POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?
There is no compromise to make.
Good people are never willing to make bad deals with bad people.
The dynamic for authentic deal making just isn’t there anymore.
Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries
...and happened upon, for instance, gender fluidity 1000s of years ago. You aren't insulting me, the left, or anyone else to say our society is finally catching up with our intellectuals and philosophers. In fact, you insult those yearning for past, worse times.
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

And the only "compromise" you ever have to worry about is whether or not you are willing to treat people the way they ask to be treated. Is it reasonable and harmless that someone identify as female,and desire to be treated as such?

Treated as such how? Should gynecologists be required by law to treat anyone who turns up in their office wearing a dress?
Treated as such how?
A good question. Do you think a perfect, objective answer exists? Do you have the answer? I don't.

But I am not going to be so stupid as to pretend it's a "clear run" from recognizing gender self-identities in social and work conversations to men with no vaginas making gynecologist appointments. I doubt you disagree.
You hear conservatives here right? Baby killers, communists, 2nd amendments remedies, we are being invaded, blacks are taking our jobs and raping our women. Civil war class warfare
Yes, and I hear Hitler, Nazi, racist, whites are evil, America is the problem, hate against Christians, America was stolen from the Indians and Mexico, toxic masculinity, America's traditions must be eradicated from the public square, our Constitution was written by rich white slave rapists and on and on from the Left.

The two ends of the spectrum can incredibly similar in their behaviors. They sure look pretty miserable to me, and that's one of the points of the thread.
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.
Political dysfunction, suicide, depression and every other problem is due to simple overcrowding. Put too many mice into an area and they have problems.

People are social animals but they interact best in small localized numbers.
I think lack of economic opportunity has a lot to do with it.

Have you ever wondered what all the young black men in the nba and nfl would be doing right now if sports didn’t exist? Some of them would probably be criminals. Economic opportunity kept them out of trouble right?

Same when 35% of America’s workforce was unionized. Anybody could find a good paying job. Today anyone who doesn’t go to school or have connections is stuck in knowheresville and their being told it’s colored people and liberals fault
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. .....

So, you lied?
Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. .....

So, you lied?

You must be a blast at parties. When I say "blast", I don't mean a literal explosion FYI.
Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. .....

So, you lied?

You must be a blast at parties. When I say "blast", I don't mean a literal explosion FYI.

So, no books of Philosophy were actually burned? Just out of curiosity, have you ever read one?
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving
Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.

Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Who cares what color CEOs are?
What have I been saying?
I mean the term literally. For those who are anti-social out of choice, it's a different matter, and their responsibility.

I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.

You invoke the fallacious Argument to Moderation again.
I appreciate your efforts and posts. But you should consider that one thing that you always shy away from...what if what we face is organized evil with no good will?
Ever considered that? Would it change your demands of compromise?

Our problems are not political.
Communication, collaboration and innovation are what created America's Constitution and our greatest companies and advances. So I'll never feel any obligation to defend or apologize for being an advocate.

I don't think it's a coincidence that, as our willingness to collaborate has decreased, as our tribalism as increased, our dominance in the world has decreased.

This is a self-inflicted wound.

Would you consider it a coincidence that as people who don’t believe in America Exceptionalism, who don’t think Western Culture should have a privileged position and who subscribe to third world beliefs about economics have gained power American dominance has declined?
Would you believe it a coincidence that as the elites import people from tribal regions that tribalism has increased?
Compromise must be stopped
What many clearly don't understand is that there is a difference between compromise and collaboration.

Compromise appears to damage self-esteem in some. Collaboration can create something new, and better.

Like our Constitution.

Those compromises were between two groups who read Adam Smith, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke differently.
Not between people who read Adam Smith and Karl Marx.
I mean the term literally. For those who are anti-social out of choice, it's a different matter, and their responsibility.

I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.

You invoke the fallacious Argument to Moderation again.
I appreciate your efforts and posts. But you should consider that one thing that you always shy away from...what if what we face is organized evil with no good will?
Ever considered that? Would it change your demands of compromise?

Our problems are not political.
Communication, collaboration and innovation are what created America's Constitution and our greatest companies and advances. So I'll never feel any obligation to defend or apologize for being an advocate.

I don't think it's a coincidence that, as our willingness to collaborate has decreased, as our tribalism as increased, our dominance in the world has decreased.

This is a self-inflicted wound.

Would you consider it a coincidence that as people who don’t believe in America Exceptionalism, who don’t think Western Culture should have a privileged position and who subscribe to third world beliefs about economics have gained power American dominance has declined?
Would you believe it a coincidence that as the elites import people from tribal regions that tribalism has increased?
I would agree to that, yeah.
Who is burning books of Philosophy?

The cult of intersectionality. Go ahead and laugh it off like you always do but this line of reasoning has a stranglehold on the left in America and western civilization in general.

Link to news of this book burning?

Stop taking me so literally. There has book burning events at college campuses but probably not on a wide enough scale to worry about. The point is, is that the left has completely rejected the old way of doing things in favor of this new ideology that blames masculinity and "whiteness" for all of the "problems" in this decadent age of prosperity brought about by those old, dead white men.
Sorry but the old way where 99% of the ceos being white males is over. I know to you those were the good old days but we are evolving

Who cares what color CEOs are?
Blacks care when 99% are white. You don’t get it?

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