POLL: Politics, Suicide & Depression in America

Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?

  • Yes. We're doing this to ourselves by choice

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • No. There is no connection here.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • This is a problem of the other side, not mine.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Mango. I have no idea.

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
We also seem to want what we can't have and don't appreciate what we do have.
That is corporate social engineering by design. Been going on in earnest since the 1920's.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
Unless we're suffering from a powerful mental illness, we still choose to behave the way we do, however.
What have I been saying?
I mean the term literally. For those who are anti-social out of choice, it's a different matter, and their responsibility.

I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows

Two things. One is that many of those drug overdoses mentioned may very well be suicides. Addicts reach a point where they are stuck in a loop and that's the out. That suicide rate could be higher.

The other is that there is a lack of mental health care nation wide. No beds. Closing of hospitals etc. and so on.

So, if the plan is to completely ignore the issue for another 12 years then we can tie it to political ideology but on the part of the people who continue to ignore it.
We're great at ignoring issues that are staring us in the face, that's for sure. So it becomes a chicken-or-the-egg question: Are our cultural behaviors driving the suicide/drug increases, or is it the other way around?

Depends. I think there is a desperate need to solve problems with a cookie cutter approach and quick fixes. One of the things that is pushed is that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. But, is that true? No. The issues that someone has at age 65 are very different from an 11 year old boy.

I think that what you are after could address one type of problem and that would be the bullying on social media but the bullying was around before social media. Kathy Griffin and ilk firmly believed that it was ok to target kids. There were a number of people that supported that. All of the anti-bullying problems out there do nothing if the message is sent that this is perfectly normal ok behavior.

Different age groups have different needs. Different subcultures have different problems.
Item One
Our suicide rates have increased to the point at which the CDC says they are actually affecting our life expectancy. Our usage of antidepressants continues to increase. Looking at the facts, it's not difficult to argue that we, as a society, are become more and more unhappy.

Item Two
More and more, Americans are walking around in a state of hypersensitivity, just waiting to be outraged or offended by something. When someone from the "other" tribe does or says something that we can attack, we jump right in with the group hysterics.

We're making ourselves more and more miserable by adhering ourselves to political ideologies, by refusing to even understand the opinions of those who dare to disagree with us, and by jumping on the tiniest opportunities as a reasonable excuse to attack the "other".

Please vote and comment. Thanks.


U.S. Antidepressant Use Jumps 65 Percent in 15 Years
Suicides are at the highest rate in decades, CDC report shows

Two things. One is that many of those drug overdoses mentioned may very well be suicides. Addicts reach a point where they are stuck in a loop and that's the out. That suicide rate could be higher.

The other is that there is a lack of mental health care nation wide. No beds. Closing of hospitals etc. and so on.

So, if the plan is to completely ignore the issue for another 12 years then we can tie it to political ideology but on the part of the people who continue to ignore it.
We're great at ignoring issues that are staring us in the face, that's for sure. So it becomes a chicken-or-the-egg question: Are our cultural behaviors driving the suicide/drug increases, or is it the other way around?

Depends. I think there is a desperate need to solve problems with a cookie cutter approach and quick fixes. One of the things that is pushed is that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. But, is that true? No. The issues that someone has at age 65 are very different from an 11 year old boy.

I think that what you are after could address one type of problem and that would be the bullying on social media but the bullying was around before social media. Kathy Griffin and ilk firmly believed that it was ok to target kids. There were a number of people that supported that. All of the anti-bullying problems out there do nothing if the message is sent that this is perfectly normal ok behavior.

Different age groups have different needs. Different subcultures have different problems.
I think the increase in simplistic, cookie-cutter reasoning is largely a symptom of the increased tribalism we're seeing. The deeper a person is consumed by their tribe's binary thought processes, the less intellectual elasticity they seem to demonstrate.

So the impulse, when looking at any given problem, is to apply the simplest and easiest band-aid to deal with it. And that manifests in behavioral changes, frustrations, anger, hostility - and all that leads to depression and worse.

So that would be one piece. Another huge piece is the negative side of social media, which isolates people more and more.
That is corporate social engineering by design. Been going on in earnest since the 1920's.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
We are responsible for not seeing the nature of the problem and dealing with it directly. That is the only way you are going to correct the behaviors.

People are not yet ready to entertain that discussion. This bumpy road is probably far from over.
Yes America became a marketing society about that time selling us on what we need to be happy. We don't have to buy what they are selling but it isn't easy to resist.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
We are responsible for not seeing the nature of the problem and dealing with it directly. That is the only way you are going to correct the behaviors.

People are not yet ready to entertain that discussion. This bumpy road is probably far from over.
Entertaining the discussion productively would require honesty, humility and critical thinking.

These are qualities & skills we have simply lost over time to tribalism. Use it or lose it. All of us.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
We are responsible for not seeing the nature of the problem and dealing with it directly. That is the only way you are going to correct the behaviors.

People are not yet ready to entertain that discussion. This bumpy road is probably far from over.
Entertaining the discussion productively would require honesty, humility and critical thinking.

These are qualities & skills we have simply lost over time to tribalism. Use it or lose it. All of us.
Yeah, but I think we were herded into tribes. I think there is a great injustice to it.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
We are responsible for not seeing the nature of the problem and dealing with it directly. That is the only way you are going to correct the behaviors.

People are not yet ready to entertain that discussion. This bumpy road is probably far from over.
Entertaining the discussion productively would require honesty, humility and critical thinking.

These are qualities & skills we have simply lost over time to tribalism. Use it or lose it. All of us.
Yeah, but I think we were herded into tribes. I think there is a great injustice to it.
Of course we were. There are people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided, and they're clearly winning.
This is a problem for all Democrats and all RINOS!!

So the correct answer is that it is their fault and not the other part of the republicans

The low logics did not understand the founders and let women vote

This all could be predicted from that point by the higher logics

So it's not correct to say we did this to ourselves .. Yes most did because of not understanding that all democracies commits suicide

Who has done this??

All democrats and the Rino republicans !!

And one way or the other those groups will get destroyed

The easy way is from a Trump logic test for voters

And the hard way is by universal law of destruction pain

George Washington said the best learning comes from suffering !!
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
We are responsible for not seeing the nature of the problem and dealing with it directly. That is the only way you are going to correct the behaviors.

People are not yet ready to entertain that discussion. This bumpy road is probably far from over.
Entertaining the discussion productively would require honesty, humility and critical thinking.

These are qualities & skills we have simply lost over time to tribalism. Use it or lose it. All of us.

Critical thinking equals logic equals common sense
Blame Trump? It seems that the suicide statistics only go up to 2014 (the Obama administration) where the numbers increased 24% between 1999 and 2014. Depression is something else. I imagine it's off the charts in the democrat party.
"Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?"

No. Current political behaviors are the manifestation of people who are already miserable, largely because they don't actually think.
It is mind manipulation. It might seem benign in the context of consumer advertising but they apply those techniques to all facets of our lives.

It's entirely relevant to the topic of this thread.

Anyone you hear talking about these problems being caused by partisan politics is under its spell.
We are sold what we should look like, we are sold our religion, we are sold what "fun" is and why we aren't spending enough to have it, we are sold our politics, we are sold on most every aspect of our lives. It takes determination to recognize this and not fall prey to it.
OMG, someone gets it.

The social pressures placed upon this culture are enormous.

But the keyword you used was "sold".
So are we in agreement that these socio-cultural pressures lead to decays in behaviors -such as what we're seeing in political "discourse"?

That doesn't excuse the behaviors - we remain responsible for them - but it provides a starting point.
We are responsible for not seeing the nature of the problem and dealing with it directly. That is the only way you are going to correct the behaviors.

People are not yet ready to entertain that discussion. This bumpy road is probably far from over.
Entertaining the discussion productively would require honesty, humility and critical thinking.

These are qualities & skills we have simply lost over time to tribalism. Use it or lose it. All of us.

We have lost skills because of democracy of unwise voters

Different abilities are now wasted
Because we have people trying to do abilities they don't have

Building a bridge takes many different abilities

Democracy has got the Ditch diggers trying to do the thinkers job and the thinkers doing the Ditch diggers jobs

Total destruction comes

Who knows what are each ones ability ?? The highest logics !!
"Are our political behaviors making us more & more miserable?"

No. Current political behaviors are the manifestation of people who are already miserable, largely because they don't actually think.

The increase freedoms of the unwise is the cause !!

This brings a nation that try to do abilities that they don't have

This brings crooks elected

This brings the destruction of the nation
Unless we're suffering from a powerful mental illness, we still choose to behave the way we do, however.
What have I been saying?
I mean the term literally. For those who are anti-social out of choice, it's a different matter, and their responsibility.

I meant it too. Liberalism is a mental illness given government sanction.
I guess that provides a handy excuse, then, for shunning them and not communicating with them.

That will solve zero problems in the long run.

You invoke the fallacious Argument to Moderation again.
I appreciate your efforts and posts. But you should consider that one thing that you always shy away from...what if what we face is organized evil with no good will?
Ever considered that? Would it change your demands of compromise?

Our problems are not political.

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