Poll: Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

Should Trump accept a plea deal or risk a trial?

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Posted by Votto:
This is the entire crux of the Trump indictment. They have Trump on tape saying his documents were classified and talking about them to some friends.
All Trump had to do was say they were not classified and everything would be OK, but they have him on tape saying they were classified, therefore, he should not have had them and certainly should not have been talking about them.
So the left goes after him with the Espionage Act created by President Wilson.
Showing the document to someone isnt treason. :cuckoo:
It's an ignorant lie. Take some time to look at the details. US foreign policy backed by the UN and EU called for removing Shokin because he wouldn't prosecute corruption .. The objective was to clean up Ukraine's reputation so they could attract much needed foreign investment.
Which is why I said ‘if true’
Yeah....that's where I keep all of my Top Secret documents.
In the same room as a photo copier.

The fact remains that those pictures are evidence and have been leaked to the press illegally.
That means they're obviously staged.
They spent all day setting up those pictures.
That's why they wanted the cameras turned off.
They didn't want anyone watching them planting evidence and setting up camera shots of boxes of files.
They can't prove what's in those boxes are TS documents because there's no TS docs being displayed.
For all we know, those boxes are filled with tax forms and personal memorabilia.
Those in the DOJ or WH who leaked classified documents to the leftist press that is in heat should be called on the carpet to tell who leaked America's secrets to the egomaniacal blabbermouths. This is messier than the Teapot Dome Scandal, imho.
I've been listening to various legal experts on CNN and MSNBC talk about how strong and tight the Jack Smith indictment is. Many of them think Trump should seriously consider a plea deal - if one is offered. I think a plea would be better for Trump - but I'd rather see a trial. What do you think?

Read the full indictment here.
He should go for all the free publicity and campaigning you idiots are doing for him Lakookta!
I've been listening to various legal experts on CNN and MSNBC talk about how strong and tight the Jack Smith indictment is. Many of them think Trump should seriously consider a plea deal - if one is offered. I think a plea would be better for Trump - but I'd rather see a trial. What do you think?

Read the full indictment here.
Fake Republicans love their political criminals no matter what and then we wonder why politicians don't give a sh-t about we the people.................
The evidence says otherwise.
The truth is that the President has the right to keep his papers in his possession. This lying to the American people who don't know the laws is bazarro at best. The deep state took their issue too far, and now they're not even close to what they started "investigating," and routing Maralargo was a huge mistake. You have deep state hatred for an outstanding citizen, and you folks have taken a wrong turn all for converting this nation into sociocommunism at first, then full blown massacring of dissidents. The Constitution was written to include courtesy and equal treatment to all Americans. This letting Hillary steal classified information, then obstructing justice by taking a sledgehammer to her computer was a very bad act, yet she was not pursued in any way for her deceit. President Trump was not deceitful. He worked for the people of this nation, and regarded and rewarded hard workers who strove to do the best job they could do. He loves the American people, but the press doesn't, and the Deep State Democrats are taking every advantage for one and only one reason: undeserved power with no one to check up on their sundry extortions and improper use of the Constitution of the people of the United States of America.
Fake Republicans love their political criminals no matter what and then we wonder why politicians don't give a sh-t about we the people.................
That's a bald faced lie. The Republicans are stopping the destruction of the Constitution by calling offenders on the carpet. They shouldn't have to do it, but the Deep State hears only itself and its greed for raw power it does not deserve, having massacred good will and in particular, brotherly love.
Johnathan Turley is a very strong Trump supporter. He says Trump is looking at a terminal sentence because the evidence is damning.

You forget that Mr. Turley has been a long time Democrat. I'm not criticizing that, but the first time he tried to set the powermongers straight, all of a sudden they hate him more than they hate Trump for setting them straight about Constitutional allowances of Presidents to keep their own papers. The Democrat deep staters are pushing for totalitarian power. We aren't going to let that go, because government is already too big for its britches under the tutelage of a demented President who craters to people who would make America a communist totalitarian hellhole.
You forget that Mr. Turley has been a long time Democrat. I'm not criticizing that, but the first time he tried to set the powermongers straight, all of a sudden they hate him more than they hate Trump for setting them straight about Constitutional allowances of Presidents to keep their own papers. The Democrat deep staters are pushing for totalitarian power. We aren't going to let that go, because government is already too big for its britches under the tutelage of a demented President who craters to people who would make America a communist totalitarian hellhole.

That's a Trump lie that the NARA corrected yesterday.
Fake Republicans love their political criminals no matter what and then we wonder why politicians don't give a sh-t about we the people.................
Why is it every time the House is shown more evidence of Biden taking bribes from China, the DOJ, or some dipshit DA in Manhattan, announces another indictment?

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