy (whether intentionally or not - probably both).

Ever since 2001 (and ESPECIALLY since 2008), the Fed has RUN the economy - specifically, the Equity markets. It is they who have caused the stock markets to explode. But not because of sound fundamentals. But because of stock buybacks (that's when corporations take out huge loans at tiny interest rates and use the money to buyback their own stock. This raises the price of their stock and helps the bottom line look better).
And when stock markets go up - usually it is the wealthy/upper middle classes who most benefit. The poor own zero stock and the middle classes precious little.
This has caused a ginormous growth in millionaires, the poor are growing in number too and the middle class are shrinking.

Look at food stamp usage:


Sure, it's dropped since the end of the Great Recession. But it is still nowhere near where it was before the GR. Yet the stock markets have boomed in that time (though they have flattened out since the Fed started to back off on ZIRP and QE).

And look at the M2 Money Velocity:


Velocity of M2 Money Stock

This chart means that money is not changing hands...FAR less then at any time since at least the 1950's. Why? Because people are not buying things with existing income/savings..they are using new, cheap debt. This slows down the velocity.
And if you notice, usually when the velocity slows down, the economy slows with it.

So, the rich are getting MUCH richer, the economy is semi-stagnating (sub-3% REAL GDP growth) and the rest of the country are falling behind.

BTW - VERY few people are aware of all of this. The media almost NEVER talks about it...and neither do the politicians (Trump did during the campaign - somewhat. But as soon as got into office, he has not said a word about it). And it is - btw - going on around the world in most major economies....it is NOT limited to America.

The bottom line is people are falling farther into debt and are falling farther and farther behind the wealthy. And they don't know why and they are getting sick of it.
So, they are turning to extremes. The right is turning to the Trump extremism. And the left is turning towards socialism.

It is not a decay in society as a whole. It is simply the result of financial situations due to central bank/political elite financial manipulation that are hurting the masses...without their direct knowledge.

It will eventually all end (when the debt bubble pops). But that could take decades...so strap in for a wild, political ride in the meantime.
This is one way the rich have widened the gap between the rich and poor but not the only way

They hire illegals. Illegals flooded in and that floods the market with low wage workers. It kept wages down and the rich hire these illegals.

Tax breaks for the rich

Sending jobs overseas.

Breaking unions

Cuts to social security and Medicare and other social programs.

Buying from China
You’re thinking is backwards, progressives like yourself want to control everybody they disagree with and expect everybody they disagree with the comply to your rule
Voters in places with higher death rates were more likely to swing Republican in 2016, a new study found — here's why

  • A study of voting patterns across the US from 2008 to 2016 revealed that in counties where Donald Trump picked up swing votes, death rates were 15% higher than in counties where Democrats made gains.
  • Researchers believe that hopelessness and fear impacted voter preferences in counties where more people are dying "deaths of despair" from causes like suicide, drugs, and alcohol.
  • The finding aligns with other research about the psychology of conservative voters, which shows fear can be a motivator.
  • The researchers believe better life expectancy rates might have tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton in states including Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

See, there's a silver lining to GOP hate and fear.

True story. The guy across the hall was a young white guy who loved trump. Loved guns. Family catholic. Only problem is Kenny was also gay. I didn’t know this until after he blew his brains out but he was struggling with his homosexuality. He met this beautiful girl who was so into him. It must have killed him that he didn’t want her. His parents were trying to pray the gay away. He had already tried to kill himself before I guess.

Anyways, the day after he did it he was supposed to go to the gun range with his girlfriend, I knocked on his door wall and I borrowed milk. He had some guys over. Probably gay guys. They got quiet when I showed up.

Anyways, I said “you must be happy trump won” and he said yea. So I left. That night after the guys left he blew his brains out. I can’t believe I didn’t hear the shot. When his friends parents showed up with the spare key I walked in to look because they couldn’t bare to.

Point is this was a huge trump supporter. And this was on inauguration night. Maybe he was upset because trumps crowd was smaller than obamas.

Politically correctness makes you sound like a fucking pussy...

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