POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows

Two things. One is that many of those drug overdoses mentioned may very well be suicides. Addicts reach a point where they are stuck in a loop and that's the out. That suicide rate could be higher.

The other is that there is a lack of mental health care nation wide. No beds. Closing of hospitals etc. and so on.

So, if the plan is to completely ignore the issue for another 12 years then we can tie it to political ideology but on the part of the people who continue to ignore it.
We're great at ignoring issues that are staring us in the face, that's for sure. So it becomes a chicken-or-the-egg question: Are our cultural behaviors driving the suicide/drug increases, or is it the other way around?

Depends. I think there is a desperate need to solve problems with a cookie cutter approach and quick fixes. One of the things that is pushed is that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. But, is that true? No. The issues that someone has at age 65 are very different from an 11 year old boy.

I think that what you are after could address one type of problem and that would be the bullying on social media but the bullying was around before social media. Kathy Griffin and ilk firmly believed that it was ok to target kids. There were a number of people that supported that. All of the anti-bullying problems out there do nothing if the message is sent that this is perfectly normal ok behavior.

Different age groups have different needs. Different subcultures have
different problems.

Yes different age groups have different needs

The age group of 50-64 would be the most correct voting group because of the increase in experience that brings learning. But older groups could be influenced by dementia and need for Heath care

Logic will tell you that the 18 yr old voter will make more errors than the 50-64 age group

That's why the young should not be voting
Unless we're suffering from a powerful mental illness, we still choose to behave the way we do, however.
What have I been saying?
I mean the term literally. For those who are anti-social out of choice, it's a different matter, and their responsibility.

I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.

You invoke the fallacious Argument to Moderation again.
I appreciate your efforts and posts. But you should consider that one thing that you always shy away from...what if what we face is organized evil with no good will?
Ever considered that? Would it change your demands of compromise?

Our problems are not political.


Compromise must be stopped

Compromise brings people doing abilities that they don't have

A football team does not compromise with the players

The center position ability must not do the quarterback ability The team would get wiped out
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows

We are very simple beings, we differ just slightly from other animals within the animal kingdom. We are territorial, defensive and loyal to our kind.
Like most animals, we were not meant to cohabitate with others that are too different. We thrive amongst similar, likeminded beings. Government has forced us to deviate from our genetic makeup and inherent value systems by forcing us to believe we are all the same...We are not.
This scares the shit out of people but I will guarantee you there is science behind my assertion that few have the nuts to explore.
Unless we're suffering from a powerful mental illness, we still choose to behave the way we do, however.
What have I been saying?
I mean the term literally. For those who are anti-social out of choice, it's a different matter, and their responsibility.

I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.

You invoke the fallacious Argument to Moderation again.
I appreciate your efforts and posts. But you should consider that one thing that you always shy away from...what if what we face is organized evil with no good will?
Ever considered that? Would it change your demands of compromise?

Our problems are not political.
Communication, collaboration and innovation are what created America's Constitution and our greatest companies and advances. So I'll never feel any obligation to defend or apologize for being an advocate.

I don't think it's a coincidence that, as our willingness to collaborate has decreased, as our tribalism as increased, our dominance in the world has decreased.

This is a self-inflicted wound.
I blame the media (both entertainment and news) and of course, the left. They each work hand in hand to undermine American society, divide communities and families and the internet helps them spread their corrosive message faster than ever. For all of it's faults, the american right wing at least talks about wanting to restore a little bit of traditional values to this nation.
What have I been saying?
I mean the term literally. For those who are anti-social out of choice, it's a different matter, and their responsibility.

I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.

You invoke the fallacious Argument to Moderation again.
I appreciate your efforts and posts. But you should consider that one thing that you always shy away from...what if what we face is organized evil with no good will?
Ever considered that? Would it change your demands of compromise?

Our problems are not political.
Communication, collaboration and innovation are what created America's Constitution and our greatest companies and advances. So I'll never feel any obligation to defend or apologize for being an advocate.

I don't think it's a coincidence that, as our willingness to collaborate has decreased, as our tribalism as increased, our dominance in the world has decreased.

This is a self-inflicted wound.

To simplify...
Thanks to the internet and social networking we have become too small of an area for too many different types of people. It’s just that simple.
This is when the wise starts fleeing from the unwise

And as they flee that increases the stupidity of the area they leave from

And that makes the fall faster and deeper

New York State is having their wise to flee

If trump wants to save New York he would have to lock up the leaders and make wisdom tests for voters

Also the nation must now wake up to the women

That big group votes in their worst nightmare --- the democrats and their Muslims

Trump must declare a broken govt to save the nation and set up wisdom tests for voters
This is when the wise starts fleeing from the unwise

And as they flee that increases the stupidity of the area they leave from

And that makes the fall faster and deeper

New York State is having their wise to flee

If trump wants to save New York he would have to lock up the leaders and make wisdom tests for voters

Also the nation must now wake up to the women

That big group votes in their worst nightmare --- the democrats and their Muslims

Trump must declare a broken govt to save the nation and set up wisdom tests for voters

Could you translate that from Crazyass to English?
Compromise must be stopped
What many clearly don't understand is that there is a difference between compromise and collaboration.

Compromise appears to damage self-esteem in some. Collaboration can create something new, and better.

Like our Constitution.

What you fail to realize is the natives here have a “it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mentality where the outsiders who want in want our society tailored to fit them in. Tensions rise when some natives start to side with the outsiders. Welcome to 2019....Embrace the divide and the fight.
Compromise must be stopped
What many clearly don't understand is that there is a difference between compromise and collaboration.

Compromise appears to damage self-esteem in some. Collaboration can create something new, and better.

Like our Constitution.

Compromise. How does that work ??

Let's say.

Doing an ability. One ability gets it correct. 90% of the time and another gets it right 50 %

Compromise will then give you doing correct 70% of the time

Then that ability is less than the 90%
And the nation will fall

How bout if parents compromise on nursing the baby

What happens if the men nurses the baby equal to the mothers ??

See it does not work

Compromising destroys
Last edited:
This is when the wise starts fleeing from the unwise

And as they flee that increases the stupidity of the area they leave from

And that makes the fall faster and deeper

New York State is having their wise to flee

If trump wants to save New York he would have to lock up the leaders and make wisdom tests for voters

Also the nation must now wake up to the women

That big group votes in their worst nightmare --- the democrats and their Muslims

Trump must declare a broken govt to save the nation and set up wisdom tests for voters

Could you translate that from Crazyass to English?

Which is higher ??

90 %
or 50%???

That proves compromise cannot work because the 90% correct is lost

See that's a question on a logic test for the wisdom test for voters
The pill popping is a healthcare issue, not a happiness index. Doctors are incentivised to prescribe and with the sales reps, its become predatory.
But that's a very shallow view, in a way. If no diagnosis, then no prescription to treat. Meaning, we have a much wider area of diagnosis and more well refined diagnoatic techniques than we did, say, 50 years ago. So, people are being diagnosed with certain mentally illnesses at a higher rate than in the past, because we have better ability to diagnose and more conditions recognized as treatable disorders. So the observed "higher levels of depression" could be completely due to more awareness and broader definitions of depression, both within the medical field and outside of it.

As for suicides...that's a tough one. I would set aside politics as the cause from the start. I want to assert that the information age is the cause in some way, but I wouldn't know how to put my finger on it.
Compromise must be stopped
What many clearly don't understand is that there is a difference between compromise and collaboration.

Compromise appears to damage self-esteem in some. Collaboration can create something new, and better.

Like our Constitution.

Compromise. How does that work ??

Let's say.

Doing an ability. One ability gets it correct. 90% of the time and another gets it right 50 %

Compromise will then give you doing correct 70% of the time

Then that ability is less than the 90%
And the nation will fall

How bout if parents compromise on nursing the baby

What happens if the men nurses the baby equal to the mothers ??

See it does not work

Compromising destroys

We've run out of things to compromise on. Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate. Male? Female? No such thing! The left has lost their goddamn minds and Mac wants us to just "give them a chance".
Compromise. How does that work ??
Let's say.
Doing an ability. One ability gets it correct. 90% of the time and another gets it right 50 %
Compromise will then give you doing correct 70% of the time
Then that ability is less than the 90%
And the nation will fall
How bout if parents compromise on nursing the baby
What happens if the men nurses the baby equal to the mothers ??
See it does not work
Compromising destroys
You're pretending compromise is possible on a binary issue. It's not:

compromise: an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

Note the plural: concessions. Compromise is not even possible in your "example".
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

And the only "compromise" you ever have to worry about is whether or not you are willing to treat people the way they ask to be treated. Is it reasonable and harmless that someone identify as female,and desire to be treated as such?
Now the very fundamentals of what it means to be human are up for debate.
Correct, because we are sentient beings with the ability for introspection. And that's just fine.

Philosophers have been introspecting on the meaning of existence for centuries but the modern left wants to burn all their books and start over because those guys were too male and too white and did not take into account the perspectives of trans women of color.
This is when the wise starts fleeing from the unwise

And as they flee that increases the stupidity of the area they leave from

And that makes the fall faster and deeper

New York State is having their wise to flee

If trump wants to save New York he would have to lock up the leaders and make wisdom tests for voters

Also the nation must now wake up to the women

That big group votes in their worst nightmare --- the democrats and their Muslims

Trump must declare a broken govt to save the nation and set up wisdom tests for voters

Could you translate that from Crazyass to English?

Which is higher ??

90 %
or 50%???

That proves compromise cannot work because the 90% correct is lost

See that's a question on a logic test for the wisdom test for voters

What the hell are you smoking?
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows
You hear conservatives here right? Baby killers, communists, 2nd amendments remedies, we are being invaded, blacks are taking our jobs and raping our women. Civil war class warfare

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