POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows
Most suicides are white guys in red states. I say just leave it alone. It’ll work itself out.
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows
Most suicides are white guys in red states. I say just leave it alone. It’ll work itself out.
Would you watch a suicide from your extended family because of political differences or backup a fellow progressive socialist? The potential smarter ones are being emasculated. No matter how arrogant they can be. The truth sucks. NASA is going to launch people into space for massive amounts more in a few years because of affirmative action and quotas. So they use crony capitalism to get Boeing and Space X to get them access to low earth manned launches after wasting near 9 years from the last shuttle mission. The original astronauts know this and a few have spoken out. TheSLS will probably cost two and a half billion dollars a launch. But hey there will be broads in space walks doing repairs that cost the taxpayers more and more. And they will be in more safer areas of the station.
Sorry, but as I've said before, the Democrats have slipped way too far off the American cracker. I understand their opinions perfectly, find them in opposition to the overall liberty and personal freedom guaranteed by the Constitution, and consider them worthy of being continually attacked for the nonsense they are..
So you'd say it's an issue with the Left and not the Right?

Primarily with the Left, yes.
It could also be argued that it's the reverse - that our political behaviors are driven by increasing unhappiness.
I agree with that. So the root question is "Why are Americans becoming more and more unhappy? My theory is we increasingly want to be able to control what we cannot control. We also seem to want what we can't have and don't appreciate what we do have.
It could also be argued that it's the reverse - that our political behaviors are driven by increasing unhappiness.
I agree with that. So the root question is "Why are Americans becoming more and more unhappy? My theory is we increasingly want to be able to control what we cannot control. We also seem to want what we can't have and don't appreciate what we do have.

Eh, people have always said that.
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows

This psychologist has some data backed theories.

1. Our relationships and community ties are weaker.

2. We’re more focused on goals such as money, fame, and image, which Tim Kasser’s work has shown is correlated with anxiety and depression.

3. Our expectations are too high, probably because of the emphasis on “you can be anything you want to be” and highly positive self-views. This was a big theme in the first edition of Generation Me, which came out in 2006, and other observers (I believe independently) came to similar conclusions – for example, Tim Urban (“Why GenY Yuppies are Unhappy”) and Bret Easton Ellis (“Generation Wuss.”)

Why So Many People Are Stressed and Depressed
We are the anxiety society....low sleep and hectic schedules. Stress stress stress. Go to work, slog thru the day, go home, do it again and again. Maybe a week or two off all year. There's going to be problems.
Yeah. No doubt there's all kinds of drivers at work. The economic system, social media, politics, mental health access, on and on.

As I'm reading through stuff, I think it's more likely that our political behaviors are more a result, a manifestation, of the above.

Unless we're suffering from a powerful mental illness, we still choose to behave the way we do, however.

Kick the supports out from under society...then look shocked when it collapses ?
We also seem to want what we can't have and don't appreciate what we do have.
That is corporate social engineering by design. Been going on in earnest since the 1920's.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
We also seem to want what we can't have and don't appreciate what we do have.
That is corporate social engineering by design. Been going on in earnest since the 1920's.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
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old people have trended to thinking culture is decaying since recorded history

theyre the particularly flakey bunch that do so
We also seem to want what we can't have and don't appreciate what we do have.
That is corporate social engineering by design. Been going on in earnest since the 1920's.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
Yupp. Not because partisans are meanies to each other and all the sanctimoneous Macs of the world have to cry about it on messageboards every..



Do you need a puppy to hug?


We also seem to want what we can't have and don't appreciate what we do have.
That is corporate social engineering by design. Been going on in earnest since the 1920's.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
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