Poll: Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

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He has already stated that he won't stop his campaign even if he's convicted. Why, you may ask? Because he can still be electable in spite of the hit job. He's stuck in the throat of the Left and they can't swallow or spit him out. The amusing part of this is they will boost his polling and his campaign war chest.
Some have suggested that Trump is a new version of Lonesome Rhodes.
The classic character in the almost epic { once upon a time }
Movie { 1957 } directed by the great Elia Kazan { who catapulted Marlon
Brando's career } and great writer Budd Schulberg { who died at age 95 }.
That Movie ... :
- A Face in the Crowd - { 1957 }
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Facts are a stubborn thing, except when you have a gaslighting media that has nothing to stop them from spreading lies and claiming they're facts.
As if it's a version of character.To spread huge lies and gossip towards
of all persons { a President }.
As if some kind of Poetry
" Poetry lies it's way to the truth " - John Ciardi
The good of the people is the highest law. "
The bottom line is that's all Trump is about.
The good of the people.Plus a little self-bragging.
Garland appointed a SC because of assholes like Trump & you who always play the victim card when scum like Trump are exposed as lowlife criminal traiterous scum.

It won't work this time. Your boy's time is up.
A foregone conclusion under a one party tyranny.

Sadfully and now pathetically for our Country ...
talk isn't merely cheap.It's borderline Corrupt.
No matter from Pops Biden hisself or the FBI and
Justice Department plus the usual suspects at the
ever droll and now Gremlin-like Legacy media.
Who find ways to leak classified info and then target
upstanding americans.

Yeah....that's where I keep all of my Top Secret documents.
In the same room as a photo copier.

The fact remains that those pictures are evidence and have been leaked to the press illegally.
That means they're obviously staged.
They spent all day setting up those pictures.
That's why they wanted the cameras turned off.
They didn't want anyone watching them planting evidence and setting up camera shots of boxes of files.
They can't prove what's in those boxes are TS documents because there's no TS docs being displayed.
For all we know, those boxes are filled with tax forms and personal memorabilia.
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5 will getcha 10 that going by past performance and the standing
room only crowd at nearly every Trump Rally will have more than a
few things to say and do about that.
The left has No such hero.NONE.The drat left believes in
crap like Attack dogs and firehoses and bullies like Bull Connor.
Using the FBI to provocateur and Frame decent Americans.
Off hand the average Lefty is a pathetic weakling.
Whereas Trump supporters are the salt of the earth.
They keep america running.
Don't tinker around.
"salt of the earth"? This whack job was seeing Trump for the 68th time. :auiqs.jpg:
It`s the same nuts at every one of his rallies. The only difference between Jim Jones and Donald Trump is the fact that Trump would charge them for the Kool-Aid.
I've been listening to various legal experts on CNN and MSNBC talk about how strong and tight the Jack Smith indictment is. Many of them think Trump should seriously consider a plea deal - if one is offered. I think a plea would be better for Trump - but I'd rather see a trial. What do you think?

Read the full indictment here.
The weaponized DOJ gives him the same two choices: Bad and Bad. That's how the communists play ball.

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