POLL: This Russian Thing

What's going on here? Do I need to learn Russian? Would Rosetta Stone be best for that?

  • Politicians and politicos talk to the Russians more than we know, not much to see here

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • It's pretty much a coincidence, there is no conspiracy or clandestine relationship

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • This stinks like hell and a full, wide-ranging investigation should be launched

    Votes: 20 24.1%
  • There is clearly a troubling relationship of some kind between Trump & Co and the Russian government

    Votes: 16 19.3%
  • What the fuck!

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • Mango. You heard me. MANGO.

    Votes: 9 10.8%

  • Total voters
Link to perjury?

Confirmation hearings: Sessions said he knew of no Trump surrogates, which would include himself, having contacts with the Russians.


And he was correct. He didn't.

In his capacity as a Senator on the ASC, he does meet with ambassadors. That's part of his job! It's not SECRET meetings... both incidents were casual events in the course of his affairs on the ASC. He was not acting as a surrogate, he didn't meet in secrecy, and it was an ambassador.

You are attempting to connect a bunch of dots you cannot connect. This is going to backfire on you big time.
Just how many in the Trump campaign met with the Russians?
raz? dvah? tree? pyaht? shayst? seeaym?
So are you saying we need to eliminate the Russian Embassy in the US?

Meeting with western bloc ambassadors is routine. Meeting with eastern bloc ambassadors is verboten.
As senator you mean....

I don't mind senators meeting with the Russians, it's members of the select intelligence committees I worry about. They know national security shit you could only dream of.
Good....so, what's your point again?

Why is somebody with access to above top secret national security information secretly meeting with the Russians?

There are legit reasons for that, but it's really odd that so many of Trump's coterie have done so at such "auspicious" times during the election cycle. Frankly, it's very oddly coincidental nexus to find among so many people coalesced around one man who routinely misrepresents the truth of things, has, moreover, made contradictory statements about his relationship with Russia and Putin, has multiple past and pending deals with other Russians who are also thought/known by U.S. intelligence to be spies or former spies, and when asked unofficially for corroborating evidence (tax returns) that shows there is at least no financial connection, refuses to do so. People have faith in God, but Trump's no god.
Just how many in the Trump campaign met with the Russians?

Let's see... Chris Christie once ate Russian dressing on a salad, Dr. Carson operated on a baby that was half Russian once, Melania Trump was once photographed by a Russian photographer, Shaun Spicer once rode on an elevator with a Russian.... Is that a good enough accounting?
As senator you mean....

I don't mind senators meeting with the Russians, it's members of the select intelligence committees I worry about. They know national security shit you could only dream of.
Good....so, what's your point again?

Why is somebody with access to above top secret national security information secretly meeting with the Russians?

There are legit reasons for that, but it's really odd that so many of Trump's coterie have done so at such "auspicious" times during the election cycle. Frankly, it's very oddly coincidental nexus to find among so many people coalesced around one man who routinely misrepresents the truth of things, has, moreover, made contradictory statements about his relationship with Russia and Putin, has multiple past and pending deals with other Russians who are also thought/known by U.S. intelligence to be spies or former spies, and when asked unofficially for corroborating evidence (tax returns) that shows there is at least no financial connection, refuses to do so. People have faith in God, but Trump's no god.
Link to perjury?

Confirmation hearings: Sessions said he knew of no Trump surrogates, which would include himself, having contacts with the Russians.


That's the thing. People don't meet with ambassadors and less than a year later forget they did. And then to do it at the GOP convention.

I'm sorry. I was born at night, but not last night. Just how many people does Trump and his crew think just fell off the turnip truck?
Link to perjury?

Confirmation hearings: Sessions said he knew of no Trump surrogates, which would include himself, having contacts with the Russians.


That's the thing. People don't meet with ambassadors and less than a year later forget they did. And then to do it at the GOP convention.

I'm sorry. I was born at night, but not last night. Just how many people does Trump and his crew think just fell off the turnip truck?
Link that he forgot?
What the hell are you talking about? He didn't have secret meetings with the Russians. Where the fuck do you idiots come up with this from?

From the news

Sessions met with top Russian official twice - CNNPolitics.com
Thu March 2, 2017

Attorney General Jeff Sessions met twice last year with the top Russian diplomat in Washington whose interactions with President Donald Trump's former national security adviser Mike Flynn led to Flynn's firing, according to the Justice Department.
Sessions did not mention either meeting during his confirmation hearings when he said he knew of no contacts between Trump surrogates and Russians.
. The MSM has gone rogue in this nation, and they need to be stopped. It's one thing to have a free press, but the press has gone rogue in trying to constantly topple this united states government, and that is unexceptable especially why & who it is doing it for.

I'd look to Hillary and the Democrats major donors/establishment elites/owners .. there should be an inquisition ...:lol:
Holy crap. Now Sessions. The stories just keep coming out.

What do you think is going on here, seriously?

There is absolutely something going on between Trump, people he nominated, and Kremlin. You have to be straight stupid not to HAVE TO conclude this much by now.

It maybe more or less nefarious, but it's definitely there.

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