Poll: Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

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18 USC 793(e) of the Espionage Act deals with willful retention of national defense information and the refusal of the individual to return the items to authorized government representatives when requested. The FPOTUS refused, hence the charge. On the other hand Biden (current POTUS) contacted the NARA and FBI as soon as they were discovered. So did Mike Pence (also a current GOP candidate for POTUS). Neither the POTUS or other GOP candidate is likely to be charged because of their actions to cooperate with both (a) returning the documents, and (b) voluntary FBI searches to verify no other documents were in their possession.

The other charges that the #45 FPOTUS is facing include obstruction, conspiracy, and falsification of statements - again something that neither the current POTUS or GOP candidate have done.

#45 FPOTUS's problems all stem from actions he took, he isn't the victim he claims to be.

Yeah, and Biden kept saying they were all turned in - and then the FBI found even more.

No decent America will accept this blatant misuse of government agencies to imprison their political opponent.
Anyone notice that Biden’s $5 billion bribe is completely ignored? That’s the other purpose of this witch-hunt - to take the attention away from the fact the current president has used government influence to enrich his family, hidden by the establishment of shell companies.
Doesn’t seem like you can charge the children for a parent’s action. Otherwise, we could charge Ashley Biden in connection with her father’s theft of classified docs from the SCIF, or charge Chelsea in connection with her mother destroying the server under Congressional supboena.

If the weaponized DOJ extends their witch-hunt to the children, most decent Americans will realize the dangers behind a Democrat Regime and vote their asses out.
No children will be charged for Trump's acts. The corrupt DOJ will make up new charges. Or allege a conspiracy.
Yeah, and Biden kept saying they were all turned in - and then the FBI found even more.

No decent America will accept this blatant misuse of government agencies to imprison their political opponent.

Correct the FBI found more because the POTUS invited them in to search - voluntarily.

He didn't hide the documents. He didn't have Body Man play musical chairs to hide boxes from his own lawyers, he didn't lie to his own lawyers, he didn't lie to the NARA and FBI, he didn't lie to fail to comply with a court ordered subpoena.

And ya know, what? #45 FPOTUS wouldn't be charged now if he had just turned over the government property in the guise of Presidential Records and Classified Documents when he was asked for missing stuff by the NARA in the spring of 2021. It would have been exactly the same: Trump "Oops, my bad here ya go", NARA "Thanks for your help, have a nice day, that's the end of it." #45 FPOTUIS brought this on himself.

Based on YOUR Insane notions.That of a scumbagger leftist.
This country is not any far majority of lefties.
Like everything they spew that is just another in a never ending
stream of scatterbrained Lies.
No way,no how can an Electorate be forced to accept
Doctrine of Virtue
" By a Lie a man throws away and,as it were,
annihilates his dignity as a man. "
-- Immanuel Kant
Spare me your bullshit & your wailing. I didn't turn Trump into a piece of shit who betrayed his oath of office.

All your tears, your lies & your bullshit & your rants won't change the fact that Trump is a criminal pile of shit.
No children will be charged for Trump's acts. The corrupt DOJ will make up new charges. Or allege a conspiracy.
Sad, but true. Fortunately, except for the extreme TDS sufferers, most Americans can recognize a vindictive dictatorial regime when it sees one. It will backfire.
The Espionage Act dates back to 1917.No President ever was
charged under it.Nor the newer Presidential Records act.
Dog droopy-faced Billo Barr is full of it.
He's trying to make ammends for his buddy Robert
Muellers failed Special Counsel.
Barr will go down in history as a sell out and coward.
Why did another coward and man with a purposeful vendetta
againsr Trump { Merrick Garland } decide to use this Jack the Smith.
Pulling him from places like the Hague.Where he was living.
Garland appointed a SC because of assholes like Trump & you who always play the victim card when scum like Trump are exposed as lowlife criminal traiterous scum.

It won't work this time. Your boy's time is up.
Correct the FBI found more because the POTUS invited them in to search - voluntarily.

He didn't hide the documents. He didn't have Body Man play musical chairs to hide boxes from his own lawyers, he didn't lie to his own lawyers, he didn't lie to the NARA and FBI, he didn't lie to fail to comply with a court ordered subpoena.

And ya know, what? #45 FPOTUS wouldn't be charged now if he had just turned over the government property in the guise of Presidential Records and Classified Documents when he was asked for missing stuff by the NARA in the spring of 2021. It would have been exactly the same: Trump "Oops, my bad here ya go", NARA "Thanks for your help, have a nice day, that's the end of it." #45 FPOTUIS brought this on himself.

yeah, and the FBI gave the POTUS a two-week advance notice.

That‘s another example of the unequal application of the government.

And if you think that Trump‘s handing back the docs would have been the “end of it,” I have a bridge to sell you. The weaponized FBI has been out to get Trump for the past 6 years.
yeah, and the FBI gave the POTUS a two-week advance notice.

That‘s another example of the unequal application of the government.

And if you think that Trump‘s handing back the docs would have been the “end of it,” I have a bridge to sell you. The weaponized FBI has been out to get Trump for the past 6 years.

Trump knew for 18 months he was in illegal possession of Presidential Record and classified documents.

I agree though, Biden should have been given the same 18 months. But he didn't need it, he invited them in.

Trump should plead out.

He will go to jail, otherwise.

I don't think he can accept that humiliation.
He also wouldn't be able to accept the plea, as it's an admission of guilt. He's basically a precedent, as we've never arrested a former president before. Jailing him isn't in the cards. There may be some house arrest at most, but I doubt it. Ending his candidacy....

...is meaningless. Like he could win? ROTFLMAO!
It won't be a plea of guilty. It will be a deal to drop the charges. If Trump remains stubborn, look for the next round to be against one or more of his children.
Oh! fer cryin' out loud.The Trump kin has been under constant
threat and scrutiny.No other Presidential Family has been treated
with that usurping degree of Bullying.Not even close.
I've been listening to various legal experts on CNN and MSNBC talk about how strong and tight the Jack Smith indictment is. Many of them think Trump should seriously consider a plea deal - if one is offered. I think a plea would be better for Trump - but I'd rather see a trial. What do you think?

Read the full indictment here.
Here's a video spelling out exactly what's in the indictment.
Try to watch it.
It doesn't do anything to undercut the case or defend Trump.
It spells out the fact that the Special Council is making claims that they have yet to prove.

Here's a video spelling out exactly what's in the indictment.
Try to watch it.
It doesn't do anything to undercut the case or defend Trump.
It spells out the fact that the Special Council is making claims that they have yet to prove.

Now here's the truth of the case.
The fact remains that the DOJ has no right to seize presidential records from a former president.
The fact is the DOJ is trying to prosecute a non-crime.

Here's a video spelling out exactly what's in the indictment.
Try to watch it.
It doesn't do anything to undercut the case or defend Trump.
It spells out the fact that the Special Council is making claims that they have yet to prove.

I get it.Like the Hoax known as Mueller's Special Counsel.
Or crazed lefties Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell swearing
{ not on a bible of course } that they can prove Trump colluded
with Russia.
We the People have been thru this noxious drill already.
He may just need them if the evidence is strong.
He has already stated that he won't stop his campaign even if he's convicted. Why, you may ask? Because he can still be electable in spite of the hit job. He's stuck in the throat of the Left and they can't swallow or spit him out. The amusing part of this is they will boost his polling and his campaign war chest.

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