POLL: Trump, London, Celebrations & Protests

Why did Trump make these claims about the London protests?

  • He was LYING: He knew they were protesting him and lied about it

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • He was SERIOUS: He convinced himself of the opposite of reality

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He was RIGHT: There were only a few commie losers protesting him

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • Tea & Mango Crumpets, please.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost

I think he was being diplomatic.

He knows that the protesters are delusional anti-American, pieces of shit, and anything true he had to say about them, would come across as provocative and insulting to at least large segments of the UK population, if not the nation as as whole.

So, he down played them.
I think he was being diplomatic.
Do you think his calling local news reports of the protests "fake news" was diplomatic?

IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.

If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close,

then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.

And, from what I have seen of the bbc, that was a good bet on his part.
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
He's an insecure man-baby that lies to himself, just aloud, as a comfort blanket from reality as it is.

Howard Stern was correct about Trump. He needs a psychiatrist to address his deeply imbedded Daddy issues, and he'd be a much better man to face those problems head-on then to disturbingly lie about reality all of the time to coddle himself from the truth.

His self-delusion is explicable by his mental condition, but the fact that he has nearly half the Country sold on his clear delusions is gross and reflects some weird need for a Daddy themselves. Some people require a leader, I guess.
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
Okay, I'm not expecting a civil conversation on this one, but I'm damn curious.

Trump has blown a few minds (including mine) with his contention that (a) those people who were protesting him in London weren't actually protesting him, and (b) the crowds that were, were "small" and reports of them were "fake news".

Okay. Here's what I'm wondering.

Do you think he was just lying about that, or do you think that, in his mind, he convinced himself about that, or do you think he was right and London welcomed him with open arms?

I think it's entirely possible that he was being serious. It's what I talk about regularly here - the subconscious mind can be very powerful and trick us into believing the absurd.

Your votes and thoughts, please.

NBC's Richard Engel: Trump's London Fanfare Claim Is 'Delusional,' 'Deeply Disturbing' | HuffPost
Trump creates his own reality and expects people to accept it
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
No, he's one of the least dignified humans on earth. No measured responses to criticism, all he has is knee jerk "she is a nasty poopy head."
In the world according to The Donald, he's the most loved and admired person on earth. Therefore, there cannot be any protests, at least no protests of any size, and the few protesting this very lovable and admirable Donald must be catastrophically defective.

Also, his handlers carefully and prudently shielded him from the truth with which he could not cope, for fear he might ruin the visit in a tantrum and somehow insult Britain, the Queen, Meghan, or whoever else might be unfortunate enough to draw the narcissist's ire.

Yeah, he was telling the truth as best he could. And no, there is nothing new about any of this. It's just The Donald, the very incarnation of the unbreakable determination not to grow up. Again. Just as it was when "crowd size" was all the rage back then.
I think he was being diplomatic.
Do you think his calling local news reports of the protests "fake news" was diplomatic?
I'm sure that NBC is fake news.
They're the ones doing the reporting.
Trump is acting presidential and he's showing the UK that Americans have a warm place in their hearts for them.
Obama wasn't as good of a representative because he very openly hated the UK and made no qualms about stating as much.
Consequently the American press is showing their collective asses right now.
Their horrible conduct is a disgrace to the entire world.
But they're trying to elect scumbag Democrats.....so this is how they think they're going to do it.

I think he was being diplomatic.
Do you think his calling local news reports of the protests "fake news" was diplomatic?
I'm sure that NBC is fake news.
They're the ones doing the reporting.
Trump is acting presidential and he's showing the UK that Americans have a warm place in their hearts for them.
Obama wasn't as good of a representative because he very openly hated the UK and made no qualms about stating as much.
Consequently the American press is showing their collective asses right now.
Their horrible conduct is a disgrace to the entire world.
But they're trying to elect scumbag Democrats.....so this is how they think they're going to do it.

So he was right, then?
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention to all voices, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.

That has been the canned Republican response of the past, and all it has done, is allow those on the Left to control the conversation, to everyone's harm.
He's an insecure man-baby that lies to himself, just aloud, as a comfort blanket from reality as it is.

Howard Stern was correct about Trump. He needs a psychiatrist to address his deeply imbedded Daddy issues, and he'd be a much better man to face those problems head-on then to disturbingly lie about reality all of the time to coddle himself from the truth.

His self-delusion is explicable by his mental condition, but the fact that he has nearly half the Country sold on his clear delusions is gross and reflects some weird need for a Daddy themselves. Some people require a leader, I guess.

Yeah, no one is obligated to give speech like this a listen, and pretending to respect it, is not helpful.
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
No, he's one of the least dignified humans on earth. No measured responses to criticism, all he has is knee jerk "she is a nasty poopy head."

Says the man, who's post, basically was nothing more that, "He is a nasty poopy head".
IMO, if Trump has learned ONE thing from his time as President, is that attacking the media is a good way to build bridges to people.
If the British people are as ill served by THEIR media as we are, and are as aware of it as we are, or even close, then yes, attacking the media, is a good way to be diplomatic with both the UK government and people.
That is one absolutely incredible response. I don't know what to say. Ya got me.

Thanks. I appreciate your input.

You're welcome.

After you get some more responses on the subject, we could discuss what you thought he should have done, and whether that would have been helpful.
Oh, I can tell you now. He could have said something intelligent, dignified and positive, like, "I did see the protests, and I absolutely support the right of those people to do so. It's my responsibility and obligation to pay attention, and I'm thankful that in the West we have the freedom to speak out. I will always support and advocate freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not".

But this is not a man with those skills.
No, he's one of the least dignified humans on earth. No measured responses to criticism, all he has is knee jerk "she is a nasty poopy head."

Says the man, who's post, basically was nothing more that, "He is a nasty poopy head".
It's reality - Trump support is indicative of a clear lowering of standards. He's a literal parody character.

I totally understand supporting the direction of the Country as far as economics and policy, but to be somehow unaware of Trump's disturbed character at this point is just a head up the ass.
Course the British press couldn't contain themselves when Trump made a visit yesterday.
Listen to all of the snitty comments the British press is making at Trump's expense.

Trump is such a difficult leader but the Queen is used to it.
They kept calling the car that Trump was riding in "The Beast" just so they can make fun of it.
This is so terrible how long Trump is making everyone wait.

This is what passes for news coverage these days.

Heres what the hopelessly duped dont get.....

The British press/ media was overwhelmingly positive for Trump.....doy.....they know their audience.:113::113: The analogy is Smollett coverage in Chicago vs. National press coverage of Smollet. Two different realities presented.

By the way....anti-Trump protests only 1/3rd the size for this trip as compared to 2017 :abgg2q.jpg:

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