POLL: Should American Taxpayers Be Forced To Fund The UN?

Do You Support Forcing American Taxpayers To Fund The UN

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I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist. So i'll say up front that i don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind. But what do you think?

What the fuck does that even mean? Do you not believe that there are non-Americans in this world and we need to a way to deal with them?

We contribute about 8 billion dollars a year to UN or 0.25% of our Federal budget. You really don't think the influence it buys us around the world is worth it?
What influence does it buy us? The U.N. continually pokes the U.S. in the eye. It's only functions seems to be to lend legitimacy to dictators.

Legitimacy is not gained by running around the world making unilateral demands.

UN is our vessel of legitimacy and much like in our democracy, while being king is easy, getting things done through consensus is the proper foundation.

The theory that the U.S. needs "legitimacy" doesn't pass the laugh test. As I already explained to you: the U.N. doesn't give us legitimacy. It gives legitimacy to thugs like Castro, Putin, Kim Jung Un and a hundred other dictators.

The theory that everybody in the world will just do whatever we want and is in OUR interest at a drop of a hat is straight insane.

This ridiculous view that what America does or wants should be de-facto recognized as legitimate from perspective of everyone else in the world is a view from a narrow little bubble. Americans comprise only about 5% of world's population and while we have big influence we were not (usually) spreading it at the barrel of a gun, which is why need UN and work at building consensus around our values.

You say UN legitimizes Putin and nothing but undermine our interests?

UN committee passes resolution on Crimea, condemning Russian occupation | Toronto Star
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All U.S. government funding begins in the democratically elected House of Representatives. Taxation through representation is not forcing.
Yeah it is, asshole. If two wolves and a sheep vote on what to have for dinner, is the sheep volunteering to become the main course?
Typical nonsensical response from this offensive, foul-mouth poster.
Yeah, right, irrefutable logic is "nonsense" in the universe you live in. Majority rule is not voluntary. It's force, just like any other kind of government.
I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist. So i'll say up front that i don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind. But what do you think?

What the fuck does that even mean? Do you not believe that there are non-Americans in this world and we need to a way to deal with them?

We contribute about 8 billion dollars a year to UN or 0.25% of our Federal budget. You really don't think the influence it buys us around the world is worth it?

No. Not when they want to override our Constitution. Besides other countries take our money and then piss on our shoes

Override our constitution? When did that happen?
I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist. So i'll say up front that i don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind. But what do you think?

What the fuck does that even mean? Do you not believe that there are non-Americans in this world and we need to a way to deal with them?

We contribute about 8 billion dollars a year to UN or 0.25% of our Federal budget. You really don't think the influence it buys us around the world is worth it?
What influence does it buy us? The U.N. continually pokes the U.S. in the eye. It's only functions seems to be to lend legitimacy to dictators.

Legitimacy is not gained by running around the world making unilateral demands.

UN is our vessel of legitimacy and much like in our democracy, while being king is easy, getting things done through consensus is the proper foundation.

The theory that the U.S. needs "legitimacy" doesn't pass the laugh test. As I already explained to you: the U.N. doesn't give us legitimacy. It gives legitimacy to thugs like Castro, Putin, Kim Jung Un and a hundred other dictators.

The theory that everybody in the world will just do whatever we want and is in OUR interest at a drop of a hat is straight insane.

This ridiculous view that what America does or wants should be de-facto recognized as legitimate from perspective of everyone else in the world is a view from a narrow little bubble. Americans comprise only about 5% of world's population and while we have big influence were not usually spreading it at the barrel of a gun, which is why need UN and work at building consensus around our values.

You say UN legitimizes Putin and nothing but undermine our interests?

UN committee passes resolution on Crimea, condemning Russian occupation | Toronto Star
Since no one holds that view, you wasted your time knocking it down. The stuff we do is "legitimate" when it is in fact legitimate, not when some international gang of thugs says so.
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Ah, Nationalism, the place where you don't need to bother knowing the truth about stuff, you just make things however you want them to be.

But I'll say this again, American interests are not always served simply through direct means. Sometimes US interests are in dialogue with other nations, they are served by having a lot of power over a global body. You can't see this because you're not looking.
Your delusion that we have any power over the U.N. is comical. To the extent we do, we are violating all the principles that it was founded on and that turds like you claim to believe in.

I believe the UN has too much influence over us. It's been undermining American Citizen best interests for many years. And that's because it's a foreign institution. It isn't set up to solely advance American Citizen interests.

Foreigners naturally have their own best interests in mind. And i don't blame for that. It's to be expected. But i don't see why i should be forced to fund foreigner interests. At the very least, our Government should scale back our involvement and funding.

You believe?

Believing is all very well and good, the question is (this is after all a political forum) can you SHOW that this is the case?

Well, you're a Globalist, i'm a Nationalist. So we're just not gonna see eye to eye on this issue. That's just the reality. So you keep on fighting for your Globalist agenda, and i'll keep on fighting for my Nationalist agenda. No hard feelings.

No, I'm not a globalist. I'm not an -ist at all. I don't go with a theory and then stick to it like ice cream to a kid's face. I look at the merits of things, the arguments and I make my own views.

I'm not asking you to be an -ist here. I'm not asking you to stick to your guns. I'm asking you to debate me on this. To open your eyes, to make your case but make it with facts, sources and the like. You might find that actually some of the things you believe just aren't true, you might start seeing things a little more differently and change your stance. You might not come out the same as I am, but you're putting yourself through that process of moving away from blindness and going to seeing.

But you can choose to remain what you want to be, you can choose ignorance is bliss above reality.

Too big a divide to bridge. We can't see eye to eye on this. I've had enough of the Globalist agenda, I'm ready for a return to Nationalism.
I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist. So i'll say up front that i don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind. But what do you think?

If it were JUST that it "doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind", that would be acceptable.

But they actually are generally actively hostile to our interests. And we should respond accordingly.
Wow, 90%. Looks like Americans are ready for a return to Nationalism. Like me, i think most have had enough of the Globalist agenda.
I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist. So i'll say up front that i don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind. But what do you think?

What the fuck does that even mean? Do you not believe that there are non-Americans in this world and we need to a way to deal with them?

We contribute about 8 billion dollars a year to UN or 0.25% of our Federal budget. You really don't think the influence it buys us around the world is worth it?
What influence does it buy us? The U.N. continually pokes the U.S. in the eye. It's only functions seems to be to lend legitimacy to dictators.

Legitimacy is not gained by running around the world making unilateral demands.

UN is our vessel of legitimacy and much like in our democracy, while being king is easy, getting things done through consensus is the proper foundation.

The theory that the U.S. needs "legitimacy" doesn't pass the laugh test. As I already explained to you: the U.N. doesn't give us legitimacy. It gives legitimacy to thugs like Castro, Putin, Kim Jung Un and a hundred other dictators.

The theory that everybody in the world will just do whatever we want and is in OUR interest at a drop of a hat is straight insane.

This ridiculous view that what America does or wants should be de-facto recognized as legitimate from perspective of everyone else in the world is a view from a narrow little bubble. Americans comprise only about 5% of world's population and while we have big influence we were not (usually) spreading it at the barrel of a gun, which is why need UN and work at building consensus around our values.

You say UN legitimizes Putin and nothing but undermine our interests?

UN committee passes resolution on Crimea, condemning Russian occupation | Toronto Star

'Legitimacy' has nothing to do with it. I expect our leaders to focus solely on advancing American Citizen interests. Forcing Taxpayers to fund foreign institutions that don't advance American interests, is wrong.
It could be suggested that such virulent supporters move to and help finance Israel.
I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist. So i'll say up front that i don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind. But what do you think?

What the fuck does that even mean? Do you not believe that there are non-Americans in this world and we need to a way to deal with them?

We contribute about 8 billion dollars a year to UN or 0.25% of our Federal budget. You really don't think the influence it buys us around the world is worth it?

No. Not when they want to override our Constitution. Besides other countries take our money and then piss on our shoes

Override our constitution? When did that happen?

The UN is increasingly encroaching on our sovereignty and Constitutional Rights. American Globalists have been pushing for that for many years. I don't support the Globalist agenda. I don't believe i should be forced to fund it.
Should American taxpayer money be used to contribute our fair share to the United Nations and its operations?


Should American taxpayer money be used to contribute MORE than our fair share to the United Nations and its operations?



The UN may be the New York International Old Ladies Debating Society, but the world DOES need a "safe space" where nations can talk things out.

The UN - for all its warts and horns - is that "safe space".
I'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist. So i'll say up front that i don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind. But what do you think?

If it were JUST that it "doesn't always have American Citizen best interests in mind", that would be acceptable.

But they actually are generally actively hostile to our interests. And we should respond accordingly.

It makes sense. The UN is a foreign entity that isn't set up to solely advance American Citizen interests. Foreigners naturally look out for their own self-interests. That's to be expected. So obviously they'll thwart American goals at times. And i'm fine with that. I'm just not fine with forcing American Taxpayers to fund foreigners' self-interests. I'm an American, my focus is on advancing American interests. Any institution not serving that purpose, is of no interest to me.
Should American taxpayer money be used to contribute our fair share to the United Nations and its operations?


Should American taxpayer money be used to contribute MORE than our fair share to the United Nations and its operations?



The UN may be the New York International Old Ladies Debating Society, but the world DOES need a "safe space" where nations can talk things out.

The UN - for all its warts and horns - is that "safe space".

I'm fine with the UN existing. It does some things well. It does a good job overall on humanitarian aid. I just feel American Globalists have increasingly handed it too much power and influence over our nation. It's now beginning to encroach on our sovereignty and Constitutional Rights. It's crossed the line. The Globalists have gone too far. So now it's time to dramatically scale back our involvement and funding. Time to seriously reevaluate the policy of forcing American Taxpayers to fund it.
What would be the point of dismantiling the U.N. or leaving it entirely? THe politicians don't want to do it and I've learned that politicians have found crafty ways to do what they want and not what the voters want. There isn't a point of bitching about the U.N. or anything our government does since it has learned how to ignore us.
The U.S. funds about a fifth of the U.N. budget and about 75% of the NATO budget. Tell me again what a good deal we are getting for our money.
The U.S. funds about a fifth of the U.N. budget and about 75% of the NATO budget. Tell me again what a good deal we are getting for our money.

It does buy some perks in the UN, but not enough for me to support forcing American Taxpayers to fund it. And i've supported disbanding NATO for years. It's an obsolete entity. But unfortunately, they've started a new Cold War with Russia to keep it alive. So the taxpayer cash will continue rolling in. It had to have a new Boogeyman in order to survive. Russia fit the bill perfectly.
Your delusion that we have any power over the U.N. is comical. To the extent we do, we are violating all the principles that it was founded on and that turds like you claim to believe in.

I believe the UN has too much influence over us. It's been undermining American Citizen best interests for many years. And that's because it's a foreign institution. It isn't set up to solely advance American Citizen interests.

Foreigners naturally have their own best interests in mind. And i don't blame for that. It's to be expected. But i don't see why i should be forced to fund foreigner interests. At the very least, our Government should scale back our involvement and funding.

You believe?

Believing is all very well and good, the question is (this is after all a political forum) can you SHOW that this is the case?

Well, you're a Globalist, i'm a Nationalist. So we're just not gonna see eye to eye on this issue. That's just the reality. So you keep on fighting for your Globalist agenda, and i'll keep on fighting for my Nationalist agenda. No hard feelings.

No, I'm not a globalist. I'm not an -ist at all. I don't go with a theory and then stick to it like ice cream to a kid's face. I look at the merits of things, the arguments and I make my own views.

I'm not asking you to be an -ist here. I'm not asking you to stick to your guns. I'm asking you to debate me on this. To open your eyes, to make your case but make it with facts, sources and the like. You might find that actually some of the things you believe just aren't true, you might start seeing things a little more differently and change your stance. You might not come out the same as I am, but you're putting yourself through that process of moving away from blindness and going to seeing.

But you can choose to remain what you want to be, you can choose ignorance is bliss above reality.

Too big a divide to bridge. We can't see eye to eye on this. I've had enough of the Globalist agenda, I'm ready for a return to Nationalism.

Again, I said you should look at evidence, look for the truth, and your response is "I'm a Nationalist". So, you freely admit that Nationalism is emotion and you couldn't give a damn about reality? Just your own agenda?

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