Poll: Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

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One need go back and understand that Porky Face Barr is a
Buddy to those like Mueller.Plus he's a Fat coward.Lives to play it
safe.That's what this is.Trump doesn't know how to play safe.
Some Guys are like that.I doubt Clark Gable ever played is safe.
Or even Errol Flynn in his prime.
I need the Barr quote using the word " Toast " in relations to Trump.
Barr said that Andy McCarthy's testimony made Trump toast.
No clue what McCarthy told Smith, but it must have been damning.
Espionage is a stretch. Presidential records ALL fall under the PRA without exception. So says AG Whitaker.
All the charges Smith posted have fines, so if Trump pays the fines, pleads guilty to "carelessly handling classified documents" (like Hillary did) then Trump can get back to running.

Trump moved the documents repeatedly, hid them from his attorneys and lied about everything. He also shared them with guests at Mara Lago. Extreme stupidity and lack of self control.
Wow, Bill Barr just blew Trump and the lies the Trumpsters are spreading up on Fox news. He said Trump committed crimes and it is Trump's fault Trump was charged. Trump does NOT have the omnipotent powers of declassification and possession of government documents. Also Obama and Biden and others did not send their papers to a Chinese restaurant for storage they were handeled properly by the archives. Oh yea, and he called Rudi a liar about Hunter. But hey, Trumpsters, keep the faith, facts don't matter. Believe.
If Foolardi is right, Trump will be going to die in prison.
5 will getcha 10 that going by past performance and the standing
room only crowd at nearly every Trump Rally will have more than a
few things to say and do about that.
The left has No such hero.NONE.The drat left believes in
crap like Attack dogs and firehoses and bullies like Bull Connor.
Using the FBI to provocateur and Frame decent Americans.
Off hand the average Lefty is a pathetic weakling.
Whereas Trump supporters are the salt of the earth.
They keep america running.
Don't tinker around.

I go back to principals laid out in U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton where the SCOTUS struck down provisions for term limits because they exceeded the Constitutional requirements to be eligible to hold federal elected office. If a limitation to bar someone from office isn't supported by the Constitution (either under Article II Section I or the 14th Amendments Section 3), then those additional requirements are not valid.

States could not impose term limits on federal office because they exceed the limitations of A2S1 and 14S3. The same logic applies to Congress, there must be a Constitutional basis for them to add limitations.

BTW - I try to be a reasonable and respectful poster. The "Stalinist" bit wasn't needed or called for.
And the courts wouldn’t address such an issue pursuant to the political question doctrine.

The people alone have the authority to determine who will or will not hold public office via the political (democratic) process.

If the people determine that Trump is unfit for office the consequence if his crimes and criminal convictions, they’ll not vote for him.

Wow, Bill Barr just blew Trump and the lies the Trumpsters are spreading up on Fox news. He said Trump committed crimes and it is Trump's fault Trump was charged. Trump does NOT have the omnipotent powers of declassification and possession of government documents. Also Obama and Biden and others did not send their papers to a Chinese restaurant for storage they were handeled properly by the archives. Oh yea, and he called Rudi a liar about Hunter. But hey, Trumpsters, keep the faith, facts don't matter. Believe.
Barr is obviously scared.Like the scumbagger left has something on him.
The Left does this all the time.It's virtually their stock-in-trade.
Tie Barr to something,anything so he rats out Trump publically.
Barr is obviously scared.Like the scumbagger left has something on him.
The Left does this all the time.It's virtually their stock-in-trade.
Tie Barr to something,anything so he rats out Trump publically.
Trey Goudy is blowing him up now too. So Barr and Gowdy are now under lib control? Oh the mental gymnastics required to be a Trumpster.
The Judge can indeed bar Trump from ever running for office again if convicted.
Actually not.

No court has the authority to prohibit a candidate from running for office, that would deny the people their right to vote for whomever they wish, in addition to violating the political question doctrine.

That Trump as a convicted felon is unfit to hold public office would be determined by the political – not judicial – process.

As an aside, this is why term limits in general are bad policy and fundamentally anti-democratic; we already have term limits, they’re called elections.

And this includes the 22nd Amendment – although constitutional, it’s bad policy, the people having unwisely – and unwittingly – undermined democracy and their fundamental right to vote.
Espionage is a stretch. Presidential records ALL fall under the PRA without exception. So says AG Whitaker.
All the charges Smith posted have fines, so if Trump pays the fines, pleads guilty to "carelessly handling classified documents" (like Hillary did) then Trump can get back to running.
He should do his Running to the nearest border and see if Mexico will take him. The Canadians certainly wouldn`t. He lost the popular vote to one of the most hated women in America by 3 million votes and lost to Biden by 7.5 million votes. I don`t think inciting a riot gained him any new admirers. Electoral College be damned, he`ll never be president again. Not in this country, anyway. Putting him on the ballot again will be the end of the GOP and they did it to themselves no matter how much screeching about the media they do.
And the courts wouldn’t address such an issue pursuant to the political question doctrine.

The people alone have the authority to determine who will or will not hold public office via the political (democratic) process.

If the people determine that Trump is unfit for office the consequence if his crimes and criminal convictions, they’ll not vote for him.

Yeah Right Bub.The Political { democrat pushed } attempt to
knock down Voter I.D.
Right there says all one need know.
He should do his Running to the nearest border and see if Mexico will take him. The Canadians certainly wouldn`t. He lost the popular vote to one of the most hated women in America by 3 million votes and lost to Biden by 7.5 million votes. I don`t think inciting a riot gained him any new admirers. Electoral College be damned, he`ll never be president again. Not in this country, anyway. Putting him on the ballot again will be the end of the GOP and they did it to themselves no matter how much screeching about the media they do.
Hay scatterbrained ... Hillary had over 4 million more votes than Trump
in California in 2016.
Hillary - 8,753,788
Trump - 4,483,810
If Trump and Hillary had the same number of votes than Trump
would have over 1 Million more votes in 2016 than Hillary.
Hillary had 3 million more votes in 2016 than Trump
due to California.
He should do his Running to the nearest border and see if Mexico will take him. The Canadians certainly wouldn`t. He lost the popular vote to one of the most hated women in America by 3 million votes and lost to Biden by 7.5 million votes. I don`t think inciting a riot gained him any new admirers. Electoral College be damned, he`ll never be president again. Not in this country, anyway. Putting him on the ballot again will be the end of the GOP and they did it to themselves no matter how much screeching about the media they do.
Ok, so you're a democrat and know their talking points. What you need to look at is Joe Biden, how electable is he, really?
Here is a different perspective on Trump:

Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), et.al colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents, and the Biden crimes are being covered-up..
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I've been listening to various legal experts on CNN and MSNBC talk about how strong and tight the Jack Smith indictment is. Many of them think Trump should seriously consider a plea deal - if one is offered. I think a plea would be better for Trump - but I'd rather see a trial. What do you think?

Read the full indictment here.
I hope he goes to trial, is found guilty & sentenced to life in prison. Trump is a fucking traitor & life in a cell is too good for him, but I'll settle for that.
I hope he goes to trial, is found guilty & sentenced to life in prison. Trump is a fucking traitor & life in a cell is too good for him, but I'll settle for that.
Based on YOUR Insane notions.That of a scumbagger leftist.
This country is not any far majority of lefties.
Like everything they spew that is just another in a never ending
stream of scatterbrained Lies.
No way,no how can an Electorate be forced to accept
Doctrine of Virtue
" By a Lie a man throws away and,as it were,
annihilates his dignity as a man. "
-- Immanuel Kant
But he has already admitted he's guilty by declaring if he's elected he will pardon himself. That's only possible if he's guilty of what he would pardon for.
To him that isn’t an admission of guilt, he’s just telling us how he’s going to end his “persecution”.

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