POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
When did she say the attack in Benghazi was a result of the video?

Tell you what, the American people aren't that stupid and know what they saw and heard from Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration in the days following the attack. Keep thinking that they didn't promote the video narrarative.

You are conflating what the WH said with what Hillary said.

Not conflating anything. Not my fault you guys are in denial.

Father of Benghazi victim: Hillary is a liar who doesn’t deserve to be president
By Washington Times Staff -
Friday, October 23, 2015

The father of Tyrone S. Woods, a CIA contractor killed during the Benghazi attack, on Friday accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of lying to him and the American people about the circumstances that led to his son’s death.

Charles Woods said new evidence presented at a House hearing Thursday showing Mrs. Clinton knew within hours that the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 was a planned and carried out by al-Qaida linked terrorists proved she lied to the victims’ families when she falsely blamed the incident on a spontaneous protest over a U.S.-made anti-Islam video a few days later.

interview with The Washington Times radio show, The Capitol Hill Show with Tim Constantine, Mr. Woods recalled how Mrs. Clinton greeted and consoled him at Andrew Air Force base as the body of his son was returned from Libya.

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

“Based on her demeanor and body language I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth,” he added.

You absolutely are. If not it should be easy to show her making the same statements as rice.

So you're saying that the father of the Benghazi victim is lying about this:

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

Notice how you guys contort yourselves to defend what's pretty obvious, she lied.

Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?
Tell you what, the American people aren't that stupid and know what they saw and heard from Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration in the days following the attack. Keep thinking that they didn't promote the video narrarative.

You are conflating what the WH said with what Hillary said.

Not conflating anything. Not my fault you guys are in denial.

Father of Benghazi victim: Hillary is a liar who doesn’t deserve to be president
By Washington Times Staff -
Friday, October 23, 2015

The father of Tyrone S. Woods, a CIA contractor killed during the Benghazi attack, on Friday accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of lying to him and the American people about the circumstances that led to his son’s death.

Charles Woods said new evidence presented at a House hearing Thursday showing Mrs. Clinton knew within hours that the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 was a planned and carried out by al-Qaida linked terrorists proved she lied to the victims’ families when she falsely blamed the incident on a spontaneous protest over a U.S.-made anti-Islam video a few days later.

interview with The Washington Times radio show, The Capitol Hill Show with Tim Constantine, Mr. Woods recalled how Mrs. Clinton greeted and consoled him at Andrew Air Force base as the body of his son was returned from Libya.

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

“Based on her demeanor and body language I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth,” he added.

You absolutely are. If not it should be easy to show her making the same statements as rice.

So you're saying that the father of the Benghazi victim is lying about this:

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

Notice how you guys contort yourselves to defend what's pretty obvious, she lied.

Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?
You would have to believe the father made up the story, which agrees with the administration's view, for some reason or other. What reason would he have to invent this story?
Give us the link so we can see your brilliance.

I love how Liberals demand they be given the links already posted again and again and again throughout the thread because they are too damn lazy yo look them up and/or because if they did look for themselves they would actually have to face the TRUTH!

HS, I will NOT give you the links again, but I will tell you the links and posts you are looking for are on page 40 of this thread. If you do not look them up yourself you are pretty much done here with this topic. On page 40 you will find Snopes.com putting this entire thread to bed....that is if Liberals weren't determined to reject all fact and intent on fighting/denying this with their last breaths. :p
Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?

It's bad enough that she lied about the murders to protect her own ass and the ass of Barak Obama. It is bad enough that faced with her own e-mails proving she lied she continues to lie. It is bad enough that she lied straight to the face of a grieving father. It is bad enough Liberals ignore / deny all the insurmountable, undeniable evidence, such as that on Snopes.com...but it pretty much as low as you can go calling that grieving father a liar and claiming he is less believable than Hillary Clinton. :(
Give us the link so we can see your brilliance.

I love how Liberals demand they be given the links already posted again and again and again throughout the thread because they are too damn lazy yo look them up and/or because if they did look for themselves they would actually have to face the TRUTH!

HS, I will NOT give you the links again, but I will tell you the links and posts you are looking for are on page 40 of this thread. If you do not look them up yourself you are pretty much done here with this topic. On page 40 you will find Snopes.com putting this entire thread to bed....that is if Liberals weren't determined to reject all fact and intent on fighting/denying this with their last breaths. :p

That's right cover your ass. I've just spent time searching snopes and can't seem to find what you posted. You say it's the final proof, the smoking gun that ends the debate yet you won't let us see it. Hmm.

Your link goes to factcheck.org and is a timeline not irrefutable proof of Hillary's statements. We need the link for snopes that you said showed that.
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Give us the link so we can see your brilliance.

I love how Liberals demand they be given the links already posted again and again and again throughout the thread because they are too damn lazy yo look them up and/or because if they did look for themselves they would actually have to face the TRUTH!

HS, I will NOT give you the links again, but I will tell you the links and posts you are looking for are on page 40 of this thread. If you do not look them up yourself you are pretty much done here with this topic. On page 40 you will find Snopes.com putting this entire thread to bed....that is if Liberals weren't determined to reject all fact and intent on fighting/denying this with their last breaths. :p
There is no link to snopes.com on page 40.

Why won't you post the link to the story you claim?
That's right cover your ass. I've just spent time searching snopes and can't seem to find what you posted. You say it's the final proof, the smoking gun that ends the debate yet you won't let us see it. Hmm.

Cover MY ass? No, that's what Hillary did and what you delusional Libs are trying to do FOR Hillary.

And I am sorry you are a dumbmass who can't read - that is not MY fault, by the way. As I told HS, take your ass to page 40 of this thread, post #396 to be exact. FactCheck.org to be more specific.


"But, at this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack."


About 10:00 p.m.: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issues a statement confirming that one State official was killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Her statement, which MSNBC posted at 10:32 p.m., made reference to the anti-Muslim video.

-- Clinton: Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.

11:12 p.m - just over an hour later.: Clinton sends an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that reads: “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow.” (The email was discovered in 2015 by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. It is written to “Diane Reynolds,” which was Chelsea Clinton’s alias.)

....and there's much more...enjoy. I also recommend reading from there on to the latest posts, as there are a LOT of LINKS to definitive proof that Obama/Hillary not only knew within minutes the attack was a terrorist attack but they knew about the planning and call for the attack 10 days PRIOR to the attack....and more. All of which, like you have just proven, you haven't bothered to read while spewing all of your B$ OPINIONS....
Even to this day we can't say for sure what the trigger was for the attack. There were reports that a militant group in Libya claimed responsibility within hours, but there were other reports too.
Wrong. The administration knew within minutes it was a planned terrorist attack. This has been established already.

No it hasn't. But what can I expect from someone who's videos do not back up their claims.
No No No. ANd after I post the evidence you claim it doesnt say what it clearly says. And they you go back and say post evidence.
There is no arguing with cretins who cannot accept what is obvious.

The transcripts say otherwise.
What transcripts? Her emails show her telling Chelsea it was a terrorist attack. But she doesnt tell anyone publicly that's the case. And the administration's line was it was caused by a video. Did Hillary diss the administration and contradict them?

The transcripts of her remarks in the videos you posted. Where you claim she blamed the attack in Benghazi on the video, the transcript proves she was referring to the riots that were breaking out across the entire Muslim world. The administration line was that the extremist joined a protest or used a protest that was already in progress for cover when they launched their assault. It turned out not to be true, the assault was their protest.

But the talking points about the attacks did not cause the attacks nor did they get anyone killed
The transcripts of her remarks in the videos you posted.

The only one talking about any video posted is YOU...meanwhile you completely ignore FactCheck.com which drives a stake into the heart of your opinion-based B$. As I said earlier, forgive me if I take the word / evidence of FactCheck.org over YOUR opinion and drivel.
That's right cover your ass. I've just spent time searching snopes and can't seem to find what you posted. You say it's the final proof, the smoking gun that ends the debate yet you won't let us see it. Hmm.

Cover MY ass? No, that's what Hillary did and what you delusional Libs are trying to do FOR Hillary.

And I am sorry you are a dumbmass who can't read - that is not MY fault, by the way. As I told HS, take your ass to page 40 of this thread, post #396 to be exact. FactCheck.org to be more specific.


"But, at this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack."


About 10:00 p.m.: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issues a statement confirming that one State official was killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Her statement, which MSNBC posted at 10:32 p.m., made reference to the anti-Muslim video.

-- Clinton: Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.

11:12 p.m - just over an hour later.: Clinton sends an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that reads: “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow.” (The email was discovered in 2015 by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. It is written to “Diane Reynolds,” which was Chelsea Clinton’s alias.)

....and there's much more...enjoy. I also recommend reading from there on to the latest posts, as there are a LOT of LINKS to definitive proof that Obama/Hillary not only knew within minutes the attack was a terrorist attack but they knew about the planning and call for the attack 10 days PRIOR to the attack....and more. All of which, like you have just proven, you haven't bothered to read while spewing all of your B$ OPINIONS....
Lots of read font does NOT make your argument anymore credible


it actually makes it MORE difficult to read
You are conflating what the WH said with what Hillary said.

Not conflating anything. Not my fault you guys are in denial.

Father of Benghazi victim: Hillary is a liar who doesn’t deserve to be president
By Washington Times Staff -
Friday, October 23, 2015

The father of Tyrone S. Woods, a CIA contractor killed during the Benghazi attack, on Friday accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of lying to him and the American people about the circumstances that led to his son’s death.

Charles Woods said new evidence presented at a House hearing Thursday showing Mrs. Clinton knew within hours that the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 was a planned and carried out by al-Qaida linked terrorists proved she lied to the victims’ families when she falsely blamed the incident on a spontaneous protest over a U.S.-made anti-Islam video a few days later.

interview with The Washington Times radio show, The Capitol Hill Show with Tim Constantine, Mr. Woods recalled how Mrs. Clinton greeted and consoled him at Andrew Air Force base as the body of his son was returned from Libya.

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

“Based on her demeanor and body language I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth,” he added.

You absolutely are. If not it should be easy to show her making the same statements as rice.

So you're saying that the father of the Benghazi victim is lying about this:

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

Notice how you guys contort yourselves to defend what's pretty obvious, she lied.

Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?
You would have to believe the father made up the story, which agrees with the administration's view, for some reason or other. What reason would he have to invent this story?

Not necessarily. I just find in hard to believe that is all she said to the grieving father after the two embraced. What was her recollection of the conversation? Or does that even matter?
Wrong. The administration knew within minutes it was a planned terrorist attack. This has been established already.

No it hasn't. But what can I expect from someone who's videos do not back up their claims.
No No No. ANd after I post the evidence you claim it doesnt say what it clearly says. And they you go back and say post evidence.
There is no arguing with cretins who cannot accept what is obvious.

The transcripts say otherwise.
What transcripts? Her emails show her telling Chelsea it was a terrorist attack. But she doesnt tell anyone publicly that's the case. And the administration's line was it was caused by a video. Did Hillary diss the administration and contradict them?

The transcripts of her remarks in the videos you posted. Where you claim she blamed the attack in Benghazi on the video, the transcript proves she was referring to the riots that were breaking out across the entire Muslim world. The administration line was that the extremist joined a protest or used a protest that was already in progress for cover when they launched their assault. It turned out not to be true, the assault was their protest.

But the talking points about the attacks did not cause the attacks nor did they get anyone killed
She did not distinguish the Benghazi attack from the others even though she knew the Benghazi attack was a planned terrorist attack. This was consistent with the adminsitration line for weeks that the Benghazi attack was due to a video.
Not conflating anything. Not my fault you guys are in denial.

Father of Benghazi victim: Hillary is a liar who doesn’t deserve to be president
By Washington Times Staff -
Friday, October 23, 2015

The father of Tyrone S. Woods, a CIA contractor killed during the Benghazi attack, on Friday accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of lying to him and the American people about the circumstances that led to his son’s death.

Charles Woods said new evidence presented at a House hearing Thursday showing Mrs. Clinton knew within hours that the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 was a planned and carried out by al-Qaida linked terrorists proved she lied to the victims’ families when she falsely blamed the incident on a spontaneous protest over a U.S.-made anti-Islam video a few days later.

interview with The Washington Times radio show, The Capitol Hill Show with Tim Constantine, Mr. Woods recalled how Mrs. Clinton greeted and consoled him at Andrew Air Force base as the body of his son was returned from Libya.

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

“Based on her demeanor and body language I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth,” he added.

You absolutely are. If not it should be easy to show her making the same statements as rice.

So you're saying that the father of the Benghazi victim is lying about this:

“I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand. And she said ‘we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who is responsible for the death of your son,’” Mr. Woods said.

Notice how you guys contort yourselves to defend what's pretty obvious, she lied.

Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?
You would have to believe the father made up the story, which agrees with the administration's view, for some reason or other. What reason would he have to invent this story?

Not necessarily. I just find in hard to believe that is all she said to the grieving father after the two embraced. What was her recollection of the conversation? Or does that even matter?
So what if she said more? She said that. No one disputes it.
But the talking points about the attacks did not cause the attacks nor did they get anyone killed

No, what got 4 Americans killed was Hillary's failure to do her job, the failure of HER State Department to heed the warnings they received, HER State Department not only NOT giving Stevens the additional security he pleaded for but their REDUCING the number of his security detail AFTER all the warnings, & AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks earlier. What got him killed was them refusing to give him protective gear and his having to borrow from the Brits who were bugging out. What got him killed was the State Dept / Hillary / Obama leaving him in Benghazi when EVERY other country with people there had pulled their people out because they knew what was coming.

Their lies and B$ narrative is not what got the 4 killed but was instead the pathetic lie they told to cover their own ass.
Lots of read font does NOT make your argument anymore credible


it actually makes it MORE difficult to read

No, but since you Libs have proven you can't SEE, READ, or COMPREHEND any of the FACTS presented by FACTCHECK.ORG I though I would help you out by HIGHLIGHTING them for you...not that doing so will make any difference to those who are intentionally blind to the facts.
Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?

It's bad enough that she lied about the murders to protect her own ass and the ass of Barak Obama. It is bad enough that faced with her own e-mails proving she lied she continues to lie. It is bad enough that she lied straight to the face of a grieving father. It is bad enough Liberals ignore / deny all the insurmountable, undeniable evidence, such as that on Snopes.com...but it pretty much as low as you can go calling that grieving father a liar and claiming he is less believable than Hillary Clinton. :(

Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.
the CIA kept an attack by the video dissenters as a cause until sept 22nd, did the admin give the video as the main cause after the CIA removed such from their analysis on sept 22?
Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?

It's bad enough that she lied about the murders to protect her own ass and the ass of Barak Obama. It is bad enough that faced with her own e-mails proving she lied she continues to lie. It is bad enough that she lied straight to the face of a grieving father. It is bad enough Liberals ignore / deny all the insurmountable, undeniable evidence, such as that on Snopes.com...but it pretty much as low as you can go calling that grieving father a liar and claiming he is less believable than Hillary Clinton. :(

Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.
Been quoted over andd over. She echoed the administration's line, which we know was a lie.

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