POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Yep, good job, those White guys were totally fucking the place up...they only built the greatest nation on the planet, the one that all foreigners want to be apart of. The one where foreigners can come ride the coattails of that terrible White Man while badmouthing the shit out of him and telling him they could do it better...What a strange dynamic...huh?
The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Who cares what color CEOs are?
Blacks care when 99% are white. You don’t get it?

Simple shit bud....you Black folk weren't built to be leaders...look around the globe.
I know, I know, you're not Black.
I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.

You invoke the fallacious Argument to Moderation again.
I appreciate your efforts and posts. But you should consider that one thing that you always shy away from...what if what we face is organized evil with no good will?
Ever considered that? Would it change your demands of compromise?

Our problems are not political.
Communication, collaboration and innovation are what created America's Constitution and our greatest companies and advances. So I'll never feel any obligation to defend or apologize for being an advocate.

I don't think it's a coincidence that, as our willingness to collaborate has decreased, as our tribalism as increased, our dominance in the world has decreased.

This is a self-inflicted wound.

Would you consider it a coincidence that as people who don’t believe in America Exceptionalism, who don’t think Western Culture should have a privileged position and who subscribe to third world beliefs about economics have gained power American dominance has declined?
Would you believe it a coincidence that as the elites import people from tribal regions that tribalism has increased?
I would agree to that, yeah.

Sorry, what exactly are you agreeing to?
The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Who cares what color CEOs are?
Blacks care when 99% are white. You don’t get it?

If you think they care about who is sitting at the head of the table at coca cola corporate HQ then you need to have your head examined.
Watch Brexit. The English are usually slightly ahead of us. They voted to leave but still are chained to Europe. Their elites are working with foreign officials to overturn their vote.
And now, even today, the media is telling the English “ see the Brexiteers can’t deliver you Brexit against us so throw them out”.
It’s uncanny the similarity in tactics. Here the Liberals and elites are saying “see we have stopped Donald Trump every time he tried to keep a promise to you so dump that loser and vote for us “

Does it sound crazy? You bet. But I dare you to dispute it. That is actually the argument the elites are making on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Gurdian is an opponent of Brexit.

Others who are asking the same question on causality:

Why are Americans so sad?

I believe it’s also worth considering whether higher levels of stress are driving more Americans to take psychoactive substances and, in extreme cases, take their own lives. Last year, eight in 10 U.S. adults reported feeling stressed during their day, and 44% reported that their stress levels had increased over the past five years. Most people state their stress is due to concerns about the future, money, work, the political climate, and violence and crime.

Quartz is another.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.

No, Stormy Mac, life is not more miserable because you got called down to HR for that insensitive joke you told that one time.

If people are more depressed, it's because we have a crazy person in the white house with is finger on the button. That would depress most sane people. But as long as you get your tax cut, you're good, right?
Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Look at history and science

Look at wars

The white males that are obeyed by the rest brings the best and are the winners

This goes with their highest logic intellect

Obeying the highest logic ability brings the best of all

That statement is a logic ability test

If you disagree that proves low logic and cannot pass a wisdom test for voting
Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Look at history and science

Look at wars

The white males that are obeyed by the rest brings the best and are the winners

This goes with their highest logic intellect

Obeying the highest logic ability brings the best of all

That statement is a logic ability test

If you disagree that proves low logic and cannot pass a wisdom test for voting

You keep using the word "logic," but I don't think you understand it at all.
That is corporate social engineering by design. Been going on in earnest since the 1920's.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
The pressure to conform, to be something you are not, to be younger than you are, to appear more successful than you are lead to unhappiness and yes that often leads to 'decays in behaviors'.
The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Look at history and science

Look at wars

The white males that are obeyed by the rest brings the best and are the winners

This goes with their highest logic intellect

Obeying the highest logic ability brings the best of all

That statement is a logic ability test

If you disagree that proves low logic and cannot pass a wisdom test for voting

You keep using the word "logic," but I don't think you understand it at all.

were's Spock when ya need him?
Political dysfunction, suicide, depression and every other problem is due to simple overcrowding. Put too many mice into an area and they have problems.

People are social animals but they interact best in small localized numbers.
I think lack of economic opportunity has a lot to do with it.

Have you ever wondered what all the young black men in the nba and nfl would be doing right now if sports didn’t exist? Some of them would probably be criminals. Economic opportunity kept them out of trouble right?

Same when 35% of America’s workforce was unionized. Anybody could find a good paying job. Today anyone who doesn’t go to school or have connections is stuck in knowheresville and their being told it’s colored people and liberals fault
While it is a nice idea there is nothing to support it.
There are actual experiments done with numerous animals that support too many in one area.
The whole point of the post is we are trying to cram too many into areas and cities then people are comfortable with. Then you add in the technology that brings people more into contact with others. You look back in history people lived in small communities. If they could not get along they moved on. They could even move to a place out on their own. Now it is next to impossible.

There are plenty of options to make a living without paying for tons of college debt. Yes we do need a few burger flippers, hotel maids and other such jobs. If you look around you can find many jobs that pay well. The trucking industry is very short handed, the oil and gas industry is always looking for help. Construction is always available. Manufacturing is slowly coming back.

I don't know anyone that is blaming colored or liberals. I do believe that they question liberals as to the reasoning why they are wanting to allow more uneducated, illegal workers who are taking minimum wage jobs that are disappearing due to automation. They are also allowing them to work for less then minimum wage, which some are saying is not a living wage.
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

And the only "compromise" you ever have to worry about is whether or not you are willing to treat people the way they ask to be treated. Is it reasonable and harmless that someone identify as female,and desire to be treated as such?


If they're equipment is male they can go fantasize that they're female in some place other than the women's bathroom and shower room..... Like a hospital bedroom if they decide to go in the women's bath or shower while my wife, daughter, or granddaughters are there.


Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

And the only "compromise" you ever have to worry about is whether or not you are willing to treat people the way they ask to be treated. Is it reasonable and harmless that someone identify as female,and desire to be treated as such?

View attachment 249629

If they're equipment is male they can go fantasize that they're female in some place other than the women's bathroom and shower room..... Like a hospital bedroom if they decide to go in the women's bath or shower while my wife, daughter, or granddaughters are there.



Well, when we are in need of an emotional bit of self-soothing fantasy and hot air over transgenders going into bathrooms with your daughter and getting naked in her presence, we will look you up. That seems to be your best contribution to most topics..... fantasy
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

And the only "compromise" you ever have to worry about is whether or not you are willing to treat people the way they ask to be treated. Is it reasonable and harmless that someone identify as female,and desire to be treated as such?

View attachment 249629

If they're equipment is male they can go fantasize that they're female in some place other than the women's bathroom and shower room..... Like a hospital bedroom if they decide to go in the women's bath or shower while my wife, daughter, or granddaughters are there.



Well, when we are in need of an emotional bit of self-soothing fantasy and hot air over transgenders going into bathrooms with your daughter and getting naked in her presence, we will look you up. That seems to be your best contribution to most topics..... fantasy


If memory serves me correctly you generally end up looking like that fantasy part when we discuss a topic... But please do promote your bathroom and shower agenda for wannabe' women the next couple of years because it worked so well for the progressives in 2016.


But please do promote your bathroom and shower agenda for wannabe' women the next couple of years because it worked so well for the progressives in 2016.
But I am not promoting that, and nowhere have i even implied that I am. So your sissy little strawman is worthless.
But please do promote your bathroom and shower agenda for wannabe' women the next couple of years because it worked so well for the progressives in 2016.
But I am not promoting that, and nowhere have i even implied that I am. So your sissy little strawman is worthless.

There actually was a recent case of a transgender man sexually abusing a young girl in a public restroom.

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