POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters

CITE: "To mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example"
...as in Hillary cited - referred to - the video as 'proof' it was a protest. I understand now - your inability to comprehend the English language is what is confusing you....
The information exposed in this exchange will sink Hillary and possibly land her in prison.

that is crazy thinking

What is? That at the same time that she had told her daughter and two world leaders that she knew it was an Al Queda terror attack, she came out and totally lied about it being because of a video?

When did she say the attack in Benghazi was a result of the video?

Tell you what, the American people aren't that stupid and know what they saw and heard from Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration in the days following the attack. Keep thinking that they didn't promote the video narrarative.
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THANK YOU, HS for proving my point about Liberals, who are in such denial they are even willing to call Fact Check orgs like Snopes 'liars' when they prove Hillary LIED and blamed a video in public but told her own daughter and the Turkish PM it was a terrorist attack...and even declared last week that she STILLK thinks the attack was due to a non-existent protest. I don't know who is more delusional, Hillary or her supporters!


Point to her attributing the Benghazi attacks to the video in the videos I linked. You morons are reduced to blatant, bald faced lies in order to maintain the narrative.
She does it right here when the coffins come home.

^ she mentions the video there in reference to the other attacks... the video narrative, as you call it, was (and still is) simply a diplomatic talking point mentioned in attempt to quell nonsensical psychotic violence. but way to go undermining your own country for political points, GOP dummies.
THANK YOU, HS for proving my point about Liberals, who are in such denial they are even willing to call Fact Check orgs like Snopes 'liars' when they prove Hillary LIED and blamed a video in public but told her own daughter and the Turkish PM it was a terrorist attack...and even declared last week that she STILLK thinks the attack was due to a non-existent protest. I don't know who is more delusional, Hillary or her supporters!


Point to her attributing the Benghazi attacks to the video in the videos I linked. You morons are reduced to blatant, bald faced lies in order to maintain the narrative.
She does it right here when the coffins come home.

Are you sure she was SecState right then? I mean, do you have proof that she didnt resign before making that statement and then come back afterwards? Maybe that isnt Hillary but a stand in, lip synching. Can you prove it wasnt?
Libs wont admit the obvious. Because they're stupid.
THANK YOU, HS for proving my point about Liberals, who are in such denial they are even willing to call Fact Check orgs like Snopes 'liars' when they prove Hillary LIED and blamed a video in public but told her own daughter and the Turkish PM it was a terrorist attack...and even declared last week that she STILLK thinks the attack was due to a non-existent protest. I don't know who is more delusional, Hillary or her supporters!


Point to her attributing the Benghazi attacks to the video in the videos I linked. You morons are reduced to blatant, bald faced lies in order to maintain the narrative.
She does it right here when the coffins come home.

The bitch even lied to the parents during that same ceremony saying "we're going to get the people who made that video". I bet she and Obama laughed about it later.
I think the only thing the hearings did was showcase her complete incompetence and that of the State Department she ran.

Her State Department had months of warnings about an attack and did absolutely nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Nope. Clinton isn't fit to be POTUS and god help us if she ever gains the White House.

again, if you guys had something to offer other than game show hosts and sad Uncle Toms, you could really talk.

So let me get this straight. Bush ignores A memo that specifically says Bin Laden Determine to hit US with Airplanes. 3000 Americans die. Bush lies about WMD's, sends soldiers into Iraq with faulty armor and inadequate troops, and 5000 of them DIE, this is no big deal to Cons..

But Hillary didn't antcipate a riot, and Gosh darn, we will find a scandal in here somewhere.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
^ she mentions the video there in reference to the other attacks... the video narrative, as you call it, was (and still is) simply a diplomatic talking point mentioned in attempt to quell nonsensical psychotic violence. but way to go undermining your own country for political points, GOP dummies.

Listen carefully, she mentions the video "we had nothing to do with it" then says "senseless violence from mobs towards our embassies in response to the video in Egypt, Libya, Yemen..." Without even mentioning that a preplanned terror attack was the cause. They're clearly lying and trying to cover it up. It's pretty obvious.
She does it right here when the coffins come home.

why don't you type out the actual quote misty, if you can...?

then we can see the truth of what she said that day vs your dishonest representation of it.
THANK YOU, HS for proving my point about Liberals, who are in such denial they are even willing to call Fact Check orgs like Snopes 'liars' when they prove Hillary LIED and blamed a video in public but told her own daughter and the Turkish PM it was a terrorist attack...and even declared last week that she STILLK thinks the attack was due to a non-existent protest. I don't know who is more delusional, Hillary or her supporters!

Where's your link to that snopes article?
Point to her attributing the Benghazi attacks to the video in the videos I linked. You morons are reduced to blatant, bald faced lies in order to maintain the narrative.


F* your video links, HS! SNOPES.com, a fact check site, just burned YOUR and every other Liberal argument - including and most importantly Hillary's, down to the ground. Give it up. It has been proven. Verified. Documented. Recorded. It's OVER! Really, stop - you're embarrassing yourself!

I already told you that the quotes you gave were from the videos I posted moron.
Please show us where she said otherwise.
Please show us where she said the attack in Benghazi was a result of a video.
been done many times uncluding videos.

No. You attributed a quote to Hillary then as
" proof " you posted a video where she doesn't say at all what you quoted. Retarded.
At no time does she ever say that the attack in Benghazi is a result of a video.
Yeah she did. It's well known she blamed the video. If you cant accept a well known truth then there is no argument. You are merely arguing for the sake of it.

It was perfectly reasonable to temporarily speculate that the attacks were incited by the video.
Except she knew within minutes the video had nothing to do with it. That's why she wrote to Chelsea and the Egyptians as she did.
Or did you miss the first 50 times we posted that part?

Even to this day we can't say for sure what the trigger was for the attack. There were reports that a militant group in Libya claimed responsibility within hours, but there were other reports too.
The information exposed in this exchange will sink Hillary and possibly land her in prison.

that is crazy thinking

What is? That at the same time that she had told her daughter and two world leaders that she knew it was an Al Queda terror attack, she came out and totally lied about it being because of a video?

When did she say the attack in Benghazi was a result of the video?

Tell you what, the American people aren't that stupid and know what they saw and heard from Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration in the days following the attack. Keep thinking that they didn't promote the video narrarative.

You are conflating what the WH said with what Hillary said.
and? when she referred to the video she did not BLAME the video for the benghazi attack...

GOOD LORD! She cited the video, she declared that violence over the video was not justification enough for the violence that occurred! You are pulling stuff out of your ass, and I am even embarrassed for you! It's over man! It's spelled out by SNOPES - a fact-check site, who came to the conclusion that HILLARY LIED, that she DID blame the video/a protest!

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."

As I predicted, Libs just won't let go. It would be funny as hell if it wasn't so pathetic....

Some (an unspecified number but certainly not all inclusive) did justify it because of the video. What's your point?
Just curious - I'm not seeing a great deal of excitement from the GOP about their efforts to get Hillary yesterday. What do you think the hearing did to her presidential chances?

The political side of this only.

I think the only thing the hearings did was showcase her complete incompetence and that of the State Department she ran.

Her State Department had months of warnings about an attack and did absolutely nothing. Four good men died because of that nothing.

Nope. Clinton isn't fit to be POTUS and god help us if she ever gains the White House.
Every benghazi investigating committee concluded there was no warning that this attack was going to happen.

Goggle is your friend.

They had months of warnings and the State Department run by Clinton did nothing.

Those same warnings were the reason the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out of LIbya. That's what we should have done.

Our ambassador called for more security which wasn't provided.

Those four good men died because State did nothing. State was run by Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The buck will forever stop at her desk.
You guys were squealing like stuck pigs that the buck stopped with Obama....until he was reelected. Then you far rightwing palookas IMMEDIATELY pivoted to Hillary.

Justice doesn't work that way, however, witch-hunts do.

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Are you saying that the FBI is investigating Hillary without probable cause?

Pretty much. also they've said she iisn't a target, but don't worry, this will blow up on your face, too.
True, she is not the target of the fbi investigation, I read they are investigating whether the current state dept are releasing her emails properly for the FOIA REQUESTS, with redaction on emails that were LATER deemed classified...

And the State dept and fbi are duking out what is classified and what is not. The State dept has final say on classification.

This is why Clinton releasing classified information is a joke. It is her dept which says if it is classified or not.

The big thing we have learnt about these emails is how dysfunctional the classified / non classified works.

Clinton could release the name of every agent in the CIA and she still would have not broken the law. A lot of agents would die but it would not be illegal.
It turns out that CIA and State Dept has been having bun fights for decades...


We had an executive branch which really did release the name of a CIA agent for entirely political reasons and you folks were like "meh".

Now? It's a problem.
Listen carefully, she mentions the video "we had nothing to do with it"

she's letting it be known that the USA had nothing to do with it..the making and spreading of the inflammatory video.

you know, so maybe psychos would stop wanting to kill Americans over it.

btw you fudged the rest of the quote.. but you knew that already. ;)
been done many times uncluding videos.

No. You attributed a quote to Hillary then as
" proof " you posted a video where she doesn't say at all what you quoted. Retarded.
At no time does she ever say that the attack in Benghazi is a result of a video.
Yeah she did. It's well known she blamed the video. If you cant accept a well known truth then there is no argument. You are merely arguing for the sake of it.

It was perfectly reasonable to temporarily speculate that the attacks were incited by the video.
Except she knew within minutes the video had nothing to do with it. That's why she wrote to Chelsea and the Egyptians as she did.
Or did you miss the first 50 times we posted that part?

Even to this day we can't say for sure what the trigger was for the attack. There were reports that a militant group in Libya claimed responsibility within hours, but there were other reports too.
Wrong. The administration knew within minutes it was a planned terrorist attack. This has been established already.
and? when she referred to the video she did not BLAME the video for the benghazi attack...

GOOD LORD! She cited the video, she declared that violence over the video was not justification enough for the violence that occurred! You are pulling stuff out of your ass, and I am even embarrassed for you! It's over man! It's spelled out by SNOPES - a fact-check site, who came to the conclusion that HILLARY LIED, that she DID blame the video/a protest!

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."

As I predicted, Libs just won't let go. It would be funny as hell if it wasn't so pathetic....

Some (an unspecified number but certainly not all inclusive) did justify it because of the video. What's your point?
Who justified it because of a video? No one outside the administration. No one in Libya had even seen the video.

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