POLL: Trump indictment day for stealing classified documents?

What day will Trump be indicted?

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He admitted that he was illegally in possession of classified documents. Of course he didn’t admit it until after he was caught.

A president, any president, has a very broad authority to declassify anything he wants to declassify. Period.
There's a process that has to be followed. And Trump using brain waves as he's playing with himself just won't cut it.
He didn’t steal anything.

They were no longer classified once he ordered them “declassified.”

They were in his possession. But this was known by the government since they were the subject of ongoing negotiations.

This “case” is absolute bullshit; and yet I have very little faith that the “special” counsel will demonstrate the integrity required to just decline to prosecute.
By telepathly using brain waves. Way to go, Trump! Tell it to the jury, I'm sure they'll be impressed!
He didn’t say that’s how he declassified them, you dishonest moron. He simply noted that he could have.

You’re too brain-dead to even check before posting your mindless sniveling propaganda.
Prove that the protocol process applies to the president. Hint: It doesn't
Nope! :)


Fact check explores presidential authority to declassify​


More than two months after FBI agents seized boxes of materials at former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence, known as Mar-a-Lago, the federal investigation continues amid conflicting legal interpretations of a president’s authority to declassify sensitive information.

The federal classification of national security documents is used to control how officials handle information whose release may cause the nation harm.

Trump added to the confusion when he said in an interview with Fox personality Sean Hannity, “There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it. ... If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified. Even by thinking about it.”

Most national security legal experts dismissed the former president’s suggestion that he could declassify documents simply by thinking about it. But as an ABA Legal Fact Check posted Oct. 17 explains, legal guidelines support his contention that presidents have broad authority to formally declassify most documents that are not statutorily protected, while they are in office.

The system of classifying national security documents is largely a bureaucratic process used by the federal government to control how executive branch officials handle information, whose release could cause the country harm. The government has, however, prosecuted cases for both mistaken and deliberate mishandling of information. Under the U.S. Constitution, the president as commander in chief is given broad powers to classify and declassify such information, often through use of executive orders.

Some secrets, such as information related to nuclear weapons, are handled separately under a specific statutory scheme that Congress has adopted under the Atomic Energy Act. Those secrets cannot be automatically declassified by the president alone and require, by law, extensive consultation with executive branch agencies.

In all cases, however, a formal procedure is required so governmental agencies know with certainty what has been declassified and decisions memorialized. A federal appeals court in a 2020 Freedom of Information Act case, New York Times v. CIA, underscored that point: “Declassification cannot occur unless designated officials follow specified procedures,” the court said.

As the new ABA Legal Fact Check notes, the extent of a president’s legal authority to unilaterally declassify materials — without following formal procedures — has yet to be challenged in court.
He didn’t steal anything.

They were no longer classified once he ordered them “declassified.”

They were in his possession. But this was known by the government since they were the subject of ongoing negotiations.

This “case” is absolute bullshit; and yet I have very little faith that the “special” counsel will demonstrate the integrity required to just decline to prosecute.
They are NOT Trump's records to take. They legally belong to us, we the people... with NARA as custodians.
He didn’t say that’s how he declassified them, you dishonest moron. He simply noted that he could have.

You’re too brain-dead to even check before posting your mindless sniveling propaganda.
You mad, homie? Trump is a jerkoff either way which is why you're impressed with him, assface.
They are NOT Trump's records to take. They legally belong to us, we the people... with NARA as custodians.
I didn’t say they were his. But as we’ve now come to see, it’s really not unusual for former Presidents to retain physical custody of their Presidential and other papers. And why did the government negotiate? Seems that all the virulent anti Trumpers seem unable or unwilling to touch that one.
I didn’t say they were his. But as we’ve now come to see, it’s really not unusual for former Presidents to retain physical custody of their Presidential and other papers. And why did the government negotiate? Seems that all the virulent anti Trumpers seem unable or unwilling to touch that one.
Well, they ain't negotiating anymore, Ace.

The only negotiating soon will be where Trump has to show to be arrested on charges of espionage, obstruction of justice, retaining of classified documents & conspiracy. Oh, did I forget the pool boy who drained it & destroyed those servers at MAL by "accident"? Or Jan. 6?

Then there's Georgia.
Well, they ain't negotiating anymore, Ace.

The only negotiating soon will be where Trump has to show to be arrested on charges of espionage, obstruction of justice, retaining of classified documents & conspiracy. Oh, did I forget the pool boy who drained it & destroyed those servers at MAL by "accident"? Or Jan. 6?

Then there's Georgia.

If Trump showed those documents to others, there could be violations of the Espionage Act as well.
Well, they ain't negotiating anymore, Ace.

No kidding, you ass. They kind of made that clear with their raid yiu jerkoff.

The only negotiating soon will be where Trump has to show to be arrested on charges of espionage, obstruction of justice, retaining of classified documents & conspiracy.

You are seriously too stupid to understand anything. For future reference, std clap, the folks who get charged don’t get to “choose” which court presides or in which state. In fact, there’s no guesswork. The venue will be where the grand jury is sitting.
Oh, did I forget the pool boy who drained it & destroyed those servers at MAL by "accident"? Or Jan. 6?

And yes. That was a date in the calendar.
Then there's Georgia.
It’s still there. Don’t tell you fellow libtards.
He didn’t steal anything.

They were no longer classified once he ordered them “declassified.”

There are reported recordings of Trump lamenting about a person's security clearance to view documents.

If they'd been declassified, there'd be no such concerns. Such a conversation would demonstrate BOTH the classified nature of the docs and Trump's knowledge that they shouldn't be shared.

And since Trump's claim is that all documents were 'automatically' declassified when sent to him, if any documents remained classified, all did. As you can't have a blanket declassification AND classified documents. Its mutually exclusive, one or the other.

And such a conversation would demonstrate its the other.

If the recording includes what has been reported, Trump's 'but I declassified everything' defense is severely undermined.

Worse, the documents that are reported to been discussed in the recording......haven't been turned over. Meaning that Trump either still posssesses such documents today, or he lost them, or he gave them to someone else.

Worse still, there are reports that Trump showed people those documents. Which brings Espionage Act violations into the mix.

This is very serious. With even Trump's own AG admitting as much.
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He didn’t steal anything.

They were no longer classified once he ordered them “declassified.”

They were in his possession. But this was known by the government since they were the subject of ongoing negotiations.

This “case” is absolute bullshit; and yet I have very little faith that the “special” counsel will demonstrate the integrity required to just decline to prosecute.
“Once he ordered”… who did he give this order to?
“Once he ordered”… who did he give this order to?

Both John Kelly and Mick Mulvaney confirm there was no such order. John Bolton backs Kelly and Mulvaney.

If the reported recording of Trump lamenting about security clearance to view the docs is accurate......Trump confirms the same.

Worse, the telepathy defense cuts both ways. If Trump could change the classification level of documents by thinking about them then Biden could change them back the same way.

Finally, none of the laws cited as in the warrants for Mar-a-lago require the docs be classified.

Trump's legal defense is a pseudo-legal gangbang. As its getting fucked from at least 3 or 4 different directions at once.
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There are reported recordings of Trump lamenting about a person's security clearance to view documents.
There was supposedly evidence “actually” linking Trump and Russia. That turned out to be a massive steaming pile of shit. I suspect that the “reported” recordings are of equal value. None.

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